NYC Snapple Promotion Gone Bad
Snapple wanted to break some record today by having the largest popsicle ever, and decided that Union Square and 17th Street in Manhattan would be the right place to have this giant popsicle displayed. Except the popsicle melted in the heat of the sun, with juice going everywhere there was Snapple juice all over the street causing, from walkers and bikers falling to the police and FD to be called in to handle the situation and wash the street and close down traffic, its sticky all over the street
At 12:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
click here to read the NY Times article on this story
At 12:14 PM,
Thanks Anonymous:
At 4:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
With attempting to cover up the slip-up with this bizarre news release that you linked under the Snapple
name cheerfully claiming the event was nothing but 'a great time.'" Yes, a great time for the FDNY and NYPD (who had to clean up and direct people respectively), the bikers who fell and slipped, and the people whose shoes were ruined! And a great time for us to marvel at how stupid some ideas are.
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