New York, NY - Beware! Missionary’s Hit Town!!!
New York, NY - In the summer, missionaries, many of them young people from across the country, are descending upon New York City, working in soup kitchens and spreading their believes at street corners, parks and subway stations.
And some groups, will be more visible this summer than usual. And so will those whom the group infuriates. They are setting their biggest campaign in New York in its more than 30-year history. It is their finale task of a five-and-a-half-year effort to conduct campaigns in every city in the world.
This group plans to make its presence known in all five boroughs, as well in Westchester and Rockland Counties, in northern New Jersey and on Long Island. There are also campaigns aimed at Russian-speaking Jews, Israelis and Hasidic Jews.
They have a campaign budget of roughly $1.4 million, and they already sent out mailings to 400,000 Jewish homes in the area and DVD's in Yiddish to 80,000 Orthodox homes, as was reported here on VOS IZ NEIAS. It has launched a marketing campaign with radio spots and subway and newspaper ads.
So Yiden be very careful, for you and your entire family, be more vigilant, be on the look out and wide-awake, more so this year than any other year, they are trying to get to us through any medium possible, and with H'Sham's Help will sail through it with flying colors.
Be well and have a safe summer, guard your children B'Ruchnias and B'Gasmieas.
Shloma Shamos and Pinchas Milach
And some groups, will be more visible this summer than usual. And so will those whom the group infuriates. They are setting their biggest campaign in New York in its more than 30-year history. It is their finale task of a five-and-a-half-year effort to conduct campaigns in every city in the world.
This group plans to make its presence known in all five boroughs, as well in Westchester and Rockland Counties, in northern New Jersey and on Long Island. There are also campaigns aimed at Russian-speaking Jews, Israelis and Hasidic Jews.
They have a campaign budget of roughly $1.4 million, and they already sent out mailings to 400,000 Jewish homes in the area and DVD's in Yiddish to 80,000 Orthodox homes, as was reported here on VOS IZ NEIAS. It has launched a marketing campaign with radio spots and subway and newspaper ads.
So Yiden be very careful, for you and your entire family, be more vigilant, be on the look out and wide-awake, more so this year than any other year, they are trying to get to us through any medium possible, and with H'Sham's Help will sail through it with flying colors.
Be well and have a safe summer, guard your children B'Ruchnias and B'Gasmieas.
Shloma Shamos and Pinchas Milach
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is not news they were here already saw them handing out fliers and talking to people in williamsburg also in manhattan
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
maybe its not news for you, but for the NY media it is news, it is in today's NY papers
At 9:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Ve kimt tus tzi a Chasidisher Yingerman tzi leinen the goi'ishe paper?" If you're doing it, at least keep your mouth shut!
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
yad lachim kept warning all yiden for this -this past winter, they already knew that the missionary's have a massive plan for new york!!
they asked anyone that sees missionay's should report to yad lachim.
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do not use any voilence towaed these missionaries.
Ignore them anf they will crawl back into their holes.
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
this past sunday thay were
giving out papers & dvds in boro park around 9th & 10th ave to evry
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
the worse thing to do is approach them and engage them in conversation, like you see some of the religious jews doing.
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
they have a hige mobile home
beaware they go after teens
At 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
yeah they need to be ignored thats all! Don't talk to them just look the other way
At 2:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I ask them one question Are you Jewish? When they answer no, I tell them first become a good jew then come back and talk to me. Untill then I will keep on reading the original authentic bible.
At 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
how does a yiddisha mamme know about nice NY Times clips????
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
they're giving out papers to every person at the macys fireworks on thr fdr drive they have so many people giving it out its crazy I wonder how the cops let them go inside the crowd and stand by every entrance to givr these out
At 10:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
they also had a booth by the south street seaport july 4th festival with a sign in hebrew saying, sefarim b'chinam, and also a sign targeting israelis. as much as people dislike this, you should just ignore them and do not engage in conversation with them. they are for the most part not jewish and you are only egging them on.
At 10:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
why shouldn't the cops let them they are not violating anything there not doing something wrong you can stand right next to them and hand out papers against them! this is america
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hhmm, that wouldn't be a bad idea at all, perhaps we literally do it???
