Woodridge +Serious Accident+
Woodridge +Serious Accident+ Car backed up on pedestrian at Glenwild Road in front of the Zuker Hotel near Rt 17 exit 109, child has serious injuries, Hatzolah on the scene requesting ALS with a rush, Life Guard-18 L/Z at Kreiger Park, to Weschester Medical
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
is the child ok i hope f60 was there is the best medic in the C
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
F60 was the Medic
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
i heard q9 was there lol.
neways dos anybody have any info oon the child please advise
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
This hatzolah talk is not appropriate.
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
i honestly dont think a car backed up intentionally to hurt the pedestrians ,but G-d may have another account...
At 12:18 PM,
A yid said…
What difference does it make who was there? It's just gossip now. Why does this have to be posted where everybody inthe world can read it?
At 2:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
actually it was a car that backed up on it's owner. the owner by mistake put the car in neutral instead of park and went to get something out of the trunk.
She will B"H be ok
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