Monroe, NY - Hatzollah Ticketed
Monroe, NY - State police issued several tickets to Hatzollah EMT driver Shloima Schvimmer, whose rig collided with a car driven by off-duty New York City police officer Mayra Liciaga.
Police issued Schvimmer, 36, tickets for passing a red light, failure to use designated lane and operating a revolving red light in connection with a May 9 crash on Route 208.
Schvimmer was taking the grandmother of a child to Orange Regional Medical Center. The child was in another ambulance.
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, was there a reason he was driving a patient's family member with l/s?
Isn't that just simply silly, dangerous, and illegal?
At 9:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
הצלה איז געמאכט פאר מעדיקעל עמוירזשענסיס
און גמ"ח הצלה איז געמאכט צו טראגן משפחה מיטגלידער צו און פון שפיטאל
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
פארוואס קומט זיך אים א טיקעט
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
some stupid hatzolo guy runs L&S to bring a relative to the ER....HELLO??? there is no excuse for this behavior - this guy should have been thrown out of Hatzolo that minute.
And if the coordinators back him up they should be thrown out too.
This damages all good and ethical hatzolo members and damages relations with PD vechulu for those that understand.
At 9:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately there are a FEW yichidim (and some wives) who think that they have the right to use their lights & sirens to ignore traffic rules (red lights, backing up one-way streets)even when they are not engaged in an emergency. Hatzola administration is adamantly against this.
At 9:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
If a child is taken in to the ER alone with a allergic reaction, Don't you thing it is very helpful for the staff and patient to have a parent at the bed side? The driver was not going for his own leisure???????
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
ע"פ הלכה מעג מען מחלל שבת זיין צו זיין מיט א חולה וואס דארף אים האבן לעבען זיך
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Al pi halacha does not make it legal!
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Was there no room in the bus for the family member? Or was it already full with the other 4 family members?
Yes, a patient's parent/relative is important, and yes allowed to go Shabbos, but that doesn't explain why someone would endanger himself, the family member in transit, other motorists and the law bring them there.
This is getting ridiculous, that people can even think to defend such an action.
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
a moron would answr like 9:58 annony - no its not an emergency to bring the parent to the ER. You are a first class nut, rather you are likely the emt or have similar likes of running L&S for stupid reasons.
That will and does endenger our lives AND yours!!!
The ER will treat the child regardless of who is there - there is no reason to rush.
Yup, he meant well, of course, we all do - but in the end he did not use his brains and is not helping anyone whatsoever.
A Hatzoloah memeber for 20 years
At 5:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
does anyone knoiw if that member was suspended or punished, or if Steinberg from KJ is sticking up for him?
I wonder.
BTW: Did Hatzolah in the city never arrange any L&S escorts, etc? and when the mayor and other politicans go down the FDR with l&s? But he was in an accident.
At 7:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I find it very sad, that without knowing the story at all, people are so quick to condemn a Hatzolah member. Hatzolah members give of their time, waking up at all hours of the night, leaving their families, coming back to a cold meal; I could go on and on.
Disgusting and despicable that people are not Don Likaf Zechus.
As a seasoned Hatzolah member, I can think of quite a few reasons to take a patient's family member to the hospital using lights and sirens. I agree that it is possible that it was not justified, but why jump to that concusion without knowing the facts?
I hope some other people on this site will also come to the defense of those who do so much chesed. And SHAME ON YOU to the people who are so quick to publicly speak bad about people who are osek bitzorchei tzibur biemunah.
I wonder if you are jealous that you don't have lights and sirens?!
At 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
to: "A Hatzoloah memeber for 20 years" (who can't even spell Hatzolah or member properly!)
If you really were a Hatzolah member, you would know that your comment: "The ER will treat the child regardless of who is there - there is no reason to rush." is simply NOT TRUE.
In the case of a pediatric patient, the ER generally will not treat unless a family member of age is there to consent to the treatment.
I have, in the course of my volunteering with Hatzolah, also rushed a family member to the hospital because they would not treat without the family member present.
I have also been on a call when a police officer forbade me from touching a 15 year old who fell off his bike and was laying on the floor with a broken arm until his mother came, because a minor can not consent to his own treatment.
Something tells me that someone who can't even spell Hatzolah or member is not a Hatzolah member!
At 8:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
To: anonymous at 9:24 am who said: "some stupid hatzolo guy runs L&S to bring a relative to the ER....
This damages all good and ethical hatzolo members and damages relations with PD vechulu for those that understand."
You start your post by saying: "some stupid Hatzolah guy." Somehow, I don't think you really care about the damage to all "good and ethical hatzolah members."
Funny how people with a vendetta will let it show no matter what the topic.
At 11:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think what that hatzolo guy is trying to say (the one that forgot to spell check lol) is the bottom line is he should not have gone lites and sirens and that doing that will get everyone in a jam likely he obviously did.
Who says the hospital won't take care of a child if the parent is not there? I find that hard to believe. S
So if a baby or child is not breathing well they will just sit stare??? I don't think so?
Your statement is odd then as
1. if it was an emergency the hospital would have taken care of the child.
2 if it was not emergency like a sprain or something whatever then maybe they wait? and if so is that a emergency to use lites and rush throu traffic.
The hatzolh guys that say its okay are you saying this is allowed and if so - shame on you then as I don't understand the logic whatsoever.
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