Kiryas Yoel - Family Dispute Involves 7 Kids
Kiryas Joel, Monroe - State Troopers arrived at an apartment building on Lizensk Boulevard Thursday night for what appeared to be a domestic dispute between Youssef and Sanaa Alnahari that had somehow aroused a lot of attention.
They arrested three men who allegedly forced their way into the Alnahari apartment to berate the 27-year-old mother, Sanaa, and two women who have been helping her.
Felony burglary charges were filed against Israel Grunhut, 27; Issac Weinstock, 29; and Israel Rolnitsky, 44. The three Kiryas Joel men were briefly held in the Orange County Jail in Goshen until each posted $25,000 cash bail.
Barbara Strauss, a Goshen lawyer representing the 29-year-old husband, Youssef, in his pending custody battle with his wife said, "It would be nice if everyone got out of Mr. and Mrs. Alnaharis' business. It's just a sad situation."
What keeps drawing crowds to the Alnaharis' basement apartment, is the presence of two women determined to help the wife: Yocheved Mauda, a Yeminite immigrant who lived in Kiryas Joel for 17 years; and Rina Birnbaum, an Israeli immigrant who lives in New City.
They have shuttled her to the state police barracks to file complaints against her husband and also to Family Court, where they helped her petition for custody.
The husband, meanwhile, has told police and the court that his wife suffered post-partum depression and threatened suicide before she was committed to a New York City hospital last year.
In Kiryas Joel, residents familiar with the situation believe Mauda and Birnbaum are trying to spirit Sanaa Alnahari and her children off to Israel. Satmar members regard Israel as an abomination and a secular society.
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
ווער איז די מרשעת בירנבוים
איך ווייס פון מעודא
וואס זאגט יצחק חיים פריינד דערצו?
בערל הערשקאוויטש?
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
אינצווישן איז ר' משה לייב וויטריאל אריין אין בילד, און ער האט איבערצייגט די פאליציי צו נעמען א "אינטערפרעטאר", ד.ה. א פאליציאנט וואס קען אידיש, וועלכער האט גערעדט צו די פרוי נהרי, און זיך איבערצייגט אז זי האט נישט קיין אנונג וואס דא גייט פאר, און אז זי וויל פשוט צוריק האבן איר מאן, וועמען די קר"י עסקנים האבן צוגעכאפט פון איר...
היינט איז ר' יוסף אראפ אין פאליציי סטאנציע מיט א לויער, וואו מ'האט אים ארויסגעלאזט פריי אן קיין בעיל. און מ'האפט אז אלעס וועט אי"ה ערלעדיגט ווערן על צד היותר טוב.
יעצט קומט פאר א קבלת פנים פאר ר' יוסף, וועלכער קען שוין ענדליך געהעריג אהיימקומען צו זיין אייגענע היים.
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rina Birnbaum works for JAFI; she is a secular woman targeting frum vulnerable Yemenite families. Rina Birnbaum would do whatever it takes to accomplish her mission. She has been engaged in an arson fire against an other Yemenite family (Moshe Chala) in Kiryas Joel. Now she is breaking up the Al-Nahari family to achieve her desired goal.
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