New Jersey - Dwek's Check for Income Taxes Bounces
New Jersey - Solomon Dwek has bounced another check - his 2005 New Jersey income tax payment.
The state Division of Taxation tried to deposit the $205,000 check, but no funds were available, according to court papers.
In a related court matter, Ken Cayre, a wealthy recording executive, claimed his signature was faked on a key financial document involving a Smith Barney stock account once worth $9 million. Cayre, of Brooklyn and Long Branch, was a part-owner of Wal-Mart's sole videotape supplier for a decade.
Dwek owned the account but gave Cayre control over it in June 2005. Early this year, the stocks were about to be transferred to an account controlled by Amboy National Bank, Old Bridge, according to court records.
Amboy claimed Dwek had pledged the stocks as security for a loan, but Cayre blocked the transfer.
In federal court papers filed Tuesday, Cayre's company, KLCC Investments LLC, claimed Cayre's purported signature on a fax relinquishing his control of the stock account was not his. The letter, which Smith Barney filed with the court, was sent from a fax machine that placed Solomon Dwek's name and a telephone number at the bottom of the page as an identification mark.
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
That chilul hashem belongs in jail.
Period. What defense can there possibly be for this guy?????????
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 917,
I know its hard for you but sometimes you have to be dan lkaf zchus.
I dont have the answers either but to jump all over the person based on what is being reported it not the right thing to do.
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
I want to address anonymous 10:44. When the media reports about him, you question it, however , when the media reports about Hezbollah, chamas,al-qeida, etc., then you believe the reports. Come on, get real.
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:17 AM
question for u
why do jump to conclusions
why do you have to be worse towards a fellow yid then the us justice system which gives a person the benefit of innocents until proven guilty by a court of law ???
firstly the torah commands you to be dan lekav zchus
you arent in pocession of all the relevant facts on the case to judge him guilty
you are basing your statement by what you read in the press (which everyone knows loves to jump and prey on orthodox jews w/o mercy and blow up issues)have you verified what you read by all parties involved??
dont be so quick to jump on your brother
after all in 3 weeks (rosh hashana) you also want to be judged favorably
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Fool, his own relatives are saying that they were screwed by him.
What is your response to that? The media is putting words in the relatives's mouths.
At what point will the vicious stealing, cheating lying ripping off of one fellow jew to another end. How many more hundreds of lectures do we need before jews get this hint.
We get everybody on anygiven night giving lectures. Is it accomplishing anything?
The chilul hashem I witnessed on Monday at the Holiday mt. fun park was absolutely beyond description. Not only this chasssidishe camp making a chilul hashem in front of the goyishe ownership group, but even behaving like trash with other non-Chassidishe people.
Now, you want to say I am making this up too?
At 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
look at the court web site. There are over $ 300 million in claims against him for money he owes to banks and individuals.
At 12:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
enough already!!
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