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Monday, August 07, 2006

West Greenwich, NJ - Swastikas Painted On Government Building

Swastikas Painted On West Greenwich 07/07/06

West Greenwich, NJ - State police are looking for the person or persons who vandalized a government building In West Greenwich. "There was extensive damage with spray paint over every side of the building, with obscenities and swastikas," said Lt. John LaFreniere of the Rhode Island state police.

A neighbor spotted the damage and called the water resources board, the state agency that uses the building as a field office

Police said the building is in a remote location, set back off the road with not much lighting.
Police also said this is an isolated incident, but one that they're taking very seriously. "This is a random act; there's been no pattern for any state buildings where this has been committed recently. This is something that's new," said LaFreniere.


  • At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    its sad... but if you look close ther are not real swastikas .. it looks like copycats here - real kkk know that the 7s cross whiule these dont


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