North Bay, Ontario, Canada - Missing Boaters in Lake Nipissing
North Bay, Ontario, Canada - An intensive search is underway Tuesday for two Toronto-area men who went missing on Lake Nipissing.
Heine Mondrowitz, 56, of Richmond Hill, Ont., and his son-in-law, Eli Horowitz, 30, of Toronto, who is also an active Hatzolah member, they were supposed to return from a boating trip Monday evening.
Police say their 19-foot rental boat was found empty after it drifted ashore in North Bay.
The men were staying at a lodge on the lake and had rented the boat to go fishing and swimming.
Police and local volunteers are involved in a heavy ground, air and water search for the missing men.
U/D: 08/26/06 21:57
All up dates on the two missing, will be posted in the comments section of this post.
U/D: 09/01/06
Reward for still missing Eli Horowitz was offered by Hatzoloh of Toronto
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
at 10:55 PM the OPP marine unit informed the family that they stopped searching Hatzolah of Toronto called Rabbi Gluck which contacted the US state dept who called the Canadian government that they should resume the search which was resumed at 11:30 PM they found the boat but the two people are still missing currently 10 boats and three helicopters are involved in the search
At 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
They found a life vest and are searching in the vicinity. They also think they might be on an island stranded. We need to daven. I think the son in laws name is Avraham Eliezer ben Devorah, I am not sure of the father in laws name.
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
One more thing, they now have 25 boats searching in the water, 5 helicopters and about 50 people searching the land.
At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please be Mispallel for Avraham Elimelech ben Devorah!
Father is R' Yankel Horowitz from Monsey - Rebbi in Peekskill Yeshiva.
At 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hashem yerachiem
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know this guy well. Please keep my posted. He's (Eli Horowitz) originally from Monsey (Grove St) and he's also Flatbush 303.
At 5:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
any news? what they were doing there? where from? names? age? wife? SS#?
why do we need all the info if it was us we wouldnt want all the info to be given out as it is here
do ppl care? then u need the name to daven or are ppl here looking for something to talk about?
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is called Maylech, by the family. Has wonderful wife and three little children. May Hashem have rachmonus & help us.
At 7:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
yep it is very important to have this information .
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
OPP just agreed to keep the helicopters in the air until 12:00 tonight.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is ny hatzalah sending volunteers?
At 8:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
the Hearts of Klal yisroel worldwide is with them, please Hashem make this another "suri feldman" happy ending story, please!!!!
chevra, get off your screens for a momant and say a kapital tehilim!
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
get off ur screen and whoever can should go and search
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hatzoloh Toronto is trying to arrange to have about 30 people arrive at the scene by daybreak (6am) Wednesday morning. That means that the car has got to leave Toronto by 2:45am/3:00am.
There are, right now, about 20 people who have committed to go.
If there is anyone else able to take the day off from work, please call Ben at 416-731-4000 to make arrangements. Thanks.
At 10:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
OPP Media Release
Two Toronto area men missing since yesterday at 3:30pm have still not been located. The two men, Heine MONDROWITZ and Eli HOROWITZ, along with their families were vacationing at the Waltonian Inn, Lake Nipissing when the two decided to go for a boat ride around 3:30pm 21Aug2006. Their empty boat was located drifting off of Premier Rd. North Bay around 5:30pm 21Aug2006
An extensive ground, air and water search was conducted all day by the North Bay OPP, SAVE unit, OPP helicopter and the Underwater search and rescue unit with negative results. Also searching were three civilian helicopters and up to twenty volunteers.
Police investigation will continue into the night and resume in full at daybreak, 23Aug2006.
An intensive ground, air and water search is underway for two Southern Ontario men after their empty boat drifted to shore near Premier Road, North Bay at 5:30 p.m. yesterday - Monday, August 21.
The missing men were staying at a lodge on the south shore of Lake Nipissing and had rented a 19’ boat to go fishing and swimming around 3:30 p.m. They were due back at 7:00 pm. and failed to return.
Missing are Heine Mondrowitz, age 56, Richmond Hill and his 30-year-old son-in-law Eli Horowitz, Toronto.
The North Bay Marine Unit and SAVE Team boats are on the water supported by local volunteer searchers. The OPP helicopter is in the air and ERT members are conducting a shoreline search
At 10:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
someone with a private plane ought to offer to take as many yungerleight to toronto since theyre anyhow on bein hazmanim.
At 11:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard that all thair clothing where found on the boat
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please avoid the rumors and lets stick to facts.
Can anyone advise if NY Hatzolah is sending a crew to assist in the search.
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please do not spread rumors, submit only reports which have been verified by reliable sources.
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hashem this is a nightmare. if somebody knows something more please post ASAP I am staying up
At 11:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hatzoloh Toronto has advised all volounteers from NY to stay in NY. The OPP has strict guidlines and rules and do not want a huge number of people showing up at the scene.
At 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is this a fact that they don't want people to show up? I thought Benny was looking for as many volunteers as possible? Please verify so that we can do the right thing!!!
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
they are looking for at least 100 people
if anyone from ny has the time please let us know
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Search just started again, we need everyone that could come and give a hand for our brothers, call Benny at the above number please please.
At 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
if there is a bus going out from boro park/ flatbush please let us know.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hatzoloh Toronto has two command centers set up one in the city and one in North Bay. Right now we are coordinating with the OPP and are continuously sending up volunteers in relation to how many search parties the OPP are able to send out. We have had approximately 4 helicopters one plane and 15 boats partaking in the search from dawn until way after dark. We have also had an overwhelming response from the community as well as Hatz in NY and Montreal to assist. Right now we are receiving sufficient volunteers from within the city, but if that changes we are in contact with Hatz New York and Montreal and they will be informed of our needs. If anyone is in Toronto and would like to volunteer please do not call “Ben” rather call the hotline at 416 256 1000 and they will inform you if additional volunteers are needed for the next search party and when you will need to be up there.
Bisort Tovot
At 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just spoke to Ben and asked him if they need people from brooklyn. He said not unless they have something special that they can offer, like fly a helicopter......... The boats and search teams are still working very hard, and he asked that we say "tehilim".
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
The North Bay Marine Unit and SAVE Team boats are on the water supportedby local volunteer searchers. The OPP helicopter is in the air and ERT membersare conducting a shoreline search
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Article from this morning's National Post:
Strangers heed call to search for missing anglers
Overturned boat: Jewish community reaches out to help Toronto family
Natalie Alcoba
National Post
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
More than 100 members of Toronto's Jewish community travelled north to Lake Nipissing to help search for two men who set off fishing on Monday and never returned.
Eli Horowitz, 30, and his father-in-law, Heine Mondrowitz, 56, were staying in a south shore lodge and set out on a rented, 19-foot boat to go fishing and swimming around 3:30 p.m., police said.
Their overturned boat drifted back to the North Bay shore about two hours later, with no sign of either man.
Mr. Horowitz lives with his wife and three young children in the Bathurst Street and Lawrence Avenue area and word quickly spread that he was missing. His father-in-law lives in Richmond Hill.
