Mahattan, New York City +Pedestrian Struck+
Mahattan, New York City +Pedestrian Struck+ A serious motor vehicle accident with a pedestrian that was struck and has serious injuries, in the East Side of Manhattan in front of 55 Delancy Street, Eldridge Street to Allen Street, Hatzolah on the scene.
U/D: 16:00
Hatzolah members on the scene requesting ALS to respond on a rush to the scene for aided that is in traumatic arrest.
U/D: 16:22
NYPD Highway A.I.S. Team requested by PD of the 7th Pct, aided is in very likely condition. Heavey traffic delays from the Williamsburg Bridge into the city.
U/D: 16:45
Aided male in his 80's expired at Beath Israel Hospital, active investigation.
U/D: 16:00
Hatzolah members on the scene requesting ALS to respond on a rush to the scene for aided that is in traumatic arrest.
U/D: 16:22
NYPD Highway A.I.S. Team requested by PD of the 7th Pct, aided is in very likely condition. Heavey traffic delays from the Williamsburg Bridge into the city.
U/D: 16:45
Aided male in his 80's expired at Beath Israel Hospital, active investigation.
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
bls requesting medics on a rush for a traumatic arrest secoundary to a ped struck
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma, dont give us half the news, give us please the also the name of the person that was struck
At 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anonymous at 4:38
Write to Shloma Shamos and he will answer you, that's what i usually do.
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
who said that its a heimeshe
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
i know this old man who died
At 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
א עלטערע יוד איינער באנדא פון וויליאמסבורג איז אראפגעקלאפט
געווארן אויף דילענסי סטריט און די איסט סייד יעצט נאכמיטאג און
איז נעבעך אוועק הי"ד
ווער עס האט מער פרטים ביטע מיטטיילען!
At 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
the man is an 80 year old named bondo(a heimeshe)
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
ר' יצחק מרדכי חיים באנדא
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
ער האט געבענטשט ביים גרויסארטיגן קיום התורה לטובת הישיבה גדולה דסאטמאר
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
the man is r' y. bondo z"l of willamsburg
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
any one knows witch bondo pls info
At 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
ר יצחק מרדכי חיים ע"ה אוי וויי ....
אייער הויך שיינע שטימע קלינגט נאך אין די ווענט ..די קול תורה אזא דאווענען וואס איר האט אראפגעלייגט..עס לאזט זיך נישט גלייבן אז איר זענט נישט דא,,,
אזא טייערע איד נישט פארברענגט איין מינוט אין לעבן. אלץ געהאט א דבר תורה אין מויל ...נישט פארפעלט קיין טאג ביים שיעור פין ר' יוסף חיים גרינוואלד אין דעעש,
א גרויסע בעל צדקה געווען, געשיקט כסדר געלט אויף א"י
At 8:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
רבי יצחק באנדא ע"ה
אבי יוסף דוד, יעקב יואל, עקיבא
At 11:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard he lived on ross st.
At 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
A great-grandfather from Brooklyn who was grocery shopping in Manhattan was struck and killed by a van yesterday, cops said.
Isaac Banda, 95, was hit as he carried a bag of onions, a watermelon and other groceries across Delancey St. near Eldridge St. on the lower East Side about 3:45 p.m.
A police source said the van may have run a red light, but no charges were immediately filed.
Banda was a member of Congregation Yetev Lev D'Satmar in Williamsburg, relatives said.
"He was a wonderful person," said Rabbi Weinberger, 58. "He loved to learn."
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
R' y.m.bondo z'l used to come by train daily for years decided yest. togo by bus cuz of the train stabbings(cnt run away)
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