Jerusalem, Israel - Man Blowing Shofar at Western Wall on Rosh HaShanah was Arrested
Jerusalem, Israel - At around 7:30 Rosh HaShanah morning, at the northern-most section of the accessible Western Wall in an area called the Kotel HaKatan, a group of some 10 men and two women under the leadership of Eliyahu K, 20, gathered at the site, as they have done for several years on Rosh HaShanah, for early-morning prayers. and the blowing of the shofar.
Towards the second time of blowing the shofer, in the midst of the silent prayer. Policemen came in and began trying to pull away Eliyahu. However, Eliyahu was in the midst of reciting the Shmonah Esrei and he therefore did not move.
The policemen informed their supervisors by radio that he was praying and refused to move, reinforcements were soon sent - no fewer than 20 policemen. They started dragging him out, the other members of the prayer group came out and tried to prevent the policemen from taking Eliyahu away. At this point, the policemen started swinging their clubs violently; no one was hospitalized, but "it was a big brawl," with many people being dragged around and beaten while wearing their prayer-shawls and Sabbas suits.
Eliyahu was taken by foot, all the way around the Old City, past Mt. Zion and through Jaffa Gate, to the Kishle police station inside Jaffa Gate. At this point, there was no longer any violence, and Eliyahu was released after being charged with attacking a policeman, disturbing a policeman in the line of duty, and disturbing the public order.
One of the worshipers said that the police had apparently been called by an Arab woman who said the sound of the ram's horn disturbed her children.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
the israeli cops are such rashouim they have hitlers rishes in them selve i watch them once at a hafgana, they are worse then the antisemits in iran. yimach shemom vezichrom....
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
the suten has plenty of helpers in der farshultener medina
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Watch your use of the word "hitler". Ask any holocaust survivor including your grandparents and they will shudder as you use "hitler" who has committed such horrible atrocities, on Israeli policemen. By use of that word you are, in effect, undermining the horrible atrocities that word connotates.
At 2:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Israeli Government, Police… are the ones who start the trouble with the Arabs and then to show that as if they are doing something about it arrest and harass others who are praying(and settlers). Then laying blame on others and showing the world that they are stopping the aggressors when they the Israeli police are the cause when and if there is.
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I dont understand its a day after rosh hashana and this is how we talk on our holy cops that are Moiser Nefesh for the land of isreal, before you judge somebody you have to hear both sides of the story, and best of all stop judging others ,and dont forget "YISROEL AF AL PEE SHECHOTOH YISROEL HEE..
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
How could this have happened? On Rosh Hashana in Eretz Yisroel? We're talking about the blowing of a shofar in a land where practically everybody would be blowing a shofar on that day! Is there more to this story that is not being reported?
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
1:43 you are 100% correct.
that name ym"sh has been so overused, it really disgraces the 6 million who perished as well as the million others who suffered gehennim in this world.
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
i agree too with 1;43
i blame the stupid arab woman and her kids being scared of the sound of a ram's horn...anything to stir up some trouble
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