Uman, Ukraine - Thousands Flock to Rabbi Nachman's Grave
Uman, Ukraine - Thousands went to Uman for Rosh Hashanah to Rabbi Nachman's grave. El Al sent 18 special flights, plus several charters in which both the passengers and the flight attendants were all men. The in-flight service director asked passengers not to smoke in the bathroom so that "Heaven forbid, there will be no desecration of God's name." The food is strictly kosher. The in-flight movie: a new film about the pilgrimages to Rabbi Nachman's tomb, produced by the world committee of Bratslav Hasids. The plot: dancing praying, singing and more dancing.
Buses from the airports at Odessa and Kiev have been streaming to Uman for the past four days and nights. Organizers estimate that by Rosh Hashanah eve, there will be a record crowd of almost 20,000.
Off the buses there is a human wave. Some break out in spontaneous dancing to familiar hymns, others start looking for a place to sleep. Still others head straight for the "main course" - a visit to Rabbi Nachman's tomb.
Even at 4 A.M., the tomb is an island in a sea of penitents. One of the highlights will occur this afternoon, when the whole crowd will gather together at the tomb to recite a prayer by Rabbi Nachman.
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for having the ONE and only decent reporting on this phenomenon. What ever happened to 'daven and let daven' (pun on live and let live). Why do Jews have to demean other Jews I don't know.
Thank you.
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