South Fallsburg, NY - Raleigh Hotel's Future May Be Off Tax Rolls
South Fallsburg, NY - The group trying to purchase the Raleigh Hotel has plans which are far different than the resort’s storied past. And in all likelihood, they will be off the tax rolls as well.
Congregation Khal Bnei Zion Inc., a non-profit Hasidic group out of Brooklyn, presented their plans to a largely skeptical Town of Fallsburg Planning Board. Their representatives laid out their intentions to turn the longtime resort into a summer camp and religious school for children, using the hotel for boarding and other activities.
Their plans were presented by local consultant Steve Proyect and operations manager Mendel Lerner. Lerner, who refused to give his name initially, also refused to divulge what stage the applicant was at in purchasing the property. Neither Lerner or Proyect could give contact information as to the principals behind the purchase.
Board Chairman Arthur Rosenshein called for more specific details in writing as to how the hotel would be used. He expressed concern about safety, due to the number of children that would be roaming the large, seven-story resort, potentially unsupervised. “There are a lot of questions that I feel are open,” he stated.
At 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
they are a bunch of anti semites - even though must of them are so called jews - they HATE us!!! and anything they can legally do to oppose granting permits for this site - they will do - it is time that we wake up and either register to vote upstate and kick these bums out - or get out of there - they take our taxes on the bungalow colonies - dont provide 1 dime of service and yet the have the chutzpah to tell us to get out of here - they set the cops up special to catch every little thing so that they can have revenue - but the dont want us there - they hike the taxes on all ne development - but they dont want us there- they give every camp a hard time - because they dont want us there - WELL the answer to them should be either we are leaving or we will vote you out and you can leave
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
If this project is legitimate, then the sponsors should have no problem providing required information on their plans for the site, including the names of the principals involved (something neither of the gentlemen and the meeting could do, and one of them even refused to give his own name), and what kind of safety and security measures they plan to take, especially if there are large numbers of children involved. Any kind of evasion, apparent non-cooperation or secrecy in dealing with the local government delivers a message that something may not be entirely kosher, and if identifiably frum people are involved, is maris ayin and chillul Hashem. The town board has a legitimate interest in asking such things and a legal right to do so.
And if they would prefer that another buyer came forward who would keep the property on the local tax rolls as a commercial venture -- well who could blame them for that? Any local government anywhere would try to do the same, to provide relief for tax-paying local residents and businesses -- including from bungalo colonies and other heimishe people who live up there -- by keeping a large tax-paying ratable on the local tax rolls.
At 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 5:54pm
Well said. Do like i do, stay in the city i have been doing it for 17 years.
At 6:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Them not wanting us there has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism. They don't want anyone there for just the summer. We do little for the upstate economy, and just cause traffic problems for them.
We need to stop using the Anti-Semitism card and see if we can address their concerns appropriately.
If a place is listed as a hotel, and we use it as a camp, are they wrong for fining us? It has nothing to do with AntiSemitism. It's about time we start obeying the rules, and listening to what the outside world is saying.
They don't want bungalow colonies - period. Not just jewish ones are having problems, the few non-jewish ones are too.
The non-jewish dance camp in Fallsburg from where a child was killed last summer was also closed for violations, and their owners arrested for other violations.
At 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
* they take our taxes on the bungalow colonies - dont provide 1 dime of service and yet the have the chutzpah to tell us to get out of here - *
your average family in willi is on govnmnt assistance. Do NOT pay taxes and this give nothing to society.You dont seem to be bothered by this only about when the local township wants to know what the plans are for this large building upstate.
The fact that lerner is so hush hush would bother me too.
If you can answer thier simple questions than dont bother presenting youe request.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
us jewish people think we have the right to take over any town and if the town gives us problems they are anti semites. they same way willi doesnt want the artists moving in cause they bring problems the same way the upstate people dont want us cause all we do is make problems and try to get out of paying anything torwards there town. its time we stop acting like we own the world and start acting like mentchen. its embarrasing sometimes to see how yiddishe people behave
At 12:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
to x willi
first learn to spell
Here are the facts!
Over the last few years developers have gone before this board with legal plans as per the zoning regulations - and have been turned down, either because they just did not like the plan, or just the easy way out when they say it will cause congestion, YET when one of their own board members wanted to to develop over 200 units, he got approved in no time, I have had many dealings with this board, and you can ask many others and you will find out that when our community wants or needs something you have to jumps thru hoops to get it, I also understand safety concerns when they are legitimat not when they are put up for road bloack in getting approval for leagl plans, And yes they have a right to decline approval even for legal plans -So take your head out of the sand and smell the roses THEY HATE US - i can give you a thousand reasons why they hate us , traffic,we don't live the year round, etc BUT YET THEY MAKE MORE MONEY FROM US IN THE FEW SUMMER MONTHS, THEN THEY MAKE THE ENTIRE YEAR, ah but the money is good
At 7:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 5:54.... If anything YOU are anti government, anti-non frum and anti goyim. The whole world is against you unless you get want you want!?!?! Why don't they give the town the information is needed? Do they have something to hide?
At 10:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is not about giving them info.
This is not NYC where if you file a legal plan you get approved, and it does not matter who you are
In this little town, everything works around who you know and who you are giving bribes too
when someone sitting on the board is a developer and he gives every other developer a hard time - dont you see a issue with that ?
zoning regulations should be color blind - not i dont like you so i will find every excuse that i can think off and then vote down your project - the projects like twin oaks, alpine, etc has bought more tax $$$ to fallsburg then what they lose from yeshivas
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey FERD, u gave yourself away with your name. what a FERDISH comment. anon 10:55 is on the ball!
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
to x willi
first learn to spell
Here are the facts!
lets look at your spelling for a minute Mr bryte mechitin who has done deals.
**Over the last few years developers have gone before this board with legal plans as per the zoning regulations - and have been turned down, either because they just did not like the plan, or just the easy way out when they say it will cause congestion, YET when one of their own board members wanted to to develop over 200 units, he got approved in no time, I have had many dealings with this board, and you can ask many others and you will find out that when our community wants or needs something you have to jumps thru hoops to get it, I also understand safety concerns when they are legitimat not when they are put up for road bloack in getting approval for leagl plans, And yes they have a right to decline approval even for legal plans -**
You putz yookel.
I counted three spelling mistakes, so get off your high horse and smell the coffee.
Fact is that until the chassidim upstate start acting like HALF human beings to thier neighbors and local officials you dont have any say in this matter. Asking them to act like real menthen is asking too much.
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
X willi okay - I wrote my posting at 12.22 am - and i made some mistakes - and yes i saw them still last night - and i knew you will call me on that - But what is your excuse
Here is what you write at 4.51 pm
I counted three spelling mistakes, so get off your high horse and smell the coffee.
Fact is that until the chassidim upstate start acting like HALF human beings to "thier" neighbors and local officials you "dont" have any say in this matter. Asking them to act like real "menthen" is asking too much.
4:51 PM
On another note - you still did not answer to the point - "should plans that are legally sound be approved on a color blind bassis or not ?
At 8:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't want to get involved, but "basis" is spelled with one 's'.
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
so eich vaist nish ve tzu spellen
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