"Calls were made, doors were knocked on at midnight last night," said David Stein, Mr. Horowitz's close friend who helped organize the contingent of searchers that boarded helicopters, rode on boats and hiked the edges of the expansive lake alongside Ontario Provincial Police officers.
The North Bay Marine Unit and SAVE Team boats were part of the intensive search.
"Half the people who are out here searching for him don't even know him," marvelled Mr. Stein, as he waded through a metre of water along Lake Nipissing shore yesterday evening and continued looking for his friend. The waters appeared calm, he noted.
"We keep on searching and hoping for the best," he said.
Mr. Horowitz's wife was part of the search, and his children were in the area. It is not clear whether he is an experienced fisherman.
Mr. Horowitz runs his own business and is active at his synagogue, friends said. He is a member of a volunteer paramedic group that operates along the Bathurst corridor and caters to the Jewish community.
"He is extremely active in helping other people," said Philip Mund, another friend who sent out an appeal for volunteer searchers that was posted on the UJA Federation Web site.
"He's a tough little guy, and he's always well-liked," Mr. Stein said.
"We just want to express our thanks to the literally hundreds of people who dropped everything and came to help," he added.
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
From today's North Bay Nugget online:
Police continue search for boaters missing on Lake Nipissing
Nugget Staff
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 - 08:00
Local News - CALLANDER - Ontario Provincial Police continued a search for two missing boaters on Lake Nipissing overnight Tuesday.
Police spent the day conducting ground, air and water searches for two southern Ontario men reported missing Monday.
Heine Mondrowitz, 56, of Richmond Hill and his son-in-law Eli Horowitz, 30, of Toronto, were staying at the Waltonian Inn in Callander with their families, OPP Sgt. Carlo Berardi said in a media release.
The two men had rented a 19-foot boat to go fishing and swimming at about 3:30 p.m. Monday. But the empty boat was found drifting near Premier Road two hours later and there was no sign of the men.
Officers were joined Tuesday by dozens of family members and friends of the men who travelled north to help with the search.
The OPP marine unit, SAVE team boats and emergency response team, as well as the forces helicopter, conducted searches of the water and shore.
Berardi said the family also hired three helicopters and an airplane to help.
The search continued overnight with a Griffin helicopter equipped with an infrared light, said OPP Sgt. Connie Young. Officers also continued the water search overnight.
More officers were expected to help this morning.
Susanne Rieser, who owns Rockview Camp on Lake Nipissings south shore, said she was keeping an eye on the water and shoreline.
Weve been watching the water all day long, she said Tuesday evening.
Rieser, president of the Lake Nipissing South Shore Association, said she wishes there had been more details provided to cottage owners about the missing men.
She said she would have passed the information on to the associations
27 members, who could have helped in the search.
Im certainly hoping that everyone out there (on the lake) will be vigilant, she said.
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would volunteer to go, but what purpose can I serve??
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
"kol yisroel araivim ze loze",
we all have one father,
and he will ask us ,WHY WERN'T YOU MISPALEL TO ME WHEN YOUR BROTHER'S WERE IN DANGER R"L,what will we answer? actulley there is no answer on that, other then taking a thilim and be MISPALEL, remember we don't know for whos tefilus hashem is waiting.........
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
משפחה מקנדה ביקשו שיתפללו ויעוררו רחמים עבור יקיריהם שנעלמו במימי אגם ביום שני השבוע,
חנוך בן רבקה לאה.
אברהם אלימלך בן דבורה
המקום ירחם עליהם ויצילם מכל צרה ומצוקה מכל נגע ומחלה ויחזרו במהרה לחיק משפחתם.
רבותי רייסט איין! דער אייבערשטער קען אלעס
At 2:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
What I Can Tell You Is That We Have Been Here Searching For The Last 24 Hours We Have Hatzoloh Members Including Myself Have Been On Private Helicopters.
Yesterday The OPP Command Center Was Not Big Enough To Handle A Large Amount Of Searchers But Through The Night They Brought A Much Bigger One With A Bigger Team So We Are Coordinating With The Toronto Community Who Will Be Sending A Large Amount Of People 2 Search.
Boroch Hashem It Seems Like The Political Pressure Helped Out Bec. Now The Government Agencies Are Being Very Cooperative Thanks Again For All Ure Help And I Will Keep U Posted When I Can
At 2:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I pray that these 2 yiden are okay and hope that they are just waiting to be rescued. For those of us who are following this story, can anyone describe the area? How large is the lake area? Are there areas that they could pull over to the side if they had just wanted to get out of the boat for a few minutes?
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lake Nipissing (French: lac Nipissing) is a lake in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is 873.3 km² (337 square miles) in surface area, has a mean elevation of 196 m (643 feet) above sea level and is located between the Ottawa River and Georgian Bay. Excluding the Great Lakes, Lake Nipissing is the fifth-largest lake in Ontario. It is relatively shallow for a large lake, with an average depth of only 4.5 metres (15 feet). The shallowness of the lake makes for many sandbars along the lake's irregular coastline. The lake has many islands.
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
are divers looking as well??
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
how many kids do both of them have??
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Will there be a bus going from the NY area and if yeah who do I call to get on it?
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
to long live rebbe
You Apikoros what you are. You are an Oved Avoda Zorah. Are you Christian that you daven to a Saint?
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
will there be any busses from montreal
At 6:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
im surprised ky did not go
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
wey are you so suprised?, I'm sure that they offer to help, and they refused it. (BTW Kiryas Yoel Ems is the most popular for a org. ho respond the FASTEST posb.)
At 7:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just to clarify all rumors and I heard So's...
Just spoke to someone who is there searching on one of the islands on the lake. people from toronto travelled with plans to stay for 2-3 days, and right now there are only about 40-50 volunteers. it might be a good idea for people who are local to the toronto area, to call hatzolah's hotline 416-256-1000 to offer your assistance, and don't assume that they are turning away help/
At 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kiryas Joel is assisting . Thats the satmar way to help with your maximum power a fellow jew when he is in need
At 12:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Eli is a dear friend. He would bend over backwards to help anyone. He lives his life as a volunteer for the Jewish community while making parnossoh for his family and learning torah. v'chol mi sheoskim b'ztorchey tzibbur b'emunah, HK"BH y'shaleim schorom, v'yosir mehem kol machalah, v'yirpoh l'chol gufam, v'yislach l'chol avonom, v'yishlach brochoh v'hatzlochoh b'chol ma'asai y'deihem im kol yisroel acheihem, v'noimar omein.
At 1:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
7:18 p.m. update on search for two boaters on Lake Nipissing
By Staff
Wednesday, August 23,
Search continues - two men missing on Lake Nipissing
OPP seek public assistance
(North Bay, ON) - The intensive ground, air and water search continues on and around Lake Nipissing for two men, 56-year-old Heine Mondrowitz of Richmond Hill and his 30-year-old son-in-law Eli Horowitz of Toronto.
Their empty boat drifted ashore near Premier Road, North Bay late Monday afternoon (August 21).
They were vacationing with family at a south shore resort when the pair failed to return from an afternoon outing on the lake.
