New Square, NY - Firefighters To Be Escorted By Police
New Square, NY - Now Its routine in the Hillcrest (Moleston) Fire District: Any time a call is placed for New Square, Ramapo police must accompany the volunteers as escort. They should no longer be subject to harassment for doing their unpaid jobs.
At 7:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma Shamos you have to be ashamed of your self with such a powerful web site that you have, why aren't you putting up the full article how the New Square people have to be ashamed of them self's of this behavior, that they need an escort for the fire department each time they rush to safe lives, because they are afraid of this village people?
Its your obligation to post this full article, and if anyone has access to it please do so, if Shloma doesn't do it.
Thanks and I'm sorry Shamos for the disrespect, but with your powerful tool, and so many people getting the news from you, its your obligation.
a devoted reader from Queens
At 8:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ari you are one hundered percent right, and here you have the article, (sorry Shloma Shamos)
Respect from New Square
This must now be the routine in the Hillcrest (Moleston) Fire District: Any time a call is placed for New Square, Ramapo police must accompany the volunteers as escort. They should no longer be subject to harassment for doing their unpaid jobs, and police should arrest those who interfere.
It is simply a great lack of respect that some in New Square, a religious-based village north of Hillcrest, picks on these firefighters, who are there to save lives and property. That Hillcrest fire officials, including longtime department volunteer and Rockland Fire Coordinator Gordon Wren Jr., have complained about dangerous building and fire code violations is not justification for such ill treatment.
Where are the village elders?
Hillcrest firefighters recently filed a criminal complaint claiming they had cornered two boys they believed were setting fires but that a New Square official helped them escape, saying they were involved in a religious ritual supervised by adults. Fire officials also told Ramapo police that New Square residents gathered and became hostile to firefighters as they tried to follow the two boys, according to the complaint, which seeks a criminal charge against the unnamed village official.
That confrontation was the latest dispute between the Hillcrest Fire Department and the Hasidic Jewish village. Fire officials have long complained about large trash-bin fires, young men setting blazes and dangerous buildings and conditions for fighting fires. They have been met mostly with official indifference.
While New Square leaders have said the children in the latest instance were not setting fires but were burning non-kosher food in a religious preparation for Passover, such blazes must be managed or they can get out of hand. The housing in New Square is closely placed and largely overbuilt. It would not pass any other community's zoning regulations and slaps the face of reasonable fire and building codes. Firefighters, emergency service workers and police would be hard put not to lose their lives or those of residents, including the many children who live in New Square, if there were an out-of-control blaze. It is a tinderbox of Texture-111 plywood add-ons.
Last year, Hillcrest volunteers responded to 69 New Square calls, 33 of which were for fires. Instead of blasting Wren and the Hillcrest firefighters, New Square ought to be working with them on fire prevention and better building practices. Deputy Mayor Israel Spitzer says "The relationship is fine on our end. I want to stress that we are very, very concerned about the safety of our residents. Our No. 1 priority is to make sure no one gets injured in a fire situation."
Yet the proof is in the doing, and judging from the frustration shown by the volunteers, harmony is not yet in place. Until that happens in a meaningful way, Ramapo police must monitor county Fire Radio 44-Control calls and immediately send officers to accompany the volunteers, to provide a safe escort and to arrest any resident who threatens interference.
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
People forget too quick. Just look at recent history of that village:
Almost ten years ago The FBI was conducting a wide spread investigation into charges of fraud in collage loans and other programs in the village. (at the end at least five went to prison, with 4 being released by clemency, which brought a great chilul hashem!)
It was a long process. Many in the village who felt they were targets ran away to Israel and Europe, until it became clear they were not being indicted. BTW, they showed they could get back from Israel if they wanted, the elderly Chaim Berger, who they didn't want to release from his Missouri prison while he was dying from Cancer.)
To make a long story short, the village started spreading in the media and amongst themselves, stories how families are victimized, and that they are
only targeted foe anti Semitism, bla bla.. that elderly holocaust survivors were being harassed. They had physiologists declaring for the media that children in the village cannot sleep at night and are emotionally effected by this.
So they started sort of a patrol, which quickly spread the word whenever the investigators or media were in the village, and scores of yeshiva and kollel
guys started harassing the agents. they followed them with loud speakers, threatening their lives. (they said there is only one entrance to the village but another way out; through the cemetery...!) It was in the FBI
report that an FBI car was chased down and cut off the road on rt. 45.
The bottom line was, that - of course - this all did not help. the mosdos had to close business. ALL the mosdos opened again under new names and even in new locations. all the senior village leaders had to drop out,
and new really young guys came in (like Spitzer). They also refused to accept a plea bargain, which brought a shameful trial, where the only defense was that the four were stealing on their own, and for charity and poor kids, and the holocaust, and how little crime they have.... they did not even behave at the trial and the judge barred spectators at one point
when the jury complained they were intimidated.
This was all in the times and national papers. It
ended in a big disaster, which became bigger with the arrest of Berger (on whom they tried putting everything) in Israel. (for him they accepted a deal for seven years.)
Before that there was the famous RCC Jewish studies program scandal, which involved local politicians and O&R, but this is not for now.
The rabbi got the nick name of "I don't know" rabbi, when he kept insisting to the investigators (and told everyone else to do the same) that he is just the spiritual leader and never got involved in money matters. They knew this was a joke and even leaked the speculation that he will be indicted.
this is all true history!
At 3:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
I dont know who is right in this case. But is it FD responsibilty to make sure children behave? Isnt that the job of the police? just wondering
At 8:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
again you are bringing up things that happened 10 yrs ago.are you such a self hating Yid? they and their rebba has to answer to the Hashem. why keep on with the Sinas Chinum, STOP ALREADY!!!
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