Monsey, NY - Synagogue Expects OK to Remodel
Monsey, NY - A Jewish congregation that was fined last year for converting a single-family home in a residential neighborhood without any permits is expected to receive final approval from the Ramapo Planning Board tonight.
Congregation Ateres Yisroel, led by Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg, plans to remodel a two-story home on Forshay Road into a synagogue to be used by about 25-30 young men for religious services, prayers and study.
The property, which is owned by Chaim Rosenberg of Monsey and is just less than a half-acre, would include three parking spots in the front and 11 in the rear. The inside of the building would be renovated for religious worship.
Work on the home began last year, and the congregation was cited by the town on Nov. 23, 2005, for building without a permit. In addition, Town Engineer Paul Gdanski said some neighbors complained the home was being used as a yeshiva, but visits by town officials have not confirmed that.
John Lange, the town's planning consultant, said he was at first concerned by the lack of parking spaces, but the matter appeared to be settled with the addition of spaces in the rear.
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
write R' chaim "Leibesh" Rottenberg, peolple in monsey will understand better from whom u r talking.
At 12:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
he has more misspalilim then that
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
its proberbly for his yeshiva cause he has already a big shul
At 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
it is a disgrace what he id doing to a nice neiberhood all
the neighbers are fighting it except for mr weiss who bought it for rottenberg with the expectation that rottenberg will help him with his bankruptcy
he wants to put a parking lot nect to the neighbers pool
he did all the work illegally and it is about time that the goverment sees how currupt monsey is
just because you pay a town supervisor and enginner off you shouldnot be able to destroy a neighberhhood
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
his mispalleli dont want the bocherim in there shul because their animals so he wants to move them down the block
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey NO guys, Maybe you WILL learn to start negotiating WIN-WIN solutions, and stop saying NO to EVERYTHING....
You still don't realize you are in the end LOSING EVERYTHING....
Hey just keep up your bitter attitude, and keep on LOSING...
At 12:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
well it wasnt a slam dunk like rottenberg wanted
i also hear the neighbors hired a high price lawyer to moniter what happens next to stop this project
the building was placed on hold thru december and rottenberg said he wants a study hall not a shul there now
he lost when every one of the people outside of weiss that lives there spoke up against the plan
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
you would think that "rabbi" kaploon, and the other rabbi that spent a year in Russia doing "kiruv" would welcome and appreciate another house of worship in their neighborhood. Especially since they can both be using as many zechusim in this new year, for a life of health etc.
but lo and behold, they are actually the ones that spit the most venom againt this. hmmm well at least now we know who are neighbors really are. Thank you to both of you, and the likes of you. While I doubt that they will prevail and withold the noble work of Rabbi Rottenberg, they exposed themselves to the supporters of this. I am sure that there will come a time that these same opposers will come to the Rabbi, or will WANT to come...
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess you are not realizing. All the better.
Good luck on the "high priced laywer" whatever that means. It is not laywers that win, it's attitude.
At 7:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
it is very funny how bodner got up at the meeting and said kaploon approved of this project when kaploon and all the neighbors said they dont want this project
but if rebbe rottenberg tells his chassidm to lie publicly i guess its allright
has anyone looked at the criminal histories of some of his big chassidm you might be very suprised
well if finkel gets off tarfus
then rottenberg chassidm get off fraud
i guess dina dimalchus dina only applies for rottenberg if he wants something
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's amazing to see so many people talking when they don't know their asses from their elbows. First of all this is not a Shul that is being built. The Rebbe B'H has a nice shul on Forshay road. He also has a Yeshiva that for the past few years has been occupying the Shul. He bought this house to move the Yeshiva down the block. He does not plan to have a dormitory, just a Yeshiva building so the 25-30 boys can use for learning during the day. Continued.
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Excuse me, after Bodner got up and said that Kaploon told the Rebbe that he agreed to it, Kaploon got up himself and said that he DID meet with the Rebbe and say that he wouldn't oppose it. This after as part of his prepared speech he made it sound like this came out of nowhere. But I guess if you were there you have selective hearing, or just want to make gratuitous negative comments about people.