THE OPP is asking lakeside residents and boaters along the south shore of Lake Nipissing and Callander Bay to watch the shoreline and report anything unusual to police at 1-888-310-1122.
An extensive ground, air and water search was conducted all day by the North Bay OPP, SAVE unit, OPP helicopter and the Underwater search and rescue unit with negative results.
RCC Trenton Search and Rescue searched all last night and today with night vision and infrared scanning equipment.
Also searching were three civilian helicopters and up to thirty volunteers.
JRCC (Joint Rescue Coordination Centre) out of Trenton, Ontario has deployed a helicopter to assist with the search operation.
Members of the OPP Emergency Response Team (ERT) is conducting shoreline and island searches.
The OPP Underwater Search and Recovery Unit (USRU) has joined the effort and is working with the North Bay OPP Marine Unit and SAVE Team.
Numerous people have generously volunteered and are assisting police with the search.
Anyone with any information regarding the missing persons are to call the North Bay OPP.
Police investigation will continue into the night and resume in full at daybreak.
At 2:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
My heart goes out to the mishpacha and my tefilos are to HKB"H that we should hear a besura tova.
What I can't get over; and I say it constantly:
Me keamcha yisroel, so dedicated, so devoted, so caring; going out of their way to do anything to help. There isn't another nation out there like ours;
Hashem look down at how good your children are to each other, and have rachmonus.
At 10:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Any news pleeeesea ...up date.
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Any news pleeeesea ...up date.
10:19 AM
The RBS"O is probably already 'impressed' (k'veyahcul) with how far heimeshe Yiddin will go to not let another Yid doesn't die c"v.
Perhaps what He is not as 'happy' (k'veyachul)about is how far some of us will go to not let another Yid LIVE!
At 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
lkwd was contacted late last night wedensday to send people to assist in search
but seems the terrain there specifically calls for professinals.
There are 40 montreal achynu there but r sitting around due to above problem
we must davan and hope
the canadian authorities continue the search
contact is being made reaching out to professional govt search and rescue to come and assist here
At 11:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
chevraman is right. That is something we should all undertake to better oursevles in; and in this zchus Hashem will help. Yeshuas Hashem KeHeref Ayim. Azoi vee a blik fun an oyg.
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
earch continues - two men missing on Lake Nipissing
OPP seek public assistance
(North Bay, ON) - The intensive ground, air and water search continues on and around Lake Nipissing for two men, 56-year-old Heine Mondrowitz of Richmond Hill and his 30-year-old son-in-law Eli Horowitz of Toronto.
Their empty boat drifted ashore near Premier Road, North Bay late Monday afternoon (August 21).
They were vacationing with family at a south shore resort when the pair failed to return from an afternoon outing on the lake.
THE OPP is asking lakeside residents and boaters along the south shore of Lake Nipissing and Callander Bay to watch the shoreline and report anything unusual to police at 1-888-310-1122.
An extensive ground, air and water search was conducted all day by the North Bay OPP, SAVE unit, OPP helicopter and the Underwater search and rescue unit with negative results.
RCC Trenton Search and Rescue searched all last night and today with night vision and infrared scanning equipment.
Also searching were three civilian helicopters and up to thirty volunteers.
JRCC (Joint Rescue Coordination Centre) out of Trenton, Ontario has deployed a helicopter to assist with the search operation.
Members of the OPP Emergency Response Team (ERT) is conducting shoreline and island searches.
The OPP Underwater Search and Recovery Unit (USRU) has joined the effort and is working with the North Bay OPP Marine Unit and SAVE Team.
Numerous people have generously volunteered and are assisting police with the search.
Anyone with any information regarding the missing persons are to call the North Bay OPP.
Police investigation will continue into the night and resume in full at daybreak.
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
the posts from "Long Live Rebbi Moshiach said..." are written by a siko i know who he is and he has mental issues, he isnt even a mishichist, he is just crzay. he created some sick websites on the same theme posing as a a meshichist. he is a alter bochur from minnisota with nothing to do with his life, he jsut tries making lubavitch look bad.
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Volunteers help search; Two men missing on lake since Monday
Gord Young
Local News - Thursday, August 24, 2006 @ 08:00
Search teams continued to comb the waters and beaches of Lake Nipissing Wednesday in an attempt to find two Toronto-area men missing since Monday.
The intensive search began shortly after Heine Mondrowitz, 56, of Richmond Hill, Ont., and his son-in-law, Eli Horowitz, 30, of Toronto, failed to return from a boating trip.
The men were staying at the Waltonian Inn on the lake's south shore and had rented a 19-foot boat to go fishing and swimming.
The rental boat was found empty about two hours later after it drifted ashore near Premier Road in North Bay.
And there's been no sign of the men, both respected members of Toronto's Jewish community, despite exhaustive efforts by police and an army of volunteers to scour the lake and its shores.
Ontario Provincial Police have been aided in the search by local residents.
Also helping are more than 150 friends and family members of the two men, including volunteers with Hatzoloh Toronto, a volunteer emergency medical service.
"We're a small community and we do as much as we can to take care of each other," said Moshe Sigler, among the Hatzoloh members to travel north to help search for one their own.
Sigler said Horowitz helped launch the Toronto chapter of the world-wide organization eight years ago.
And he said this is the first time the group has been involved in such an extensive search operation outside the Toronto area.
"We'd do this for anyone in our community," Sigler said, noting more than 150 members of the tight-knit community have made the trip to help with the search.
The Waltonian Inn served as a headquarters for the ground, air and water search operation Wednesday where friends and family members of the two missing men held on to hope they will be found alive.
The ground, air and water search has involved the OPP's emergency response team, helicopter, underwater search and recovery unit and the North Bay marine and SAVE units. The Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre out of Trenton has deployed a helicopter and several south shore residents have provided boats and their knowledge of the lake. The family of the two missing men have also hired three helicopters and airplane.
Police are asking lakeside residents and boaters along the south shore and Callander Bay to watch the shoreline and report anything unusual at 1-888-310-1122.
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
private helicopters are being used in the search at the cost of $1000.00 dollars an hour as govt helicopters are limited anyone willing to help defray part of the cost please call the hotline at 416 256 1000 ask for heshy k who is coordinating the search
tizku lemitzvos
At 3:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm not sure lubav needs anybody's help to look bad these days
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
To annny who wrote: "You Apikoros what you are. You are an Oved Avoda Zorah. Are you Christian that you daven to a Saint?"
Why do people go to kevarim to daven? Isn't it to beg the niftar to help us out by davening to hashem? I am not lubavitch but I see nothing wrong in his comments. Satmar, Belz, Viznitz and many other chasidim all daven at their rebbe's kever. The bnei yisroel stopped at kever rochel too. Are they not davening to their rebbe for a yeshua? I think you may have been a bit harsh in your words.
At 4:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stop talking about this 'narishkeit'. We have to join together 'Agudah Achas'. Hashem wants us to get together and unfortunatley it takes a matziv like this for us to come together. If everyone would stop talking about Lubavitch (and other sects) the way they do, things like this wouldn't happen.
