Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - Arthur Schick Has History Of Explosive Temper

Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - Employees who worked with kosher caterer Arthur Schick in a Manhattan Hotel, weren't surprised to hear Police Commissioner Ray Kelly claim he incited a riot in Borough Park on Tuesday night.
He's one grumpy old man, they said yesterday. "He was loud, he tried to intimidate people, he got pushy, and he would touch people," a worker at the Hilton New York said, recalling his close encounters with Schick years ago. "He would physically grab people and try and get them to clear off tables. The waiters asked the hotel security to remove him, and the hotel had to call the police. He was banned since then to cater any party."
A second hotel employee said that there was "no disguising" the 75-year-old Schick's explosive temper. When Schick was pulled over by cops in Brooklyn Tuesday for driving while talking on his cell phone - a traffic violation - he loudly complained of police mistreatment, and hundreds of Hasidic Jews went on a four-hour rampage, roughing up cops, damaging police vehicles and setting dozens of bonfires.
Schick's son, Michael, also a caterer, denied that his father has been banned by the Hilton for bad behavior. "It's not true," Michael Schick said. "The truth is it's before the holidays and I'm swamped."
At 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
how about his other son.
Mr David Schick who is currently sitting in a federal prison for an eight year exciting vacation (Otisvill, NY) for stealing over $100 MILLION!
I'm sure he's proud of his son!
At 1:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
The issue at hand is NOT whether shick is explosive person , deaf person in one ear , fair in buisiness practices etc. The issue is why did the heimishe crowd feel that it was ok to Riot.
That is not an acceptable practice. I thought we are the chosen nation here. Im embarresed to see what the frum people did here and it was a major chillul hashem , and not a single rov or rebbe got up to condone it.
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
In the past few months disgusting things have been said by those on 45th steet against those on 48th street and vice versa. people accuse each other of being a moser and display sinas chinam... i cant imagine what goes on in their house. its no wonder we see how their kids react-they learn how to behave from their parents. our rabbis are only interested in looking good being in power and banning things, not standing up for whats right.
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
And this this the "NICE" bobov, not the wild Satmar!
At 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are right its not acceptable to riot. As jews living in golus we should bury our heads in the sand and allow the police and gov't to abuse us. They should continue to illegally ticket people, harrass people, threaten people, and do nothing to serve the community. They should continue to curse us, call us names, and maybe even just shoot at us randomly.
Anyone who thinks so, should be embarrased of themselves. This was not a riot!!!
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Where the hell were the rabbonim while this crap was going on.Don't you think the BOBOVER REBBE should have put on his bekishe and gone unto 16th avenue to tell his yungerman to knock it iff and go home.
At 1:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
what do U want from bobover rabbi he iz not the caretaker of B.P.
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma: according to this picture on top of your post, you were not right with an earlier post stating that non Jews sparked the riots, as you could see on that picture that you posted there, it was already dark when the non Jew started his fire, and here you see Orthodox Jews make fires when it is still daylight outside.
Therefor I think you should take down that post.
At 2:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Some Rabbonim have condemned the Chillul Hashem during their Shabbos Hagadol speech.
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I cant believe anyone can in anyway justify the disgracful acts of many in BP. It makes no difference what happened between the man and the police, that is not the way decent people act. Anyone with self respect does not act that way under any circumstance. Besides the major chilul Hashem it caused. Where have we come?????
At 3:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
why do we jews have do do all the bashing.
At 11:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
If we don't show that we stand up for each other and will not stand for police abuses, the abuses will continue and get worse.
The violent anti-semitisim on police blogs is scary. It's only the knowledge that we stand up for each other that keeps the police from totally abusing us on a daily basis.
Even some anti-semetic cops added at the end of their anti-semetic comments that if only the cops would stand up for each other like the Jews do, they'd be in good shape.
Chillul Hashem? Would you call the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising a Chillul Hashem?
At 1:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
To the one who said this is not wild satmar .I think bobov is worse then satmar bobover people of 48 have a passion against 45 they won't go to their simchas or when the bobov 45 rebbe will walk in to a simche the 48 guys will run out I've been by many satmar weddings and I've seen aron walking in to a simche and the zalman leib people would dance along since they understand why there here at the simcha but in bobov if one rebbe walks in the otherside will try to ruin the simcha now u tell me do u think bobov I better then satmar
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
sounds like someone has an ax to grind. what does this whole mess have to do with bobov? did arthur shick become a bobover all of a sudden?
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