Palisades Parkway +Traffic Alert+
Palisades Parkway +Traffic Alert+ An overturned vehicle on the southbound Palisades Interstate Parkway next to exit 10, auto overturned on to the median, aided is unconscious in cardiac arrest and pinned. NY State Police requesting EMS to the scene.
All southbound lanes are closed.
U/D: 16:44
Aided being transported via police escort to Nyack Hospital.
U/D: 09/08/05
She was pronounced dead
All southbound lanes are closed.
U/D: 16:44
Aided being transported via police escort to Nyack Hospital.
U/D: 09/08/05
She was pronounced dead
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Since you know its going to be asked anyway, let me be the first.
Were they yidden? Heimishe? Any updates? I need updates ASAP!
At 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
no yidden involved.
At 6:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hocker; Are you a heimishe or a a yid???
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
her name was Sarah Sidel from New heampstead.
sounds very Jewish.
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