NY 1st Hasidic Cop Has A Degree From United Talmudical Seminary in KJ Monroe
New York, NY - The NYPD has recruited its first Hasidic cop.
Joel Witriol, a 24-year-old from Brooklyn a Talmud scholar, starts his training at the department's Police Academy today. "I realized there were so many things you could do [as a cop] - everything from community service to fighting narcotics," Witriol said, coming off the heels of a stint with the department's auxiliary police force. "There are a hundred things, and every day is different."
Witriol has a degree from United Talmudical Seminary in Monroe, where he studied "religious stuff, mostly."
But the Brooklyn native wanted something more, he heard about the police auxiliary. "I decided to go and check it out," Witriol said. "I went for training and passed."
Growing up in Williamsburg, his auxiliary work in the 77th Precinct in Crown Heights was an eye-opener for him. "I saw a lot of things that were going on in the precinct," he said.
The police officers "are not only locking up people, but they are helping people, too. I figured it's a good future."
Before he signed on with the department, Witriol asked for some advice from his father, a bus driver. He said, "If you do it, just do the right thing," Witriol recalled.
Because of his religion, Witriol will need exemptions from police hairstyle rules so he can keep his beard and his peyoses.
He'll also have to be excused from working on Shabos and on Jewish holidays.
Witriol said the Police Department doesn't have any problem with his needs, so long as they're backed up with a letter from a rabbi.
Witriol says his older brother was also an officer in Newark before becoming one of that department's chaplains.
Though his religion sets him apart, Witriol is eager to fit in with his fellow officers. "I want to be a cop," he said, "together with everyone."
At 9:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wish him good luck. I really hope his 2nd half is ok with it.
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
now shlomie keonig has a partner. Good for him.
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
no problem with being a cop
but statement "religious stuff, mostly?? what does that tell us about him
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can understand wanting to be a policeman
I don't understand the statement "religious stuff, mostly"
what kind of statement is that for a frum person to make about learning in yeshiva.
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is great news! But there are other frum cops in the NYPD.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa, is there any pics of the "cop to be"??
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can understand wanting to be a policeman
I don't understand the statement "religious stuff, mostly"
what kind of statement is that for a frum person to make about learning in yeshiva
That was a very mild statement because if i learned in KY i would have a lot worse to say.
At 12:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
"religious stuff mostly" is not his quote, if u read the article correctly!
At 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
his brother moishe his the head of public safety in KJ
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
He's on the front page of the POST
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa will probably have some better pics, but for the time being we'll give you this
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
אפשר וועט זיין ברודער פין קעי דזשעי וואס ארבעט פאר טאם קארטאן (וואס זיין לויער איז ריטשארד ליעבערט דער שותף מיט ריטשארד מהאן אין פערצופאל דער זעלבער לויער קאמפאני וואס פארטרעט איצי ראזענבערג אין וואס איצי האט געארבעט מיט מאהן צו ארגעניזירען דעם שמיני עצרת פאגראם אין ווילי ווי די טעל בילס צייגען ) קעגו שעריף דיבעיוס עם אנבאטען א ארבעטס פלאץ אינטער זיין קאמאנדע אין זיין מאהנעטען פאזיציע ....
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ha ha ha did he even graduate high school or is he just a wanna be beeper hocking key chain carrying chusid
At 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
the PD is no place for a frum Jew. He may be idealistic, but, it just isn't a good environment for a yid.
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
his second half i be,t is a cop too.
Maybe not in the force but a COP nontheless.
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
ditto to 3:35. i don't think a frum yid can stay ehrlich hanging out with cursing goyim all day. they may fight crime but "torah bagoyim al ta'amin".
At 4:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
the PD is no place for a frum Jew. He may be idealistic, but, it just isn't a good environment for a yid.
His rebbe told him he must dunk in the mikva before going on a call.
He better get used to showering everyday and get rid of his herring breath.
At 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
wut do u expect when hes talking to a press. he should say gemarah mit rashi
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Witriol has a degree from United Talmudical Seminary in Monroe
What kind of "degree"? Maybe we can see a copy?
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:18 PM said What kind of "degree"? Maybe we can see a copy?
Possibly "hatures hoiruah".
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
who are you all to criticize? it's his life, let him live it
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Better in the police force then sitting and kvetching the BONK all day and wasting time and leeching off your in-laws.
The Big Lakewood Litvaks and chassidishe late daverners should learn from him.
He had the GUTS to actually persue his carrer.
All the bad comments are all Jelousy.
You say its not Toireh to be in the police force?
