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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Lawrence, NY - Orthodox Jews Take Majority

Lawrence, NY - An Orthodox Jewish majority took control of the Lawrence school board for the first time last night, with the new president vowing that the panel would "chart a path that will respect both the majority and the minority views."

Asher Mansdorf, who became the first Orthodox Jewish board member when he was elected in 2001, and David Sussman, who often sides with the new majority, were elected as the board's president and vice president by a 4 to 2 vote. "We are all partners in this endeavor and I sincerely believe that together we will overcome our differences," Mansdorf said.

With that, the newly constituted panel plowed through its agenda, with one exception drawing concern from some parents. Michael Hattan and Uri Kaufman, who were elected in May, chose to be sworn in on Monday rather than at last night's meeting, which is when new members usually take their oaths of office.

"The history of this district is that the new board members are sworn in publicly and then the central council PTA welcomes and congratulates them," said Heidi Beyer, of North Woodmere, a parent of two public schoolchildren. "We are disappointed that we didn't get that opportunity," she said.

Kaufman said he did not know that new members are normally sworn in publicly, although the swearing-in was at the top of last night's agenda. "Had I known, I would have done it. I didn't know and I apologize," he said.

Hattan said he simply wanted to avoid a public display. He also said he was concerned about a new teachers contract ratified by the board two weeks ago - before the new majority took control. "If I waited until tonight, who knows? I've seen some very strange things happen at the 11th hour in this district," Hattan said yesterday before the meeting.


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