At 2:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
perhaps you should check your hearing
kaploon told rabbi ( not rebbe) rottenberg that he would oppose any illegal construction and when rottenberg did illegal work that is when all the neibors myself included united to fight this
let rottenberg by the house next to his house and make that a yeshiva ehy bother the neighbors who dont care for the people eho frequent his establishments
and yes bodner lied
rabbi kaploun who runs an organization that is accepted by satmar, square,bobov, belz lubavatch and litvish and has helped thousands of special kids
has much more neemanus then people who put words in his mouth
i trust kaploon not rottenberg or weiss ( who is going bankrupt or bodner
isnt it strange that rottenbergs crew fought against briderham when rabbi chaitofskys shul members supported it . so i guess the moral is dont lie to the public and people might support you
At 2:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
and where are these boys staying
kitchens containers
and we all know that his own misppalleim dont want the boys in their shul
At 2:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
and if its not a shgul why was the application for a house of worship and then before the meeting changed to study hall
let them stay where they are
At 11:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
are you aware that rottenbergs attourney stated at the meeting that chasidic women and single boys dont drive and the boys will only pray there 3 times a day and once a week have a lecture from him thats it and they will not eat any meals there
so i guess thell be spending their days walking back and forth to hatlocha market to eAT
sorry i didnt go to his yeshiva as a kid
he is a liar and i hope the truth comes out about what
lies his chassidim
and lawyers said at the meeting
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Small-minded, short-sighted bigots, I hope all of your children become Chassidim.
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
With regard to the above comment and to the author...
"let rottenberg by the house next to his house and make that a yeshiva ehy bother the neighbors who dont care for the people eho frequent his establishments"
it is one thing to have an issue with a proposed structure being converted to a house of worship and or study - and people understand that progress for some can sometimes be an inconvenience to others - i am not a resident of the neighborhood and therefore have no opinion one way or the other - however when someone writes "who dont care for the people eho frequent his establishments" that is not someone voicing a legitimate opinion - that is venom spewing forth.
to the person who wrote these words, I understand that emotions can run high in these situations - but admitting that you "dont care" for a certain group .... i think you need to rethink that one - it may be that your emotions have gotten ahead of you ... i have read nothing here that can excuse that sorta comment nor do i think anything could justify prejudice and bigotry.
I happen to live in a nice area not far from you - but a bit of trek … if you want, I'll look around for some housing – by the way – prices are more reasonable here – but on second thought – I am not sure our neck of the woods would be a good fit for you – though we are of different faiths and have different opinions from time to time on issues within the area … we don’t seem to have folks here that we just "don’t care for"
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Now you're talking. How much for your house?
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
if people would be the chassidm of old then this would not be an issue but when rottenberg lies and some of his chassidm are arrested for fraud and financial misdealings and some threaten people in the street for opposing this project then this is not a chassic group that is worthy of any respect
where is the rebbe to lecture his chassidm about proper behaviour and respect and tolerance but the truth is that he himself has condoned this by his inaction why are women in his congregation who are beaten are told not to go to the police a rebbe needs to be a leader not just accept money
At 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
while i thank you for your offer does that mean your going to by my house and where is your lovely place where you live
if your not buying the house that dont make offers when you know that his students who his own mispallelim want out of the shul would devalue the entire block and that is why all the people in the area within the circle on either side except one are opposed
so you could by all the house
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
In response to the comment regarding Chassidim of old and the Rebbe, I find it interesting to note that when I pass by at night, I see a line out the door of the Rebbe's house usually comprised of people who are not members of his shul, but rather are members of those shuls that have a 100% membership roll of people who report the skinny chicken on their tax return, but when they can't pay the mortgage, or have other serious issues somehow find their way not to their own Rabbi, but to the Rebbe's door. For the record, the Baal Shem Tov, obviously not one of the old time Rebbes you are referring to, was known as the Rebbe of the Ganovim, and Rebbes throughout the ages have helped Yidden get out of jail for whatever reason they were in. In all likelihood you're right, not all the Rebbe's Chassidim have a pristine record, unlike of course the membership of all the other shuls around here, and some of them even have a very checkered history. Maybe what makes the Rebbe unique is that he will go visit a Yid in jail. When is the last time some of the Rabbis you obviously look up to have done something like that.
