Washigtonville, NY - Budget At Risk Over Jewish Camp Flap
Washigtonville, NY - There's this summer camp at Taft Elementary School. It's called Camp Gan Israel, run by the Chabad-Lubavitch of Orange County. It's using the school for three weeks free of charge like other nonprofits this summer.
But it's only this Jewish camp that has sparked threats from taxpayers to derail the Washingtonville School District's revised $73 million budget, which comes up for a vote.
Taxpayers think the Monroe-based Chabad is getting a free ride. Critics believe the camp - and any nonprofit group - should have to pay because the district can't afford to run buildings free of charge.
Some parents say the camp has allegedly turned away non-Jewish children, contrary to district policy, and will use fields, a playground and a kitchen, in addition to classrooms.
Superintendent Marilyn Pirkle said the policy committee will likely take up the issue, but changing it will take months and won't be in place for this summer. But a rejection of the budget would force fees to be imposed right now.
If taxpayers vote no, the district would have to adopt an austerity budget, which would, among other things, force any group seeking to use a school facility to pay a fee. In the case of the Chabad camp, it would amount to $900.
But it's only this Jewish camp that has sparked threats from taxpayers to derail the Washingtonville School District's revised $73 million budget, which comes up for a vote.
Taxpayers think the Monroe-based Chabad is getting a free ride. Critics believe the camp - and any nonprofit group - should have to pay because the district can't afford to run buildings free of charge.
Some parents say the camp has allegedly turned away non-Jewish children, contrary to district policy, and will use fields, a playground and a kitchen, in addition to classrooms.
Superintendent Marilyn Pirkle said the policy committee will likely take up the issue, but changing it will take months and won't be in place for this summer. But a rejection of the budget would force fees to be imposed right now.
If taxpayers vote no, the district would have to adopt an austerity budget, which would, among other things, force any group seeking to use a school facility to pay a fee. In the case of the Chabad camp, it would amount to $900.
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
We at Chabad wants you taxpayers to know:
Insurance, transportation, food and fun are being paid for through camper enrollment fees. The camp will provide lunch, but will not use the kitchen because it's not kosher. Roughly one-third of the 35 or so campers live in the district and three children attending are not even Jewish.
Response to this inaugural camp has been so overwhelming that enrollment is closed and there's a waiting list.
It's surprising to me, of the backlash.
At 8:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
why would the lubabs even bother running a non for profit camp for non jewish kids?
that just does no make any sense or cents
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
take down the pictures of the rebbe saying he is moshiach, and dont brainwash the kids attending.
you should even stop fighting with the other shluchim in the area, it is obsurd- this is a chilul Hashem!
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
why are non Jewish children attending a frum Jewish camp?
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