Monsey, NY - Trial Begins On Rabbi's Claim Of Tax Exemption
Monsey, NY - Testimony began at a trial in which Ramapo wants to prove that a Monsey man was more of a landlord than a rabbi.
The nonjury trial in state Supreme Court in White Plans is over the religious tax exemption claimed by Congregation Sherith Yisroel Vilednik, and subsequently denied by Ramapo, for a house purportedly occupied by Rabbi Herman Oberlander and two men he described as associate rabbis married to his granddaughters.
Ramapo charges that Oberlander collected rents at 4 Roman Blvd. and that the building was undeserving of a tax break for religious reasons.
During his testimony before a Supreme Court Justice, Oberlander said the rents maintained the building. He said he lived there, as did Rabbis Abraham Fuchs and Shai Leib Tauber, who lectured his congregation.
He said he couldn't recall the names of his granddaughters living in the house. After all, he said, he had about 100 grandchildren.
Deputy Town Attorney Michael Specht, asked Oberlander about an apartment at 168 Hooper Street, in Brooklyn, NY which Oberlander called an office where he lived years ago, also did Oberlander say that he has a condo in Miami, Flarida.
Specht quizzed Oberlander about multiple real estate corporations. "How many corporations are you affiliated with?" Specht asked. "More than you can count?". Oberlander either responded that he couldn't recall, or was not involved with them.
He said he was one of 20 partners in a 30-unit Brooklyn apartment house.
"Do you live in any of the apartments?" Specht asked.
"What do you call live?" Oberlander answered.
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is Mechel Oberlander from Williamsburg. I didn't know he is a Rabbi in Monsey. :)
At 1:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Everyone knows az snisht geshtogen and nisht gefloigen. How does he have the chutzpa to claim something like that?
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is Mechel from Pupa vilamsburg?
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
To David: yes, it's him.
At 10:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mechel Oberlander is the biggest crook around. Everyone knows it. It's only a matter of time before they catch all of his other shticklach. Hashem Yerachem.
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
One of his biggest rich sources is the pupa gemach. Did anyone stop to think what happens with the money dead people leave in there. Do you tink for one minute that he tells anyone about it?
That's besides the money vos ar vasht durech durten.
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
stupid idiot
At 1:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
to me he has allways been very nice
At 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Someone who faught in court for years with all of his brothers, nephews and hundreds of other heimishe yidden is not a nice man in my book.
At 2:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
מען רעדט דא פון א איד וואס איז ווערט הונדערטער מיליאנען בלי גוזמא, און ער גייט אין קאורט
וועגן די טעקסעס
נעבעך נעבעך
At 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
"The house, assessed at $73,800, would be subject to taxes of about $11,000 without the 100 percent exemption."
So does it pay for this alte kaker multi-millionair to lye and claim that he and his grandchildren are Rabbis and that he doesn't live at 168 Hooper Street when I see him there every day and make such a big chilil hashem? i guess so.
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Zeit nisht meshiga. Men darf achtug geben vus men shreibt du, VD"L.
A heimishe yid hut a mishphut r"l. Men ken nisht visen ver es ken alts leinen du.
Ich gei nisht arein du tzi er iz gerecht. Fact is az r' mechel is zeir viech letzents, er lerent a ganzen tug misnayes.
Far etz schreibtz du ebeps, tracht git arein! Efster is dus in kelal fin hamoser mumen yisroel....
Nein! Ich ti nisht zugen az men meg ganvenen! Men meg nisht falshen mit meches ikedoma, uber etz veist nisht ale fakten, vehastike yufe!
At 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
To above Anonymous,
"Efster is dus in kelal fin hamoser mumen yisroel...."
You're making me laugh. Einer vos iz gevein a gantze laben in court mit andere yiden. Einer vos hut gemasert zeine eigene brieder and plimeniks is a ganev and a muser tzi-zamen. Es intereseirt meer gantz veinig oib hut er zich genimen lernen mishnais letstens. Farshtanen???
At 2:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
I live in Monsey, and I think what Mechel Oberlander is doing is outrageous. This makes it hard for real syangogouges and its Rabbis to get an exemption when they truly deserve it. Mechel is not someone who needs the tax break. There are a lot of yidden who don't have what to eat and have to pay heavy taxes. Now he comes and says that he doesn't have to pay. Why? In addition, the town has a budget, if they don't meet the budget they take more from other people who are mostly jewish. In other words Mechel is stealing from fellow jewish brothers. Now I don't think anyone should go masser on him. But if the town caught him, why should I shed a tear on it? In addition now that the town has to fight him, we pay the legal fees too, which is an additional geneiva. Oops, er lerent mishnayos... So, therefore what?
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