As for you getting into the Rebbe's kitchen about his moral compass, when the Day of Judgment comes, I'd be more than happy to come to the table with the Rebbe's peckel. I hope you feel as good about yours.
You bring out all that you perceive as negative about the Rebbe, but have you ever considered all the countless people who the Rebbe has helped and continues to help with financial, moral and other support, and are not even members of his own congregation.
How much do you really know about the Rebbe, before you make these comments?
At 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am told that the rabbi rottenberg was told by his mispallelim to get his boys out of there shul
so i guess we see that the chassidm tell the raboi what to do
At 8:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
in response to the above:
it is said that the names people are given is a marker of their character. going by this--he is indeed a lion--who would devour everything in his path if you so much as disagree with whatever bs he decides to be the truth of the day. and regarding his last name--you bet he is rotten.
and for those who will say this is loshon hara--rechilus, sinas chinam and all the other stuff--and of course let us not forget chillul hashem (to whom i don't know and i could care less) and no achdus--TAKE THIS--let us see you welcome this group of hooligans into your backyard. let us see you look away when you see some of the bruises on wives of these "pious" men who follow in this fake's footsteps. let us put out everything he has done to hurt people who will not kiss his hand (or elsewhere) or let us see how he allows a man who has not given his wife a get for about 12 years daven up front with him, how YOU would like to have him lead your congregation.
those of us who know how he destroys those who speak up against his lies, his destruction of those who could "behead" him with proof of his lies, his stealing, his IRS problems, we are the ones who know the real man--excuse me, animal he is.
to whose who support this dictator--you too will burn in hell one day because of the way you allowed this corrupt criminal his theivary, his gazlanus, and his endless quest for power at the cost of whatever it took for him to get what he wants.
and yes, he defends and protects his criminals and killers (yes there are those in his shul who have done that too)because if he doesn't who will be left to daven in his shul? (his congregants are known to be the "left-overs" of society--poeple who no other really ehrlich rav would accept bec. in truth they may dress jewish, but they ain't)
or rather "party" in his shul bec. that is most of what goes on there.
don't like what you are reading here? look in the mirror and do a deep and painful analysis of all i have written here and be very very careful when you finally admit that you have been following a gazlan and rotzeach--not b'shogeg but b'maizid.
and remember when all is saqid and done--you too wil give a chesbone hanefesh at the end of your days--along with this hypocrite--i hope hell has enough room for all of you--bec. there is no place else that will accept you.
ultimately--chassis shoteh! no one can argue with that one
and the heck with whoever does not agree.
At 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
i think its time for rabbi rottenberg to pic up and move his kehila to kiryas yoel or somewhere like that
do you know he wants life to be like the heim in europe so why should he live in a kehilla where his chassidm steal from other jews
by the way im eagerly awaiting the news about hwere his yeshiva is going to now that he is losing his zoning hearing
ps any truth to the rumors that one of his boys threatened to kill someone for opposing the project
At 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
probably. wonder about the weapon that will be used-gun, knife or worse, their mouths!
you said it (mispelled) chassid shoteh!
used to be one of those with the whole black/white look. until i ralized that it a cult--chassidim don't fear G-d--only their holy rabbi
loshon harah?? but our torah says an eye for any eye and a tooth for a tooth--and also--if they come to kill you in the morning, wake up and be prepared to do likewise to them.
so let's go!!!
At 11:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's wonderful, the opposition has been unmasked! Hate-mongerers. The diatribe here, which it is obvious to anyone who has even a bit of objectivity, is based on bitterness and deep serious personal psychological issues, has gone beyond reason. Nu, misnagdim these days.
