Are Antennas Celling Out Our Safety?
Crown Heights - A new trend has sprouted on rooftops across the area that is making landlords rich - but may also be making people sick.
Cellular antennas and related equipment have flooded the cityscape, as cell phone companies scramble to keep up with the constant surge in mobile phone use.
The federal government and company officials insist the technology is safe and that any radiation emitted is far below the accepted exposure levels.
But a growing chorus of community groups and elected officials across the city - and the country - charge the long-term health effects even at low levels are unknown, and are pushing for more regulation.
Advocates point to one Brooklyn apartment building on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights as an extreme example - with at least 27 antennas from three companies.
Panicked residents, most of them Orthodox Jews, charge that since the bulk of the antennas arrived, they suffer from headaches, dizziness, lethargy and other ailments.
"It's scary," said one resident, who asked not to be named for fear of retaliation. "It seems like everyone has something." Ground Zero may be the Eastern Parkway building.
"Twenty-seven cell towers is too much for any one building," said City Councilwoman Letitia James.
some Eastern Parkway residents said they plan to move.
"Even if there's only a small percent chance that it's dangerous, how can you make money at the expense of other people?" asked another resident.
Cellular antennas and related equipment have flooded the cityscape, as cell phone companies scramble to keep up with the constant surge in mobile phone use.
The federal government and company officials insist the technology is safe and that any radiation emitted is far below the accepted exposure levels.
But a growing chorus of community groups and elected officials across the city - and the country - charge the long-term health effects even at low levels are unknown, and are pushing for more regulation.
Advocates point to one Brooklyn apartment building on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights as an extreme example - with at least 27 antennas from three companies.
Panicked residents, most of them Orthodox Jews, charge that since the bulk of the antennas arrived, they suffer from headaches, dizziness, lethargy and other ailments.
"It's scary," said one resident, who asked not to be named for fear of retaliation. "It seems like everyone has something." Ground Zero may be the Eastern Parkway building.
"Twenty-seven cell towers is too much for any one building," said City Councilwoman Letitia James.
some Eastern Parkway residents said they plan to move.
"Even if there's only a small percent chance that it's dangerous, how can you make money at the expense of other people?" asked another resident.
At 9:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was always bothered by this same problem of all those cell antennas on top of all the buildings.
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