Iran - Neturei Karta Rabbis in Tehran

Tehran, Iran - In an interview aired on Iranian TV, Neturei Karta spokesman Rabbi Dovid Weiss said, "We are forbidden to have a state, and these people (Zionists) were going against God. That is why Mr. Livingstone (Mayor of London) condemned this, He was right, He is not anti-Semitic. We supported him. When Sheik Al-Qaradhawi came to England, We said to him: "You did good."
And just Israel uses the Holocaust to promote their cause, We, the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust, do not use the Holocaust as a tool for promoting our cause.
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
its very hard for me to understand why rabbis dont come out against this group
they are clearly siding with the worst terorists
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
The rabbis are to busy with there own court battles.
At 3:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Because Judaism celebrates diversity. They are as entitled to air their views as Agudas Yisroel and at least they don't claim to represent all of us.
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
why should the rabbis bother? they're fringe elements that nobody is going to learn from & they will not listen to other rabbis anyway.
At 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ver Geharget Netiray Karta
At 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
You call these people losers??? I don’t think so.
They are losers just like “yakov ovini” was when he kissed and praised and gave presents to “esov” who not only wonted to kill his brothers - as in this case - but wonted to kill yokov himself.
And they are losers just like “rabbi yochunon” was when he went out to the enemy that encircled Jerusalem which wore just as bad - if not worse - as “chamas” and called the general “king” and said as much nice things about him as he could, in order to minimize the hatred, eagerness and readiness to kill Jews.
and in his time their wore also so could “Jew lovers” who thought like you people think that flattering the enemy in a case that the enemy is after nothing less than your life is terseness, remember the “baryonim” ????????????
So these “losers” are today’s “yakov ovini” and “rabbi yochunon” and the naysayer are the equivalent of the “baryonim”
So what do you think ?????? I chose the first.
At 9:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
nice purim pshetel...
dosent this give the iranians more reason to g-d forbid kill more jews in israel?
by the actions that theese so called rabbis take, they sure have jewish blood on their hands
and by the way no one in jewish history made "deals" with "amalek"
At 12:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I dont call these people jews at all in fact i think they are goyim dressed like fanatic jews tring to make a big chilul hashem .
beacuse i cant imagin any jew that loves hashem and am yisrael would go and hug and kiss the enemy the same enemy that wants to see all the jews erased from the face of the earth.
It is so disscusting to see this.
they should be stoned.
our rabbonim should go againts these so called chassidic jews .
all the mitzvot that they think they are doing is nothing, i concider them rashaim. I am sure that if hitler were alive today they would go and kiss and hug him too. they kissed arafat tuches didnt they!!!!!
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