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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Israel - The Palestinian Authority Frees Kidnapped American Jew

Israel - The Palestinian Authority (PA) has freed an American Orthodox Jew from Jerusalem who was kidnapped Motzie Shabbos (Saturday night) by Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in order to win the freedom of jailed Arab prisoners.

The PA said the young man, in his 20s and identified on a terrorist's videotape as Benjamin Bright-Fishbein, is well and unharmed.
The PA said Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists released Bright-Fishbein to them, who several minutes ago was released to the IDF and is undergoing questioning at the Hawara checkpoint in Samaria.

Unnamed sources quoted that Fishbein who is currently studying in Jerusalem and wears a traditional Jewish skullcap and does not speak Hebrew, lost his way and ended up in Shechem, where he was kidnapped. His American citizenship and the association of the kidnappers with Al Aqsa, aligned with the Fatah faction of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, apparently convinced the PA to act for his freedom.


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