May Hashem see this as it is, a huge kiddush Hashem, and let us find them alive.
At 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
to the person who wrote: i'm not sure lubav needs anybody's help to look bad these days
im sorry to break it to you but lubavitch is the only jewish group that is growing in the world yes if you look at ch it might look bad just as every jewish community does, but if you look around the world chabad is the only jewish org grwing and doing strong
when everyone is busy killing each other chabad looks at the positive and does what it needs to
fly anywhere any place and look for yourself
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
When you daven at a Tzadik you ask hashem in the zhecus of the nifter he should help you. or you ask the nifter should be mispallel for you
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
anyone have toronto hatzolahs website ?
At 4:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please DO NOT turn the discussion into a debate. we have to be mispalel that this whould end in a good way, it's never too late for a miracle!
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
If everyone in this blog is able to put $1, $5, $10, or $20 or more into the pushke tonight and verbally say that it should be a zechus for these 2 missing people it would be a tremendous help. Think about it, there are thousands of potential tzedaka dollars that can be given in their zechus.
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
to annonamus at 4:09 pm
lubav is the only group that's growning??????
you need to get out of crown heights (place or mentality).
try visting; williamsburg, boro-park, lakewood, or monsey. i should not leave out smaller but growing places like new square and baltimore as well as many more. and, let's not forget e. yisroel; they have more than a few (and growing) gerrer, belzer, breslover and many other.
nobody doubts that lubav is growing but to say that lubav is the only group growing is inaccurate.
At 5:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Toronto Hatzoloh -
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is this the same Melech Horowitz who worked at Monsey Glatt for awhile???
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
to Anonymous said... at 4:45pm
i dont mean that no other community is growing of course they are i meant like satmer belz bubov yes they are growing in numbers but look at the fights they have look whats going on in each place the problems they have
in chabad its very few, you just hear about it because every small thing like this boy in morristown ends up in the paper
but anyone that knows the inside of the other places know whats really going on
big deal in chabad there a few mishugoim who talk to the media thats about it
the general chabad is is bachdus and doing the rebbes whlichus to bring yidishkeit to every corner of the globe
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know what planet you are living on, but to say that Chabad is b'achdus is like saying that that Iraq is peacful.
How many court cases are on the Kings Couty docket involving every single aspect of Chabad? Someone I know counted it and says that there are 2 DOZEN! What about the mishchisten and anti-meshichisten? The Vaad, Crown Heights Beis Din, and Rubashkin?
Need I go on?
Chabad is in self-destruct mode. If things don't turn around soon there will be nothing left.
At 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can we please not turn this into a chabad issue. There are two chushiver yidden in a sakana, and we need achdus now.
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:04 PM,
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yidden, don't give up hope!
If 3 Mexican fisherman can come back from a fishing trip after going missing for 9 MONTHS it is certainly plausable that these guys will turn up OK after a few days. All we need is a small miracle.
At 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 8:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
just heard from a member who flew up there and was on search. they are heading back to ny as there is nothing more they can do there.
At 8:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
to the people writing against chabad i am not chabad but i see the good they do and I don't think its fair to put down thousands for a few crazy people screaming in crown heights you have that in every community
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
The search has been partially called off. Only civiliians who are proffesional or very experienced in conducting ground, air, or sea rescue/recovery missions are being asked to stay. All other civillians are being sent home.
The owner of the inn was very helpful & instrumental in starting & organizing the original search by sea. He coordinated the initial sea search. Many locals come out with their boats at the crack of dawn to search the water.
There were a few boats up there & jet skis brought by the Toronto Jewish community members. However the majority of ppl who came up from toronto, didn't come with a boat, and unfortunately the OPP (ontario police) did not send out more than 4 officers at a time to conduct the ground search. Since the OPP didn't allow a group of searchers to go out with out an officer. This means there were only 4 groups working at any given time. There were many people on hand 24 hrs a day for the last few days waiting to help & assist in the ground search, but the opp refused to provide more officers. While on an individual level the OPP were pretty decent, at the top level everybody was unsatisfied that the opp wasn't providing more resources
At 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
To make donations to defray the costs, please call the Hatzoloh office at 416-398-2300.
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hashem Yerachem; who knows if this wasn't cholila foul play by some arab choleryas. Toronto is full of them; yemach shemon vezichrom
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I found the OPP to be very co-operative. We went out without an officer, but kept in cell-phone communication at all times for further instructions, advice etc. I know of at least one other boat that was out for two days without an officer on board, but also working directly with Hatzolah and the OPP. In general, they were very impressed by the numbers and meferesh Nefesh of the Community. One top level officer told me that he had never seen anything like it in his 24 years of Police work. This is a Kiddush HaShem. Lets keep the achdus going
At 12:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Not being a member of the Jewish community but wishing to add my thoughts and prayers to those already said.
Please let these two much loved men be found safe and sound.
At 1:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Also not a Jewish community member, but sincere hopes for a good outcome, including safe return to their loved ones. I live on the street where their boat drifted to. Were Mr. Horowitz and Mr. Mondrowitz good swimmers? Lake Nipissing is quite warm, so the good news is it would be possible to stay in the water for a long time, even to swim to an island. There are conflicting reports whether their boat was found overturned or it was upright. I don't recall the waves being huge on Monday (this happens frequently on Nipissing with the wind because it is so shallow), so what has happened here is very strange. Prayers for them to be found in good health soon!
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hope police are checking: who else rented a boat that day,; privately owned boats and yachts in this area, if any. Hope this wasn't Yishmaelim, or kidnapping of some sort.
At 9:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Heard there are many islands in the area. Do people live on them? Are the islands large or small?
At 9:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I Just want to put things straight in regard to the Lubav Issue. Farkert I think that this is the beauty of yiddishkiet that there are so many diff. sects that cater to so many other individuals. Each sect does what they feel is the right way to serve Hashem. Since there are so many diff. ways, disagreements are inevitable,But arguements are navoidable. Everyone stick to what you think is right. And don't worry about yenem.
All this is true except when there is desecration of Halacha.
When people daven at Kevarim Chas veshalom do tahy daven to the niftar and Lubav's don't daven to the rebbe. They are mispallel for a yeshua in his zchus. That was the problem with Chet Haegel the yidden wanted a middle-man between themselves and Hashem.
Bikitzur your job is to serve Hashem the best way for you. And to be mispallel to Hashem when others are in trouble.
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Many, many people around the world, of many races and religions, are praying for the safe return of both men.
I know the older gentleman only via the internet although I have seen photographs of the whole family, and I hold him in the highest regard.
I do not belong to the Jewish community myself but that has never been a barrier to my friendship with this gentleman.
The support within the community for the families and the search effort is wonderful.
Peace to all.
At 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am from the area and noticed this blog. A few of us were wondering if the boat was found with its anchor down or was the anchor still in the boat. Additionally and more importantly, if they had a wallet with them, was their wallet found or was it missing which obviously indicates that this was not an accident. Chances are, and by far the most plausable scencario is, this is consistent with 99% of boating related deaths in Ontario. The passengers were just plain not wearing live vests. We even noticed that some of the volunteers who were out on the lake searching, were also not wearing life vests. Just so you know, life vests are to be worn and not used to make the boat seats softer. This should be a lesson to all of you.
