Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY - Jewish Community Outraged on Attack They Claim was Bias
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY - The Jewish community gathered to protest attack on Mendel Chesney, which some have charged is a hate crime, though police have not classified it as such.
The 16-year-old Hasidic boy was walking home about 10 p.m. Yom Kippur (Sunday night) from a synagogue on Yom Kippur when he was jumped by a group of teens who called him a "....... Jew," witnesses and his family charged. Mendel Chesney was attacked by as many as eight young men on Carroll St. in Crown Heights, as was reported on VOS IZ NEIAS.
Police confirmed Mendel was beaten, but NYPD officials said investigators have determined the attack was a robbery - not a bias crime.
Upset that the NYPD of the 71st Pct. has not classified the attack as a hate crime, about 700 people rallied outside the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters on Eastern Parkway. "They say it was a mugging, but they didn't stick their hands in his pocket. This is the epitome of a hate crime, and he's not being charged as a hate crime," said Hanoch Hecht, 22, one of the rally organizers.
Mendel told his father, David Chesney, he heard footsteps, turned and was hit in the face with a fist or a rock. He said he fainted, and didn't hear any anti-Semitic taunts. When he regained consciousness, he heard someone ask for money. He suffered a broken nose and a gash on the back of his head.
Cops arrested three of the alleged attackers and have been looking for as many as five others. Charges were pending against the suspects. Their names were not available.
"What's going on in Crown Heights, we will not tolerate. And I'm not just talking about the Jewish community," said Sam Stern, 35, a real estate manager who attended Wednesday's rally. "The good people of Crown Heights will not tolerate our children being attacked in the street day after day after day. This is a rally from the heart."
At 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
High time that LUbavitch stop runnin around the world rubbing elbows with goyime and giving them kovad all over the place and rather, take care of their own in Crown Heights. All they do is seek publicity while those in CH have to live in fear.
Very wrong what the LUbavitch central command is doing.
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
What an ingorant comment!
What does one thing have to do with the other? The Mivtzoim and outreach that Chabad does has nothing to do with the thugs and criminals who live there jumping out from behind a van and beating up a 16 year old Jewish boy bloody.
Maybe the gunpoint mugging in Flatbush Erev Yom Kippur is because they are also doing to much kiruv there?
what a dumb comment.
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
get CH safe for its lubavitch residents and stop running after goyim.
We are talking about lives here. Forget the kovad. WHy must Lubavitch give the honor of lighting menorah candles at the Plaza Hotel to people who marry non-Jews. Stop running after kovod and money and preserve life in Crown Heights. It has everything to do with, Anon 1003.
Get your priorities straight. Secure CH for its residents.
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I kinda understand what he's saying although I totally diasgree on the kovod stuff. Chabad doesn't do that stuff for kovod, I know that for a fact as do you and everyone else. This is what the Rebbe tought us when he was here, and it works all over the world.
Botom line spitz chabad in CH though needs to git off there tuchus and work strongly to rid this garbage crime issue although you gotta dmit willy has its issues as does BP and Flatbush. You know the drill it sucks and evrery neighrborhood has to be more PROACTIVE!!!
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
the rise in crime in crown heights is a community issue not a rabbinical out reach issue. The Beis Din or Aguch have nothing to do with community safety issues. That's the community council's job. How about standing together in a show of support of fellow yidden who are being viscously attacked and Jewish blood is being spilled instead of using this is a soapbox to bash Chabad's work.
It's called Ahavas Yisroel ... look it up.
At 9:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey crown heights is the worst neighborhood in nyc. Everyone knows that, the goyim are a bit scared ofthe shomrim, but other than that they are a bunch of thugs. you can't walk there in the daylight let alone at night. get off it--it has nothing to do with lubavs reaching out. The goyim in willi say that the problem is that the jews are arrogant and wont acknowledge them. Is that the problem. NO we are in galus, plain and pashut.
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