At 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
no you have it wrong the opposition is to a fake rebbe and chassidim who are crooks
anyone can see that people are upset when a rabbi lies and his foillowers issue threats to all the community
why doesnt rottenberg just realize that people dont want his yeshiva there and pack up and sell the house to a family
in addition his own kehilla has been telling him they dont ant the boys there in their shul so why dump them on the community
At 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
it is well known that the rabbi rottenberg thinks he has the board in his pocket
well i hope all in his pocket are very careful
the community is watching
At 8:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, there is no mistake. You are stating in every remark that your reason for oppopsing is that you don't want your property values going down, don't want those type of people in your neighborhood, but then you would sound like racists or what not, so you come up withe nice little stories of rechilus. The problem here is that you are a bunch of poshim, reshuim, baalei aveirah, and baalei machlokes, who think you are in a position to compare yourselves to people who are on a much higher madreigah than you. So, you come up with unfounded accusations of lying, cheating and hurting. Your opinions, which are strongly affected by personal negius, are irrelevant. If a person is trying to do something right, and you in your rishus oppose it, of course you are going to accuse them of steamrolling you, but you deserve to be steamrolled over, because you stand in the way of righteousness, not very politically correct sounding, but emes leamito. Not all people are equal, and not everybody's opinion is legitimate. To continue repeating your ridiculous accusations is not going to change anything. The only thing remaining for you is to do teshuva.
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think some of you have some facts wrong. No mispallelim want the bochurim out, and that's not why there's a need for a separate bais medrash. There's not enough room on Shabbos ka"h, with two other minyonim, and during the week there are multiple minyonim which is a distraction. On the contrary, it is a wonderful sight to see these fine ehrlich boys by us. For the record, I'm not a crook.
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your not a crook? What is your name? Let me be the judge of that. I also think that most of his mispallilim do want the buchrim out, but have no idea why. Is it because the building is slowly going to hell? Is it because they take up too much of the Rabbi's time? Who knows?
At 10:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
you accuse us of being hate-mongerers? so why don't you ask some of the women who have a regular daily / weekly "disagreement" with their husbands usually after these"chassidic tzadikim" who know no wrong, have never done anything wrong and are the Pillars" of the commuinty--why don't you find out where these womne went after they had beautiful bruises--or ask the woen where some of their husbands were last night or the night before? yup--go that one right.
idiot-you call us reshaim? ask some of the kehilla--waht this holy roller did to one guy who wnated to open a business/ and was forced into a partneship bec. rotten said to--and then the original owner was forced out--and you call rottens hands clean? ask him who gets the seat up front--the ones who have the MONEY!! who cares if they stole it, who cares who they ripped off--it is money and that is all that matters. ask these same members why they are afraid to speak up when he hurts people terribly in a public way--ask them why they are afraid to say one word.
you are deaf dumb and blind--until you too will get shafted one day--can't wait! you idiot. don't come back with your stinking sanctimonious garbage.
note to NORMAL bloggers
consider this source (sewage) and rise above it. it stinks like the garbage he spews out on a regular basis to his crowd who lap it up like they were words straight from G-d. then again--one cannot expect much from people who missed the light the day they were born--and the elevator still doesn't stop at every floor.
the man is evil. give it up!
At 12:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
nice to c u have crawled out of your hole - where is the 2 grand u owe mister who seems to know just a little tooooooo muchhhhhhhh for an outsider .....
hmmmmmmmmmm - who paid for your kidney dude?????????
u r one sorry SOB - and a thankless one at that!
.... some more muzingssssssss...
for mister bring it on...and lets go.... well guess what - u know where we r!!!!
corner of FORSHAY and ORCHARD HILL - yup every day 3 times ...sometimes more...that’s right we r quacks -- u know Chasidim worshipping at the altar - but we r not hiding...why don’t come u come and visit us and introduce yourselves... or self....
u know? come to think of it... - AND U KNOW WHO U R...CAUSE WE DO!!!! - how in tarnation can u call others crooks??? r u out of what little mind u still have left???? - u wrote the book on ripping people off ....people who kept you alive.... that’s right u thankless SOB - I know I am repeating myself ...but it is worth repeating....
nough said!!!!
