Queens, NY +Major Gas Line Ruptured+
Queens, NY +Major Gas Line Ruptured+ A 2nd Alarm and a level 1 mobilization has been transmitted at 45th Ave. and 169th St. for a high pressured gas main break outside two school, businesses and surrounding neighborhood homes to be evacuated, 168th St. and 169th St to be shut down between 43rd Ave's & 46th Ave's. Gas leaking throughout the neighborhood from the ruptured 4 inch gas line, Con-Ed is on the scene but cannot shut down the main. All news helicopters to be removed.
U/D: 11:28
Schools PS 107 and PS 22 to be evacuated on to City buses, and they are stretching precautionary lines.
U/D: 11:31
Con-Ed has now shut down the gas main.
U/D: 11:28
Schools PS 107 and PS 22 to be evacuated on to City buses, and they are stretching precautionary lines.
U/D: 11:31
Con-Ed has now shut down the gas main.
At 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
which scanner frequencies do you use to get this info?
At 12:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
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