At 11:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone up in Nipising who can comment on the search this morning - is it to go over Shabbos? Do we have a Psach from Rabbi Miller? Please post an update.
Someone asked about Islands - yes, there are hundreds of them and huge rocks as well - lots of marsch and shallow areas- it is a tough lake, shallow and intricate. All the areas have been checked several times by either land search, water approach on boats and jet skis as well as helicopters and planes with infrared camera devices. The water in the area of the first report of the missing boat has been checked with depth sonar. Tefilla and Achdus are ultimately the key to hatzolah.
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Apparently, everything was intact on the boat. The only things missing were two of the four life-jackets. They were either wearing them or they were thrown overboard. As I understand it, these two jackets had not been recovered as of yet, which leads one to believe that they were being worn
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a follow up to my previous post and as a volunteer coordinator for search and rescue in North Bay, people who properly secure their flotation devices do not drown unless they panick and remove them or die from hypothermia. This is probably (and I hope not) just another case of careless boating. Most of the time these cases involve alchohol and the participants are just too incoherent as to know what a life vest is even if you bolted it to their body. In this case I trust these were two very responsible individuals who were not prepared for what transpired but who were not responsible when it comes to the most elementry precaution. The only ones who suffer now are their family and friends. All of us in this beautiful area of Northern Ontario hope they are found but this is not the first time this has happened and most of the time the outcomes are not what we want to see.
I noticed a reference to your community's volunteer organization. I take it this is similar to an EMT service. Time to start planning for next summer (unless you also are avid ice fishers) and start educating your community that those orange life vests come in all shapes, sizes, and styles and are the 'cool' thing to be wearing on the waterways. One mess up and all that is left are grieving parents and spouses or orphaned children. Not the kind of company anyone wants to be a part of.
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Klal yisroel is united with u guys to mispalel to hahsem for good news!!!
At 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, I just wanted to set a few things straight as I have read some of the posts on this blog.
The boat was found not overturned, the anchor was in the boat, the wallets were in the boat, and Heines glasses were in the boat. Two lifejackets were missing of which one was found on the Tuesday.
I know a situation like this will make people wonder and question and I hope this information will help a little with whats already be spoken about...
I'm not a member of the jewish community, I'm just someone who has a friend who is close to Heine and his family and is concerned.
continued hope...
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was part of one of the groups that walked along the beach and through the marshes and our OPP officer mentioned that a life vest had been found but as far as he knew, it was identified by the Waltonia staff as not belonging to them. Very confusing!!!
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
As of Wednesday night, I was advised that they hadn't found the two missing life-jackets and one of the Helicopter pilots told me that she returned several odd lifejackets to the OPP, but none were THE ones missing.
At 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
My family has a camp on Callander's south shore (across from the yacht club)and my son (also named Eli) and I were there until this morning. We observed many passes by helicopters. The area is full of islands and little bays so there are many places these men might be yet found. All Callander residents on the lake are looking as well. We would like to add our thoughts and prayers to yours.
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
latest rumour in Toronto is that they were found not alive, that rumour is completely false, there is no news as of 3pm Friday.
the other thing going around the city is foul play.
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Are there satelite pictures of tthe area? I know that sites exist on the internet that you can even look down on a particular address.
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
will there be search on shabes?
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
link to sattelite view
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Type in "Lake Nippising"
At 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would just like to say I have been observing your comments on this blog. I live on the road where the boat was found. My thoughts & prayers are with all the community in wishing for the safe return of these 2 men to their family & friends. I am also very impressed & moved by the way in which the Jewish community has mobilized to help with the search. God bless you all.
At 9:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Are there any updates on them yet?
At 5:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Police scale back search for boaters; Toronto-area men missing on lake
Nugget Staff
Local News - Saturday, August 26, 2006 @ 08:00
Hopes faded Friday that two boaters missing for a fifth day on Lake Nipissing would be found alive.
Police have scaled back the intensive search for Heine Mondrowitz, 56, of Richmond Hill, and his son-in-law, Eli Horowitz, 30, of Toronto, presuming the men drowned after failing to return from a boating trip Monday evening.
They were staying at the Waltonian Inn on the lake's south shore and had rented a 19-foot boat to go fishing and swimming.
The rental boat was found empty at 5:30 p.m. after it drifted ashore near Premier Road in North Bay.
There's been no sign of the men, despite an intensive ground, water and air search involving dozens of volunteers and several boats and helicopters.
The search operation was scaled back Friday to involve only the Ontario Provincial Police marine units and underwater search and rescues divers, focusing on the area stretching from the Waltonian Inn to Premier Road, where the rental boat was found.
Police were aided earlier this week by area residents and many friends and family members of the men, both respected members of Toronto's Jewish community. Many of the volunteers were also members of Hatzoloh Toronto, a volunteer emergency medical service which Horowitz belonged to.
The attempt to locate the men has been exhaustive involving the OPP's emergency response team, helicopter, underwater search and recovery unit and the North Bay marine and SAVE units. The Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre out of Trenton deployed a helicopter and several south shore residents provided boats and knowledge of the lake. The family of the missing men also hired three helicopters and an airplane.
At 9:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
good voch, any updates durning shabos?
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kidnapping, by definition, calls for ransom of some sort. Perhaps you meant to ask about abduction.
At 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Some are saying that a body has been found. Anyone have information?
At 9:58 PM,
Some report that residents of Premier Road have said that a body was recovered this evening at the mouth of the La Vase River and believed it to be one of the two Toronto area men missing since the 21st Aug 2006.
They say the OPP boats were searching the area and that they witnessed the recovery efforts.
OPP have not been available to comment on the situation as of yet.
At 10:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
It seems that its confirmed that the body discovered is Heine Mondrowitz the Father in-law of Eli.
At 10:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's not confirmed that it's him yet.
Get your facts straight.
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
From what I have heard second source the dental records have confirmed its Heine.
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes it was the father in law.he was found ,with his life vest still intact.
At 11:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately, the fact is, it is the father-in-law!
Family has been notified already.
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Mondrowitz was found. Confirmed.
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anonymous at 10:51 pm, I'm sure you are not making it up, you probably heard from somebody else, but what does "it seems that it was confirmed" - was it or not? to 11:04 and 11:05 pm, how are you sure if the police and the m.e. aren't sure yet. the story is like this: rescue workers found a body this shabbos afternoon at approx. 4:00. Body was taken in for dental record testing ( by the way they wanted to take dna tests but were stopped by rabbi gluck) m.e. is awaiting for results which can take up to 24 hours. family was notified that a body was found but was not yet indentified. : I was involved in this search on wednesday and thursday and I will be going back in 1 hour to continue with the efforts. all I can say is that the kiddush hashem that is being made overhere is not to be imagined. many agencies from as far as new york are working together as a team, and its wonderfull to see no arguments at extremely stressfull time. mesiros tovos.
