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Monday, August 28, 2006

Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY - Swastika Puts Brooklyn Sephardim on Alert

Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY - A coalition of Sephardic Jews are offering $1,000 to help capture whoever scrawled a swastika on a Flatbush dentist's home on East 1st Street between Avenues S and T.  

Flanked by State Senator Martin Golden, City Council Member Domenic Recchia Jr., and other politicians who represent the area, the Sephardic Community Federation plans to denounce the graffiti as a hate crime and call upon the New York City Police Department to step up their patrols of the area. Flatbush a section of Brooklyn, has more than 30,000 Jewish households, spokesman Aaron Troodler said. The police are investigating.


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