Northbrook, IL - Eight Homes Vandalized With Swastikas
Northbrook, IL - Police are investigating graffiti of swastikas painted on eight homes, and some are concerned that there’s a growing number of hate incidents of this type in the Chicagoland area.
Home builder Anatoly Revenko was startled when he saw a swastika painted on the garage door of a home. He’s doing construction in the neighborhood and took a number of photographs. "It’s terrible because actually, I am from Russia, and we saw these kinds signs a lot and we are here … to get away from this terrible people and signs," he said.
"I believe that they knew the people in these homes were in fact Jewish, and it makes you think a.) who these people are that would do such an awful thing in a community," said Lonnie Nasatir.
"I thought in America, I never see this kind of sign," Revenko said.
Investigators consider this a criminal property damage case, but it could be upgraded to a hate crime. The FBI is also involved in this investigation.
Home builder Anatoly Revenko was startled when he saw a swastika painted on the garage door of a home. He’s doing construction in the neighborhood and took a number of photographs. "It’s terrible because actually, I am from Russia, and we saw these kinds signs a lot and we are here … to get away from this terrible people and signs," he said.
"I believe that they knew the people in these homes were in fact Jewish, and it makes you think a.) who these people are that would do such an awful thing in a community," said Lonnie Nasatir.
"I thought in America, I never see this kind of sign," Revenko said.
Investigators consider this a criminal property damage case, but it could be upgraded to a hate crime. The FBI is also involved in this investigation.
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma Shamos why didn't you post this article?
Designating a Sabbath Elevator
Q Orthodox Jews in my co-op want to make one of our two elevators a Sabbath elevator, which would stop automatically at every floor. We have only 2 elevators for more than 190 apartments on 16 floors. Dedicating one as a Sabbath elevator could cause problems. For one, it could take quite a bit of time just to get in and out of our apartments, particularly from upper floors. Can the co-op do this even if a large number of people oppose it? ... Bob Zolt, Riverdale, the Bronx
A. Arthur I. Weinstein, a Manhattan lawyer and the vice president of the Council of New York Cooperatives and Condominiums, said that the power to decide whether to have a Sabbath elevator belongs to the board of directors of the co-op corporation.
“New York’s Business Corporation Law provides that the business of a co-op is run by its board of directors,” he said. “And the courts have held that they will give considerable weight to the board’s exercise of its business judgment and will generally not overrule a board without very strong reasons.”
Mr. Weinstein said that while state law also requires a co-op to treat all shareholders equally, it is quite likely that a court would limit that obligation to financial matters and not extend it to building policies or house rules that may benefit one tenant more than another.
“The only real course of action for the questioner is to make his arguments to the other shareholders, let the directors know the concerns about this proposal and, if necessary, at the next election, vote in board members who agree with those concerns.”
Although Anyone Can Sue, Winning Is Another Matter
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