Wawayanda, NY - Horses Head Found In Councilwoman's Pool
Wawayanda, NY - Town Councilwoman Gail Soro’s husband, Ed, thought an animal had died in their pool Tuesday morning when she was about to take a swim in the family pool.
There was a dark spot with discolored water. Mr. Soro used the skimmer to pull out the object, which turned out to be a horse’s head. "I was hysterical," said Mrs. Soro. "It was horrible," she said.
Mrs. Soro has no idea who might be doing these things or why. "I guess I put some people’s feet to the fire and they don't like it."
"Someone is trying to send her a message," said State Police Lt. Pierce Gallagher.
There was a dark spot with discolored water. Mr. Soro used the skimmer to pull out the object, which turned out to be a horse’s head. "I was hysterical," said Mrs. Soro. "It was horrible," she said.
Mrs. Soro has no idea who might be doing these things or why. "I guess I put some people’s feet to the fire and they don't like it."
"Someone is trying to send her a message," said State Police Lt. Pierce Gallagher.
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
whhaake! Gross!
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah! I can't agree more with you Horse Head! Never mind, a Pig Head!
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
was it a kushere shechita?
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know, Anon @ 9:00, you remind me of a story!
There was a Jewish fellow that has fallen ill, so the Doctor ordered him to eat porkchop, so he was startled, & didn't know how to go about it, so, first he figured he's going to Shechet the Pig, but that wasn't done properly, so a Sheile arised, so off he went, to the Ruv!
Understandably, the Ruv was in limbo, should he say it's kosher? you can't say on porkchops it's kosher, should he say it's not?? well, it's Pekiach Nefesh....
So the Rabbi looked up at the guy & tells him, sorry but I'm not Paskening sheiles on pork!!!....
At 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's a story?
At 5:06 PM,
State Police interviewed farmers, veterinarians, butchers and anyone else they think may have any information about the horse’s head that was found in Wawayanda Town Councilwoman Gail Soro’s swimming pool Tuesday.
Captain Wayne Olsen said Mrs. Soro has been a victim of harassment to a lesser degree in the past that they think may be related to her elected position in the town resulting in them “looking into politics as a maybe part of reason why this occurred.”
Trying to identify where the horse came from would be “one of our primary focuses at this point,” Olsen said.
It is unknown at this time if the horse was dead before its head was virtually surgically removed or if it was killed and then decapitated.
When Mrs. Soro’s husband, Ed, pulled the head from the pool with a skimmer, she said she was “horrified.”
Soro is a Democrat and Wednesday Orange County Democratic Party Chairman Jonathan Jacobson condemned “the outrageous and heinous attack.”
The said the attack on Mrs. Soro “is unacceptable in a democracy where we are to be ruled by law and not by intimidation.” Mrs. Soro is the lone Democrat on the town board. “If Gail was the only Republican on the Town Board, we would be equally outraged.”
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