At 11:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the self righteous anonymous blogger who was ready to condem these poor victims with smater than thou critisism (not once, but TWICE!)before the facts were in with the following:
****"The passengers were just plain not wearing live vests. We even noticed that some of the volunteers who were out on the lake searching, were also not wearing life vests. Just so you know, life vests are to be worn and not used to make the boat seats softer. This should be a lesson to all of you."****
***"This is probably (and I hope not) just another case of careless boating. . . . . individuals who were not prepared for what transpired but who were not responsible when it comes to the most elementry precaution. The only ones who suffer now are their family and friends."****
Here is the latest my insensitive, cruel friend:
"" yes it was the father in law.he was found ,****WITH HIS LIFE VEST STILL INTACT.!!!!**** ""
At 12:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
why is this effort infected with so much internal hatzolo politics?
why is so much effort being spent by MS MF SS ETC to make sure that no help comes from outside hatzolo toronto?
why are decisions that involve pikuach nefesh based on what the OPP says?
why did FM not send the rest of his search crew to the side across the boat landing?
why when Ben (BZZ)asks for vols does a hatzolo feel the need to post "If anyone is in Toronto and would like to volunteer please do not call “Ben” rather call the hotline at 416 256 1000 and they will inform you if additional volunteers are needed for the next search party and when you will need to be up there." Does BZZ not qualify as a asken? can he not help?
Why was MG blasted when he actually did more than 75% hatzolo members?
Lots more questions to come.
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
To resident of Toronto:
My wife spoke to someone who is close friends with the family involved in identifying the body and she told me that the dental records confirmed it was him. I was also up on Wed doing the search. Our search included the area where the body washed up.
At 12:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
To resident of Toronto cont..:
10:51 and 11:04 were both from me.
At 12:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
To genious 11:48 by the way i also heard that he was found with his life jacket.All he was trying to say was that he might have gotten caught in a wave or something which might have drown him.Think befor you criticize people.
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sometimes its better not to respond to someone who obviously has an issue with our community. The post from the onset smelled of arrogance. I was gonna respond originally, but chose not to, as doing so would just have given him more power.
I'm glad though that the facts though are coming to light, and additional Kiddush Hashem's are being made.
At 12:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lets take it easy here.klal yisroel has enough tzoros.we don't need any more of it.Please no won't help the situation.
At 12:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
let's continue the achdus and the kiddush hashem.
Is it normal for a body to sink?
Is it normal for a body to sink when a life vest is properly attached?
knowledgable answers only please, no conjecture.
Thank you
At 12:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
OK, so now let the bashing of hatzoloh and the askanim involved begin.
No one is perfect and everyone did the best they can. Criticizing in hindsight is nothing but Loshon Hora.
At 12:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
bodies sink and come up a few days to a few weeks later. the variation in time depends on many factors including the fat content in a persons body.
At 12:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
The life vest may have been defective.or he could have gotten cought up in a strong wave-which that lake occasionaly has.
At 12:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
What ever name he uses he will always be my mate
and always will
At 12:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch Dayan Emes. Not that my questions will change anything but,,,
1)I thought that life jackets are supposed to make a person stay above water and prevent drowning?
2)Does anyone know if these 2 men knew how to swim?
3)Does it make sense that 2 responsible adults would fall out of a boat and drown? I would think that one person would row the boat over and save the other?
4) Was the boat capsized or not? From an earlier post it seemed it was not which makes question 3 even more puzzling.
5)If the boat was not capsized, I would think that one of the men would have brought a cell phone with them. In an emergency situation a call could have been placed.
I know all the facts have not come out yet, but from what I read on the above posts, there are many questions here that remain to be answered.
At 1:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
this critisism is for a tachlis.
why man.
At 1:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
May Hashem, the rofei lesh'vurai laiv, grant the niftar's family nechoma and may He help the Horowitz family find closure as well on this terrible tragedy.
At 1:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
To many questions:
The boat was not capsized and it was found with the motor on but in neutral.
At 1:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
To: many questions
1) Normally, life preservers are supposed to keep a person's head above water to prevent drowning, but there are a lot of variables to take into consideration...
-a good life jacket should be able to cause the body to roll face up, even if the wearer is unconscious
-was the jacket faulty?
-worn correctly?
-perhaps it was drowning that caused death, but hypothermia or heart attack or medical condition
2)knowing how to swim doesn't necessarily protect you from hypothermia, or heart attack or unexpected waves
3)perhaps neither fell out of the boat, it was reported that they were going swimming, they may both have been out of the boat, it may have drifted. if one was out of the boat and in trouble, the 2nd may have had to leave the boat to assist...
unexpected wind or waves could have pushed the boat out of reach...
there are a lot of conjectures that could be discussed...we'll probably never know
4) if they were out of the boat and it drifted, it may not of capsized
5)cell phone ranges are variable, they may have been in a no service area, or it may have gotten wet in the boat, or they may not have had one.
yes a lot of questions to be answered, but more importantly at this time, prayers and support for the family are more import than answers. answers won't change the outcome
offering prayers for the family of a man i knew only thru the internet, a man highly thought of and cared for by many, a man who always had kind words for heart goes out to his family....
At 1:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
אל כל המשפחה
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים , כמאמר הנביא אנכי אנכי הוא מנחככם
At 1:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
any updates on the son-in-law ?
There was a roomer that a few arabs, perhaps the owners of the boat were arrested on friday. does anyone have any info on this?
At 1:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Part of what haunts everyone about this devastating tragedy is that we will never know how these two people met their end.
Was it a sudden powerful wave that knocked the two off the boat, or was one swept into the water and the other tried heroically to save him...losing his own life in the process?
It wouldn't change anything but if we could somehow know that Hashem took them quickly, that they didn't suffer...
At such a bitter time, we remind ourselves of how precious and fleeting life is and how blessed we are to have our loved ones with us. Do we appreciate them as we should? How bleak and empty and lonely life would be without them.
No one knows when his number will be called. When it's over, it's over and ashrei hagever who has used his time here well.
At 1:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Boruch Dayim Emes. I only wish the news could have been different. Hamakom yenacheim eschem besoch shaarei Tzion v'Yerushalayim. May we all see the coming of Moshiach in our days.
At 2:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
whats with the son in law
At 2:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
there are and were alot of things from the first few hours of this tragedy until now and there will be for the days months and years to come but none of them will ever say how much tzoras you can have in one life. knowing elimelech for the better part of his life and how much he suffers from his own machla (CF) i know that if loi aleinu and rachmana litzlun if this had a bad ending for him also that he took it bemiseras nefesh. STOP blaming or asking questions because no one caused this korban to happen everything is byadhashem and if this is what he had planned it is just a wake up call to all of klal yisroel that elul is here and that tshuva davening will and can hopefully be our only weay out of such tzoras may r' henoch be a mailitz yosher for his family and all of klal yisroel and we should all remember that theyomim noraim is coming and this year alot of people will becrying and saying with alot of kavana the words "mi bamayim" rachmana litzlun lets ll hope this is the end to all of our tzoras and that the family and klal yisroel should only hear ofsimchas. KESIVA VACHASIMA TOVA (from a friend of elimelech and a talmud of harav hagoam hatzadik r' yankel horowitz)
At 2:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
we all have to thank hatzolah toronto-director mr. friedman and his whole family for being there all week and arranging everything. we also need to thank chaverim toronto coordinater favie mund for arranging the helicopter and for the dispatcher izzy miller.
