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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Lakewood - Officials, Residents Seek Solution To A Traffic Hazard

Lakewood, NJ - Mary's Lane is a strip of blacktop between Princeton and Park avenues that juts out of Fourth Street just east of the Lakewood Community Center, and that road is a problem.
The road - actually, it's a paved right of way - is sandwiched between the railroad tracks and a series of street ends. The popular pathway is home to Foodex Supermarket, which draws a steady stream of cars on Friday as Orthodox Jewish residents prepare for Shabbos. Plus, the road makes a quick bypass of Princeton Avenue from Fourth to Seventh streets - unless you take that first turn too fast.
Drivers turning right from Fourth Street onto Mary's Lane have smacked into the railroad tracks - or, worse, climbed them only to get stuck like an inert caboose - in seemingly increasing numbers, said Township Committeeman Menashe Miller.
The problem is particularly bad at night, when drivers can't see where the blacktop ends and the tracks begin.
"It's a terrible situation," said Joseph Newhouse, a member of Chaveirim Volunteer Services, an AAA-like organization in Lakewood that responds to many of the accidents in which cars get stuck and damaged. "There are weeks we've done five or six a week.".

Mayor Meir Lichtenstein has pushed to sue the property owner, whomever that may be, but Committeeman Robert W. Singer suggested first have a meeting and he said that he will schedule that meeting as soon as possible.


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