Lets see you find a nice toireh job some where else that you can take pride in like this chassidisher yingerman did
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
nachal yoel
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 4:49 - you've got to be kidding! not everyone is cut out for kollel but that doesn't mean that you have to go looking for a job that is BOUND to have a negative influence. working on 47th street is not like working in a night club. this guy will be surrounded by pritzus day in day out. i just don't get it.
At 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Listen any other job aint that koosher . is it better to be a cop than a frum ob/gyn ?
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is there a reason that it took this long for a hasidic cop to be hired? Was it the community who had no desire to join?
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Is there a reason that it took this long for a hasidic cop to be hired? Was it the community who had no desire to join?"
Cops like donuts, not bagels. It’s a conflict of interest.
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't know, could be the hair regulation or working during the sabbath/holidays.
But I know there are Orthodox Jews on the force. Well, there are lot's of Orthodox Jews in civil service in general. (for instance, Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver)
At 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Hasidic Community does have the Hatzolah, which is their volunteer-EMS group. They act as a first-response in many instances and use their understanding of Jewish laws, languages, and cultural nuances to react to problems with greater sensitivity. The Hasidic community has been able to form close ties with the local authorities, leading to a close, but often fragile relationship."
I think that during the series of incidents where an adult man/men flashed young girls in Borough Park, a community group (perhaps the Hatzolah) patroled the area as well.
At 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
NYPD JEW... damn, thats pretty offensive right there. But the Post doesn't need to be sensitive, they just tell it like it is.
At 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
In other news, criminals are planning more activity on Friday evening thru Saturdays.
At 7:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
to: Listen any other job aint that koosher . is it better to be a cop than a frum ob/gyn ?
yes, that is a better profession,you don't deal with all the schmutz that you are bound to deal with, by being in the NYPD. Doctors don't get turned on by their patients,they want to serve humanity (usually).
At 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Doctors don't get turned on by their patients,they want to serve humanity (usually)."
Since when, aren't they human beings???
At 8:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
All you bloogers don't you have any better worries. y r u worried about his life. He is great !!! he is doing what he should be because he wants to do it. poor u that u don't have any worries on ur side that you have worry for his life. mabey you should worry about yourself yes yes.... I mean you the one reading it now.can't worry about your own life. Do me and yourself ya flavor get a life. whts gonna be the next comment ah. I hope this should be the last one.
suri k from the village of five two
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Being a doctor is a more "Jewish" profession. Jews have been doctors of kings throughout the centuries. It's a more honorable profession. It's a less dangerous one too. But, of course, not everyone can make it through medical school. I still think it's not a good idea for an ehrliche Yid to be in the NYPD. Maybe in Eretz Yisroel it's ok to be a Jewish cop (but, only if the gov't wouldn't be anti chareidi)
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
המשגיח שליט"א said...
to 4:49
The PD is not necessarily from the best of סביבה for a yiddishe kint
Where do you work? In the movie theater?
I'm not knocking him. I'm knocking YOU (your סברה)
Not knocking Toirah. I`m knocking the bench you kvetch.
Go get a real job for heaven sakes.
If you want a real eye opener go read your KESUBA which you hid under your bed somewhere. or framed it to show off
You`ll be pleasantly surprised what it says .
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
You guys wanna be FRUM?
Be frum on your cheshbon not on his.
I envy him that he actually new what he wants with in life and went after it.
Get off your Tachat and find something you like that will support your family with lifelong benefits.
Keeruv work and being a Rebbe is not what i call a real job.
A certified licensed teacher is a whole different story.
At 11:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
you totally cracked me up - that was the best laugh I had all week!
At 11:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wish him from all of us all the best. let's pick up our eyes and hands together to the one above with a brocha of shmirah we should hope god willing he dosent make in the headlines a 2nd time(chas vsholam) YVORECHUCHA HASHEM VYISHMARECHA.......................... LETS AWNSWER TOGETHER OMEN
At 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Chasidisher Yingerman: you said it the best....
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think your all a bunch of idiots
this guy found something to do other than sit on this blog day and night and you are all a tiny bit Jealous thats all.
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
anyone know if he is related to Moshe Witriol from KJ "public safety"?
At 11:43 AM,
dave said…
knockin on my door, when ich bin nisht in shtib.
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone, first off I want to say wow, and very amazing. However, I think Joel is my cousin. My name is Scott Witrioland my great grand parents came over from Poland. I have another relative named Sholom Witriol who owns an orthodox styled restaurant in Manhatten. If anyone knows how I can contact Joel, please email me
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