South Fallsburg +Very Serious MVA+
South Fallsburg +Serious MVA+ On Route 42 and Thompsonville Road at the blinking light an MVA head-on collision with 2 victims heavily pinned and unconscious, Hatzolah BLS on scene requesting ALS and also Medivac to launch.
U/D: 21:16
Total of five aided and one confirmed DOA A.I. Team in route
U/D: 21:42
Father a Bal Simcha tonight with 6 other family members involved.
Ambulance with the children on the way to the hospital broke down, Hatzolah requesting another bus with a rush.
U/D: 21:16
Total of five aided and one confirmed DOA A.I. Team in route
U/D: 21:42
Father a Bal Simcha tonight with 6 other family members involved.
Ambulance with the children on the way to the hospital broke down, Hatzolah requesting another bus with a rush.
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oy vei. hatzoloh got their way!
The comments were removed!
Shame shame shame
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
3 Hatzolah buses+ 6 paramedics+ 2 choppers
9:21 PM
Anonymous said...
anyone know any info on the condition of the wife? She was airlifted to westchester.
10:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Pesach Goldberg is the name. He is a reebe and madrich in Camp Shalvah. He is a son of reb Shlomeleh Goldberg from Montreal.
He was making a bar mitzvah tonight and they were just minutes out of Camp Shalva by the blinker on the 42.
He was DOA and his wife is in critical airlifted to Westchester. The 5 children are in Harris with minor injuries.
10:16 PM
Anonymous said...
teshuva vtzedokah mavirein hagzeroh
10:20 PM
BP1 said...
I belive he was also a gabbai tzeduka for Reb Meir bal Haness.
10:28 PM
Just Me said...
She is daughter of Reb Yoinesen Weiss Hakohen of Pupa Williamsburg.
Hop Messenger Service, and also a Steel Shelving co.
10:28 PM
Anonymous said...
where & when was the bar mitzva supposed to be?
10:46 PM
Anonymous said...
was there a second vehicle involved?
10:47 PM
Anonymous said...
the bar mitzvah was supposed to be tonight at the hotel chalet
10:47 PM
Anonymous said...
anybody know anything about the wife???
10:48 PM
Anonymous said...
yes he is from mair ball hanes and his wife and the bar mitzva boy were taking by chopper to westchter burh den yuemas we never know what going to be in our next 5 min
10:50 PM
Anonymous said...
the boy is in harris hospital, only the wife was airlifted.
10:53 PM
Anonymous said...
anybody know the name of the wife Mrs. Goldberg?
10:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Please be mispallel for Chaya Tobeh bas Sarah Rifka. she is currently undergoing a cat-scan in Westchecter.
One of the kids has a broken foot.
11:02 PM
y said...
her maiden name is Weiss from Pupa Williamsburg
11:02 PM
y said...
her name is Chaya Tobeh bas Sarah Rifka
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
does anybody have info when and where is the Levaia
12:09 AM
Anonymous said...
anybody know how the accident happend?
12:10 AM
Berel G. said...
They don't know yet when the levayeh will be. It depends when the ME will come to Harris.
There might first be a levayeh in shalva and then in BP.
The other car sverved into his lane to avoid a biker on the side of the road.
One bucher is being transferred to Westchester with a broken tip of the hip.
The mother could use some teffilos. Chaya Tobe bas Sureh Rifkeh
12:16 AM
Anonymous said...
just spoke to a family member, the mother is very critical, but doctors are very hopeful that she will makeit AY"H, the bar mitzvah boy is okay, another older bocher is being tranferd now for palvic surgery,
12:19 AM
Anonymous said...
the le-vayeh is not gonna be be4 2pm
12:20 AM
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