Window Tint Lands man, In Court
Jack Rosenzveig was driving his 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited when he exited the Cross Island Parkway onto Northern Boulevard. He was pulled over by a motorcycle cop who explained to the him that the driver and front passenger windows were too dark. the officer used a gauge to measure the tint before presenting him with a ticket.
According to the New York Tint Law enacted in 1991, front- and back-side windows must allow more than 70 percent of light in, which DMV spokesman said "in reality is almost clear." There are no regulations for rear windows, excessively tinted windows could face a fine of up to $150.
According to the New York Tint Law enacted in 1991, front- and back-side windows must allow more than 70 percent of light in, which DMV spokesman said "in reality is almost clear." There are no regulations for rear windows, excessively tinted windows could face a fine of up to $150.
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
150.00 for evrey window
At 5:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
$150- per window when you get pulled over by Patrick Mascarini.
(By the way, Mascarini is no longer in the 66 precinct, since the end of July).
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to this Blog, we showed all the comment from here for the new precinct commander
At 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simcha Barnet, please explain yourself. Which topic did you show to the new commander?
At 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
B"H he's gone form the neighborhood.
Just remember to drive with your seatbelts on.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Probably brought the car from some BS in KJ!
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
dont worry simcha barnet has another ... to replace patrick mascrini as long he will not go with cuffs. who is better lets make a vote
____ simcha
____ mascarini
At 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know who worked on Mascarini to leave the 66, but he is now stationed in Brooklyn South working out of Prospect Park and Parkside just by the Circle.
he stated to a friend, "I will get these guys at Ocean parkway and Church or on Coney Island Ave.
so where did you send him, nowhere.
he is around and told all his new friends at BS to get these guys because they did him in.
and just 1 point that should be raised and if you want to comment, then just do it on the issue.
all these laz-ions from BF, SB, YM, SH, YF-if there is an issue with a cop and a Jew, they will always stick with the cop and blame the jew-because they have this PD card in the window and they don't want to jepordize it.
its not fiction, its facts for the last 20 years.
also, why is it that all these people park by hydrants next to Shuls or they park on the sidewalk, WHY?.
double park if need be, if you help the community you deserve extra points, but to put lives in danger.
please, please, stick to the issue and don't try to insult people by names.
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
The gedolim say we must abide by the laws of the land. There are reasons for not having tinted windows. Follow the laws and don't make chilul Hashem.
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
"We must abide by the laws of the land".
You're right, but now when there's an idiot like Mascarini writing 15 tickets per hour. A person can forget from time to time to put on the seatbelts before he pulls out of a parking... And also, if someone has tinted windows, why does this Mascarini issue TWO tickets (for two windows)? Onw is not enough?
At 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
"But he is now stationed in Brooklyn South"
No he's not in Brooklyn South. He's in the NYPD Task Force.
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ah, Patty "pickle" Mascarini
what an anti-semite
I've seen many cops doing thier job
but never have I seen anybody like this
I used to watch him going down 16th ave stopping innocent drivers and citing them with the craziest violations ever.
One guy was stopped in front of Lakewood Minyan for carrying boxes in his SUV (using a privae vehichle for commercial purposes...)
An old frail man in a shabby Buick was stopped accross from the Hatzoloh garage for numerous equipment violations. (broken tail light etc.)
Futher down near Karlin stolin he stopped somebody for turning out of a parking space without signaling...
Yes I know these are all "illegal" stuff, but come on - is this really what the police are out there for?
Good riddance to you Patty the Jew hater (just hope your Mute female partner gets the boot too - for witnessing all this abuse and not saying a thing)
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