At 2:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
My heart goes out to all of the family, friends and those of the Jewish Community which are hurting very much at this time.
I also take comfort in how everyone in the Jewish communities volunteered and worked together tirelessly to bring this to an end.
May Heine and Eli be at peace.
At 3:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
My heart is broken, sitting here miles away in physical form but feeling so close to Shevy and her babies this night. Remembering Shabbos' spent with this very special family.... Elie, with the voice of an angel (as my friend Heine would so often tell me), saying Kiddush after Shevy finished the lighting of the candles and the Shabbat blessing. Heine, glowing with pride and love for them both. He truly loved the man that claimed his daughter. The laughter of friends and family who came together overnight, the children.. all of it. The love and acceptance I found in their home. These are the pictures that flood my thoughts tonight. Last night I made Shabbos outside and felt the tears flow when I too recited the blessing knowing full well, that at that very moment Shevy was too. My heart swelled deep in my chest and I found great comfort knowing that even though I stood alone outside in my yard, in spirit, we comforted each other. I want to add my thanks to all of you who assisted with search for Heine and Elie. I had prayed hard for a different outcome, battling even now, the truth of what is now being reported. The uselessness of the "Hows" and "Whys" that are running through my head, granting a brief reprieve from acknowledging the loss of these two men.... Heine and Elie. The bond that existed between them was so deep... Why should I wonder why they were taken together. Blessings on both of your houses.
At 4:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
I believe I have information that may help unravel what caused this unfortunate tragedy. First a bit of background information. My parents live two doors down from the Waltonian Inn. I was vacationing there last week and witnessed the search effort. It was impressive to see the amount of support that poored into the area from Toronto's Jewish community. It must be comforting for members of this community to know that so many people are poised to assist them should they need their help. I spoke to a lady last week who witnessed the incident from a distance. She mentioned she saw one individual in a boat throwing an orange vest into the lake. She turned away for a moment and when she looked back the boat was empty. The boat matched the description of the boat involved in this incident and the time and location coincided with the police's timeline. She thought nothing of it at the time because from a distance it was impossible to detect the distress. She didn't realize what she had witnessed until the men were reported missing. There's a lot of speculation about what happened but a logical conclusion is that the youngest of the two men went into the water without a vest to swim and at some point lost control. I am familiar with the area and he may have hit his head on a rock when he entered the water. I believe the older gentleman went into the water with his vest to attempt to save him. He likely didn't have time to anchor the boat because he had to react quickly to the situation. The waves that afternoon were some of the biggest of the week. Even with a vest it must have been difficult especially since he was trying to keep someone else afloat. I've posted some speculation but based on the eyewitness accoount I feel this is a logical conclusion. This is obviously an enormous tragedy and my family's thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and their friends.
At 4:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
thankyou everyone, from the bottom of my heart, for helping in whatever way you could...I will still continue to pray for Eli...I met Heine through the internet in 1998, but was fortunate enough to have been able to meet him face-to-face as well several times when our group of friends met in T.O....but regardless, in friendship the heart knows no difference between the two, and for the multitude of friends I know he has online, their hearts will shatter at the is mine now...Godspeed Heine, you were a good friend and I forever will cherish our talks and your words...thankyou for lifting my spirit when it was low, thankyou for the smiles when I needed a break from sadness...God bless his family and friends and may many wonderful memories of him somehow comfort them in the difficult days ahead...xoxoxo...k2mh... 18
At 6:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know, there are people who've been coming here to read this blog - as it's been updated more frequently than news sources - who actually knew these men.
I don't really care how or why or who if anyone is to blame. My friend and his son are dead. Have some respect.
At 9:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just want them to be OK
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Body Recovered At Mouth Of La Vase River
By Kate Adams
Sunday, August 27, 2006
OPP Media Release
The North Bay OPP with the assistance of the OPP helicopter and Underwater Search and Recovery Unit have recovered the body of 56 year old Heine MONDROWITZ. MONDROWITZ along with another Toronto man have been missing since the 21Aug. MONDROWITZ was located on the rocky shore of Lonely Island on the 26Aug06.
The OPP will continue their marine recovery efforts with the assistance of the Underwater Search and Recovery Unit and OPP helicopter on the 27Aug2006.
Anyone with any information regarding the remaining missing person are to call the North Bay OPP.
At 10:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last night right after the zman Hatzaloh started a search somewhere in Pensilvania. it was later called off when the people were found.
Anyone has any more info on that?
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 10:45
Shabbas afternoon on about 2:00 PM 5 Bocherim from the bobover camp (R' Benzion) went for a walk in the forrest and got lost. On motzei shabbas they started searching for them until they called from a public phone from a park not far from there letting know where they are. They wanted to bring down the command center from Boro Park Hatzoloh but was canceled as they were found.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Mondrowitz was found at about 10:30 am on Shabbos morning.
At 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am saddened with the loss of Heine, a man whom I will never ever forget.
May he rest peacefully, he will remain in my heart for ever.
Condolences to his family and friends, and prayers for Elie.
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
it seems to me that they ought to start teaching camping orienteering boating and survival skills in the yeshivas. too many yidden with little or no experience are taking on risks in nature that are well above their limudim. sadly, the talmud, while suggesting a man teach his son to swim and to ride a horse, does not necessarily prepare a bochur to mitigate natural risks.
i mourn for the two men lost on lake nipissing baruch dayan ha'emes
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
I personally knew both men. This is a tragedy for everyone. To those who talk about boating safety, this is not the time. Have some respect. As a Jew, I'd like to thank the people of North Bay, the OPP, etc who came out to assist us in the rescue/recovery. Your efforts and actions are greatly appreciated. It is now time for our community to mourn.
Baruch Dayan Emeth. --> Blessed be The True Judge
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that under the circumstances, Hatzoloh did an amazinbg job. They were there around the clock, through Shabbos. While there are certainly lessons to be learned, this is not the forum. One person (possibly a second) have died. Anyone with constructive criticism would be best off giving their thoughts to Hatzoloh. Publicly criticizing on this forum, just shows the ulterior motives of those posters.
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I added some new information to your forum last night that I thought would help in understanding what caused the tragedy. I meant no disrespect and I apologize if I offended anyone.
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous at 1:42pm, my comments were not directed at you, my apologies for the confusion. They were directed to the person who at some time earlier had made comments which were inappaproriate. It seemed like someone was playing a blame game at one point in this thread. I personally appreciate your insightfulness and thoughtfulness.
Be well.
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone have any info on funeral/shiva arrangements?
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wanted to express my sincere condolences for the families tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." by Kahlil Gibran
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
funeral is at 4 oclock run by chabad
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Funeral was scheduled for 4:00 PM today at Steeles Memorial - check the site for shiva times, etc.