At 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, stand next to them and hand out fliers "Jews for Judaism"
At 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
they were also filming us on the street in midtown; they are making a video or something
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why are they any different than what the LUBABS do on a daily basis.
Both orgs. are the closest religion to REAL judaism, but no one ever complains about the LUBABS.
If i had to make the choice i would chooose J4J in a whim.
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually there was a crazy woman standing next to them holding a sign saying non-catholics will go to hell...
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
monsey chaveirim : following a car w/ possible 2 missonaris try to make business.....
At 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
what can shomrim help?
did they do anything?
At 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I saw them today at the Court Street subway station.
At 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
mark levin said...
u would chose j4j? for you that is no doubt avoyda zura!! Lubyism is not.
Both are the same.
Lubys believe in a dead rebbe being mashiach and j4j believe in a dead jesues.
To me both are the same, but if i had to choose i would go with j4j.
Those shomrim guys that were following that j4j car can get arrested for harrasment. Tell them not to get involved unless they cause you bodily harm.
They have the right to spew thier religion where ever they want, by law.
If they come knocking on your door, tell them to leave, if they dont or if they return, then they get arrested for tresspassing.
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was going home from work yesterday when an elderly lady with a tichel approached me in Midtown and was very hesitant and innocent looking and said she was trying to understand something in the torah she went on and on innocently until she started saying that Yosh..... was right blah blah.
Please beware as they are approaching ANY yid Chasidish, Litvish, modern etc..
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
CBS) NEW YORK Those evangelical Christians of Jewish heritage are back in town setting out to convert Jews. The Jews for Jesus are fanning out around New York during the month of July at the end of a five-year program to visit every city in North America with more than 25,000 Jews living in it. New York is the finale.
CBS 2 caught up with one group recently in the Diamond District; two women and one man moving among the Jewish owned businesses there trying to attract coverts. It's not an easy sell.
"Who do you think Jesus is?" they ask? Most people don't even look up. Those who do, seem less than thrilled.
"I think they should be proselytizing on the street," one woman complained.
One Jewish man practically flew into a rage.
"You've never heard about the Spanish Inquisition?" he asks. "You heard about the many times we have been killed, prosecuted, executed because of Jesus?" he asked.
The street volunteers are undeterred. They sell themselves not a converts, but as fulfilled Jews who have accepted Jesus as the messiah.
The group recently mailed 80,000 DVDs in Yiddish to Orthodox Jews. Its label shows a picture of a Jewish figure blowing the shofar, the traditional Jewish ram's horn that summons the faithful to prayer. It's titled "Days of Moshiach."
Viewing it, you see what appears to be a depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The words are Yiddish, but the images are from a production by the Campus Crusade for Christ. Mainstream Jewish leaders are unanimous in their condemnation of the recruitment technique.
"It's deceptive," complained Michael Miller of the Jewish Community Relations Council. "It's wrong, and it's offensive. You can't be two religions at once."
Miller said it's like a case of false advertising. "Hebrew Christianity" would be a better term, he suggested. The fact that their chapels have no crosses and the ceremonies borrow from Jewish tradition doesn't change the core break with Judaism.
"Say you're evangelical, and we'll shut up," he said. "To say that you're Jewish, that in fact you are more Jewish because you believe in Jesus is offensive."
The Jews for Jesus, though, see it differently.
"You can be a Jew and an agnostic," she observed. "Or a Jew who believes Menachem Schneerson is the messiah, but if you're a Jew for Jesus suddenly that's no good."
It's worth mentioning, though, that not everyone in Jews for Jesus is actually a Jew. Non-Jews are common behind the scenes helping with the logistics of the well-financed street campaign. At the group's Manhattan headquarters, CBS 2 saw rooms filled with stacks of pamphlets, New Testament Bibles in Yiddish, Russian language pamphlets featuring Holocaust survivors who've found Jesus, and rooms of volunteers waiting to take to the streets.
Trash bags filled with the pamphlet of the day are lined up in the hallway leading to the front door. Volunteers hit the streets in four shifts daily -- in the boroughs and the suburbs.
Many are the children of original Jews for Jesus members from the '60s and '70s. Others are more recent converts.
Dan Sered said he is an Israeli citizen. "Born and raised in Israel," he offered. "100 percent Jewish and 100 percent Christian
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