Jersey City +JCPD ESU Truck Off Bridge+

Jersey City +JCPD ESU Truck Off Bridge+ NYPD ESU Truck-8 and Truck-1 are enroute to Jersey City due to reports of a JCPD RMP going off the Hanckensack Bridge into the Hanckensack river in about 44FT of water and has not been seen since, Dive teams from NYPD Harbor and from other towns are responding, also off-duty dive teams to respond.
U/D: 21:20
2, JCPD Officers are missing. JCFD DEPT1A requested FDNY Dive Teams to respond.
U/D: 21:47
FDNY R-1, TAC-1 and MAR-6 on the scene requesting heavy equipment from Army Corps Of Engineers.
U/D: 22:12
The RMP has been located with the two officers inside in unknown condition, one of them is being removed right now from the water to UMDNJ.
U/D: 22:31
The 2nd officer might also been located ATT in unknown condition.
U/D: 12/26/05 07:59
The 1st officer has died, the other officer is still missing.
At 6:18 PM,
sorry, but they are still searching, and will resume the search tomorrow morning.
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