To clear up some confusion, Heine was positively identified on site, Shabbos afternoon, permitting the transfer to Toronto without any desecration. Baruch Dayan Emes.
May the search be successful in returning Eli in health to his family.
Hatzolah and the OPP were most co-operative in the events as they unfolded in the past number of days, especially when it came to sensitive areas of Jewish law and Shabbos observance.
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Levaya taking place at 4:00 Sunday afternoon for Mr. Mondrowitz. Boruch Dayan Hamemes
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
You can leave a note to the Aveilim here, we will take it all over to them.
At 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch dayan emes. My heart and tefillos are with the families at this time. I don't know either man but have heard and read so much about them, so many wonderful things. We're all davening for the son-in-law's safe and healthy return. Life is so tremendously difficult, there is no denying that. May Hashem comfort and help the aveilim at this time and may they always find nechama when remembering these very special men.
Hamakom yenachem eschem bsoch shaar avlei tziyon vyerushalayim.
At 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can only say "Hamokom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Avelei Tzion V'yerushalyim", and the family shall no longer know of any pain.
At 6:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
why is the levayeh @ chabad? did he daven there?
At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
do we know for sure they werent killed? if the boat was still good and their life vest was on
maybe someone held them down in the water or did something to them?
At 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Hamokom Yenachem Eschem B'soch Avelei Tzion V'yerushalyim", and the family shall no longer know of any pain
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
any news with the son in law did they find him? are they still looking for him?
At 7:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous 6:44
How is it that you know that he was found with a life jacket on? He wasn't.
At 7:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
just letting all know he was found without his life vest and aprox 1and 1/2 miles away from were they orig. started out
At 7:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
be advised that the levaya for Mr Mondrowitz was scheduled for 4:00 PM. Rabbi Chaim Gluck & his son Tzvi have been working day & night for the past week together with a group of volunteers, they are tzadikim for what they do for klal yisroel.Hopefully we will hear good news regarding Mr Horowitz soon.
At 9:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
May HaShem bring comfort to the mourners, and may they find Eli, preferably alive and well, but at least if he is not may they find the body. Remember that his young wife is now an Aguna. It will be very hard for her to go on alone. I am hoping that this thought will add another dimension to all of our Tefilos. HaShem Yerachem.
At 10:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
is the search going on there is hatzola still there ?
At 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am someone who is personally involved with the family and the whole situation, and yes - Hatzalah is still searching - how can they not - "afilo cherev chadah al munachas shel adam.... and don't forget his wife will be an agunah if they don't at least find the body.
Please keep davening!
At 12:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
So many around the world, are in shock and mourning for this great person. Our hearts go to his family, and friends during this time. He was so loved, and so kind to every soul he met. We all carry a part of Heine in our hearts, and hopefully spreading that love and friendship he so gave to us all, to others…..
At 7:05 AM,
M.Hicks said…
I met Heine years ago thru the internet. Such a beautiful person, always doing his best to make someone happy, to make them smile, laugh. He will be missed, by so many.
Heine Mondrowitz
Date of Funeral: Sunday, August 27, 2006
Time of Funeral: 4:00 PM
Location of Funeral: Steeles Memorial Chapel, 350 Steeles Ave. W.
Location of Burial: Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Community IV
Shiva Location: 20 Ridgevale Drive, Toronto Please, no visitation between 12 and 1 p.m. and after 10 p.m.
Times of Services:
Morning: 7 a.m.
Evening: 7:45 p.m.
At 8:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
the family would like to thank hatzoloh and all the people who came to help and search and who are still doing a great job and a big thanks to chabad for all they have done
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aibishter, Habet mishomayim u're'ay. Tu a koof fun himel un zay, how the Yidden are ke'ish echad; where would you find another nation, that would work so hard like we do to find a lost person? Look at the Kiddush Hashem that has come about because of this terrible tradgedy. Look at how many Yidden have gone out of their way, in so many different ways, to assist in this search. It's Ellul!. Ellul!!. Have rachmonus Aibishter, and let them find Maylech. Very soon. Let these wonderful volunteers go back to Bais Medrosh to learn and be mekadesh shem shomayim by learning; (or whatever else they have to do because they need parnosa for their mishpachos). Oy, es reist di hartz! Ad musay? Dos geit dach nisht arois fun kop far kein aine minute! Es toot azoy vey! Fun Dayn tochter, a mame vos leit mit.
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shevy, all your friends and those who knew you only slightly are davening for you and thinking of you round the clock. I asked someone if they actually knew you and she said, well i always see her in the park with her kids and her huge smile, you cant miss it. shevy, I jnow that is how Eli wants you to keep on being. You have always been an amazingly strong and responsible, wife and mother, Bracha, Rina and Yoni need that from you still. We daven that the Ribono Shel Olom should give you all the strength you need to go on and keep enjoying the nachas of you beautiful children. Please let us help you and be there for you.
At 2:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
any update how the search is going do they need volunteers ?
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
All inquiried about whether they need volunteers still - call Hatzalah - 416-256-1000
keep davening!
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shevy, I met you once briefly, when you were a Kallah, and I was so impressed with your aidelkiet, and mannerism. Shevy, everyone who hears this is davening for you. May Hamokon, who is Hakodosh Boruch Hu be menachem you and your Mother, May your father who loved Eli so much be a meilitz yosher for the entire family, and may we hear besuros tovos soon. Chazak, Chazak. Our tefilos to Hakodosh Boruch Hu are with you in mind 24/7.
At 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was actually up in north bay yesterday trying to give a hand and help out where I can, as far as I'm concerned the amount of volunteers is quieting down, I'm sure they need help
At 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
is the opp still searching the lake whats the story up there i hope they didnt give up we should keep on searching even when it takes months dont forget there is a aguna involved here
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would like to say a big thank you to al of you. I was in North Bay with my family when this tragedy occurred. The amazing outpour of the OPP and all the Hatzoloh volunteers. I have never seen such caring people giving up their time and hearts and souls for us all. As a person going through this painful time it is wonderful to know the work you have all done to find and bring home my family. Love to you all
At 2:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes - the OPP will continue searching - they have said at least till the end of the week - and then they'll be pushed further. They are very impressed with Hatzalah and all the volunteers - but everyone - keep davening.
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
OPP continue the search for a second boater on Lake Nipissing who has been missing since last Monday.
Eli Horowitz 30-years-old of Toronto rented a boat with his father-in-law to go fishing and swimming but he and his father-in-law failed to return at the end of the day.
The search has been very high profile with friends and family providing volunteers and extra helicopters to aid in the search.
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
My heart and prayers go out to both the families. No one should ever have to go through this.
Still praying for a remarkable outcome.
Thank you to all for keeping this blog updated.
At 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can you please explain to me what "aguna" means? I am not sure and would like to understand. Thank you in advance.
At 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Agunah means,
a husband who is missing, his wife can not remarry unless there is proof the husband died,until then she gets the status of an agunah.
Let's daven they find him.
At 10:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
any news did they find him?
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