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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Monticello, NY +Serious MVA+

Monticello, NY +Serious MVA+ A serious motor vehicle accident with one car that overturned on Hanawana Lake Road near Wall-Marth close to Route 42, Hatzolah BLS and ALS on the scene requesting 3 ambulances on a code-1, Mobil Medic is also responding.

U/D: 22:36
All aided will be transported by ground to Harris Hospital.


  • At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    why are you reporting this, it wasn't a yid involved?

  • At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    get a hold of proper hashkafa, kjfd-car-4. yidden are to goyim as leviyim are to yidden. we care about them, too.

  • At 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    why do we have to use hazola resources for them when they have there own?

  • At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Because it is the only way we can continue to help "yidden". Where are your noodles???

  • At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    first of all Hatzoloh helps anyone also maybe a jew called it in.

  • At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If he doent help this person then he won't be able to help any yidden at all. What are you thinking? That you still live in a shtetl somewhere?

  • At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mark L. since when are you the chochem?

    its not even worth to argue with you guys, if you are such tipship, i will use my mind for better things

    on a call like this with 3 buses there are close to 20 members.

    also yes i am a proud KJFD member, and sorry there is no such thing in the code book, teach'd to us.

  • At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    go find some one else to argue with, not me

  • At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You are absolutely out of your mind!!!!!!!!! Do you also ask on your radio if the people calling are jewish? If you witness an accident with people injured, do you stop? Is it just to check if their jewish? What do you mean they have their own? You are a big reason for non-jews hating us so much, with your lights and sirens, only helping jews on scene. I always thought those stories were fabricated, no way a haztalah member would do that, but reading your words really makes me think otherwise!!

    You gotta be kidding me!!!!!

  • At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good Job Q8!

    Let's all thank the troopers for not stoppping us!!!

    A member.

  • At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good job !!!

    we have to fix this kjfd-car 4 !!!

    nebech !!!


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