Brooklyn, NY +Hatzolah Bus Held up By PD+
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Hatzolah Bus Held up By PD+ A Hatzolah member on an emergency call in front of 770 Eastern Parkway, is being held up by multiple NYPD officers for unknown reasons, Hazloah members on the scene are requesting a coordinator an additional BLS member with ambulance to respond to the front of 770 Eastern Parkway.
At 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
You gotta be kidding me!! Any updates please?? There's gotto be more to the story.
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wednesday night at around 9:45pm just as Maariv ended and as people were making their way to the Ohel, Hatzalah received a call for a medical emergency and members responded immediately. One of the members responding, making his was up Kingston Ave. to retrieve the ambulance in front of 770 to transport the patient to the hospital, when police began perusing the Hatzalah Member.
Apparently the problem was the fact that he was driving with Lights & Sirens and unknown to the cops was that he was the fact that he was a member of Hatzalah. But when he produced proper identification, the officers decided that it was not enough, and continued to hold him back from getting into the ambulance.
A curious crowed began gathering trying to figure out why Police was holding a Hatzalah Member back from responding. The officers, apparently feeling threatened by the crowed, called for backup and 7 additional cars responded.
The most outrageous part of this incident is, even after the officers realized they were wrong, they continued to ‘harass’ the Hatzalah member, questioning him, as to why he was using Red Flashing Lights [which Hatzalah is authorized to use], as well as something to do with his inspection on his car.
This isn’t the first time Police harassed Hatzalah and even Shomrim on their way to calls and on calls, the latest incident was a few Shabbosim ago when there was an emergency and one of the Hatzalah members parked his car facing the wrong direction of traffic and had clear identification in his window, yet the officer still saw the need to issue a ticket to the car.
When will this stop? Do we deserve this persecution? First the double parking incident and now this? How about when cars triple park on Empire between New York and Nostrand? How about on President and Brooklyn at 2:30pm every School Day? “Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect”? Yeah Right!
At 11:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Request a Civilian Review Board to look into this and set protocols to prevent future "harrassments" is the only way.
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