Brooklyn, NY +DWI Arrest+
Brooklyn, NY +DWI Arrest+ NYPD of the 70th Precinct have arrested 22-year-old A. Rosenthal, of Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn, NY for driving while intoxicated on Parkville Avenue in the Parkville section of Brooklyn.
VOS IZ NEIAS Breaking news and community news that might be to your curiosity as it happens, before you get it from your news source.
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
אוי וויי, איז ער משלנו? וואס גייט דא פאר?
At 2:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
who is this?
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmm, was it drugs or alcohol?
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why on earth did this need to be posted? This is just pure Loshon Harah. What are you turning this blog into? I don't get it....
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
is he married or still a bucher
At 2:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
you idiots. what loshon hora?
because it is or maybe a meshaluni
If this guy is frum, he should be incarcerated (and worse) for the rest of his life.
If a shvartze DWI killed your kid, what would you idiots say then.
I am tired of your phony yiddishkeit.
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Parville is so narrow, it's hard to drive on even when sober.
It's public record everytime someone is arrested. will be in the local papers next week.
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 246,
why next week. If it is sensational enough, should be in tomorrow's paper.
Don't hold your breath waiting to read the story in the major hareidi newspapers.
At 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
guys,please-arrested by PD for DWI means nothing.
he could hav had a L'chiamin Crown Heights (not kidding) 1 glass makes u smell.
he aso could have been on medication which makes u drousey
please keep cool
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
vos iz neias this is called loshon hara of the worst magnitude to print an arrest without proof or any corroberating evidence.
At 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
If he hit someone would you care if it was only 1 drink or medication. No one should drive when impaired. I'm sure we've all experienced a kid darting into the street without warning and since we were sober we were able to avoid an accident. Just 1 drink, a slower reaction and the result could be different.
Do your drinking on Shabbos!
At 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
y is this loshon hara? If he was charged with drunk driving he should go through the system. He could have killed someone! Im sure if he got pulled over on your block, you would be peeking through your window trying to figure out who it is? whats his name? Come on!
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm just curious. You're having a debate as to whether or not this is loshon hora.
Do any of you even LEARN hilchos shmiras haloshon? Can any of you bring clear sources as to whether or not it is loshon hora? Or are you just writing what your heart tells you?
Seriously inquiring. If anyone knows, please respond.
At 4:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
His name is Aaron Rosenthal he is 22 and comes from a vrey rich family he has a girl friend and they go out drinking all the time. so he is all set and has nothing to worry about. Love it
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
"...If he was charged with drunk driving he should go through the system. He could have killed someone!..."
All this is true, and ANYONE driving under the influence (meds. or alcohol) should be caught, charged, etc. This has become an epidemic
Does that mean that this posting was NOT loshon hora? It was, and this stuff is useless...
UNLESS... publicizing it will give pause to the next potential drunk driver. Names, etc and just spewing junk is loshon hora, but preventative warning is very useful
What do U think?
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
DAVE 4:25 Now your posting is loshon hora. The story with just an intial was news. Can everyone see the difference between news and loshon hora?
At 5:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:23- I learn shmiras halashon every night for the past few years so I know it pretty well and yes its 100% loshon hora! One may not speak loshon hara about any jew unless they are an open apikores (said a statement in public that verifies that he is one)- which he is not so until then- please everyone watch your tongues. You don't want to burn in hell because of your love of gossip!
At 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
If he drinks and drive then let him get arrested and jailed and his name publicised he is dispicable
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:22 PM,
and so it shall be... said…
"4:23- I learn shmiras halashon every night for the past few years so I know it pretty well and yes its 100% loshon hora!"
Wow, for a guy who is such an expert on shmiras halashon, it's a wonder you'd spend any time on this blog, as you know it places you in danger of being being expsoed to loshon horah. hmmmm.
At 7:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
"4:23- I learn shmiras halashon every night for the past few years so I know it pretty well and yes its 100% loshon hora!" i hope you are not ''MEKABEL'' or at least say so....
At 8:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is a voice for those of us who have lost a child / parent / spouse/ sibling/ friend or any other beloved person in our life. read this if you dare--butbe warned-- it is only for those who consider themselves intelligent
let me see all these holier than thou's misery when/if they lose r"l someone to a drunk. let me see you be busy with loshon hara halachos while you sit shiva. let me see you worry about loshon hara when you are trying to put food on the table and the breadwinner is gone.
this drunken shikkur belongs in a hole in the ground, locked up with the key thrown away.
all of you who live by the loshon hara dinnim out there-- why don't you learn the halachos of killing/maiming a person in specifically an auto accident. the sefer is called "Mayeer Netiviim" by Rav Roi' Tamar. and let me see what you have to say then in the defense of someone who cared so much for his fellow human beings that he drank a l'chaim to all of us and then went into a potential killing machine also known as a car. i don't see many concerned with that.
and all of those worried with being good yidden. get busy helping those who have suffered at the hands of a drunk driver--or those who have lost a beloved to any auto accident.--i am sure helping these people is pretty close to a BIG MITZVAH.maybe (oh my goodness at the chutzpah!!)even equal a mitzvah to not discussing a drunk who should not be allowed on the street.
i am positive that if anyone speaks up about a driver they know to be dangerous in any way on the road--and makes sure to prevent such a person from ever driving--(as this classy dude) has saved at least 1 person from being physically destroyed or worse--and we know that each person is = to an entire world.
so, all of you wonderful holy yidden--get busy doing mitzvahs as suggested above.
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
The 70th pct. is on the next block, very smart.
At 9:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
...he may b e a jerk and deserve what ever punishment is coming to him but it is still Loshon Hara to publish his name on the internet. Let justice take it's course - and it will. It doesn't mean that this website has to be used to publish people's dirty laundry.
At 9:29 PM,
and so it shall be... said…
"...he may b e a jerk and deserve what ever punishment is coming to him but it is still Loshon Hara to publish his name on the internet. Let justice take it's course - and it will. It doesn't mean that this website has to be used to publish people's dirty laundry."
SCREW YOU and your misguided, misplaced piety!! Let the DWI and public shame of having his name broadcast to the world be a lesson to all the other spoiled low-lifes who think the world is created for them and say 'to hell with everyone else' while they have a party spending their rich daddy's money.
Driving drunk on a narrow Flatbush street??? You've got to be kidding!!! It's hard enough not to kill people in Brooklyn when driving sober!
Let this snot-nosed kid rot in prison for a while, though chances are he won't, and maybe teach the rest of his spoiled, clueless generation a thing or two about reality and responsibility.
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
nobody cares about lashon hora when there's a rodef chasing them. Mitzvah lefarsem.
At 8:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
you phoney,
nobody who learns the laws of lashan hora should ever be on this lashan-hora filled blog.
Phoney you.
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is anonymous at 8:24 replying--the one wih the long but heartfelt note
i continue to live with hope--there are really normal intelligant people out there!!! can we get together for coffee and figure out how to make the entire world as smart as we!! just kidding--
but i do thank those that took the time to answer in such a level-headed way. and it truly gives me hope and strength to keep hobbling along --i am a survivor of this sort of gehinnom and it is not at all even slightly easy. so once again thank you.
and for those who still don't get it--get that sefer "mayeer netiviim" ( i don't know which store carries it bec. it came out from israel and i am not profitting in any way at all) and talk to us clear-thinking people afterward. and keep your apology short-- becasue i know they will be forthcoming in droves.
am looking forward to it
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