At 12:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a mouthful Mr. (or Mrs.) 10:12 PM. I guess you proved that you're not a hate-mongerer.
At 12:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 3:19, you see if mispallelim want the buchorim out because they take up too much of the Rebbe's time, that doesn't make them bad or wild buchorim who will cause trouble at 30 Forshay Road. In fact, these are good buchorim.
There are really only one or two people who may have some legitimate concerns about the issue here at hand. These issues can be worked out like civil human beings, as they are in many other similar cases, even with Goyim. And the situation has heated up to the point where unkind words have been spoken. But now it's time for cooler heads to prevail, and if people have issues, they should be ironed out, and misconceptions should be cleared up.
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Mr 12:39AM, You focus on one of my points but not the other, why not? Also why do you think that only 2 people have legitimate gripes over this proposed change? Do any of these boys in this yeshiva have a Forshay address? Yes, I know, one, he does not count. This is something different than a Chasideshe guy buying a house in a Modern Orthodox neighborhood. This is a Yeshiva which does not belong here in our neighborhood, in our living rooms, which is BTW exactly where it is. And if than it does stay in the Shul where it is now, arrangements must be made to make sure that the building does not get abused.
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who gets to decide if a Yeshiva belongs in our neighborhood? With regard to the addresses of the buchorim, does the Yeshiva your children attend have a Forshay address? I believe that having a Yeshiva in the neighborhood is a very positive influence on the area.
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
My Children attend the a Yeshiva that has hundreds of kids living within walking distance of that Yeshiva. Having a yeshiva is a positive influence for that neighborhood, if it is in a building or area that was zoned for a yeshiva not in a house that was meant for living purposes. The house they bought was meant for a family with 2-8 children not for 26 boys regardless if they are chasideshe or litvish to learn. The neighborhood was meant for a Yeshiva. A yeshiva needs to have more than 1/2 acre to build a parking lot and the other areas needed for a yeshiva. You can't compare this to a Shul that people from the neighborhood daven at.
At 7:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
when you say that there are only 2 pwoplw that may have legitimite issues and it can be handled in a nice manner
allow me to assure you that the rabbi never dealt with any mof these people in a nice manner
in addition he and his cronies lied about the support they said they had from the surrounding homes
one person out of 14 people said he wants the yeshiva and that is weiss the thug who threatened his neighbors with harm if they opposed it
then chaim bodner lied outright at the meeting to say kaploon approved it when kaploun was there opposed to the whole project
so if a rabbi lies then there is no way he can be civil
civility means that he withdraws the application for the good of the community and for sholom
since all i have been reading about is the women who are abused by there husbands in rottenbergs kehilla let him make it a battered women shelter for the wives of his kehilla members
At 10:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 12:10 AM
i would bring it on--and bring you to your jellied twisted warped knees--but i live too far away from the miserable hole called monsey/forshay.
and yes--bec. the phone works well we even on the other side of the world can really get to know all abut you--excuzzzze meee-all about the garbage you are. and if it was only 1 time i heard about it i would not beleive it but after many many calls from different people--well even us hicks have got to believe that there are jewish scum and most of them centered in forshay--ask the holy one about the hafner case--it seems he likes to defend child predators too.
so next time sign off with your real name so that i can send you an airline ticket and i would finally get to meet some of the garbage i have been hearing about for too long
i sign off as
a kligger yid--and you can sign off as a loser
At 7:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
i noticed u did not respond to the issue of your kidney - as for kligger yid... well u owe me 2K so u know who i am - if u have the kehunaas u seem to think u do - why don’t you just come on by - oh and last i checked … u did not need a plane ticket to cross the street...
and your right about one thing - the Loser tag - when it comes to helping your sorry butt out - we all ended up being a loser
At 10:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
stop proving yourself to be the retard you are--we finally do believe it wholeheartedly. and sorry--you got the address wrong. i do happen to live on the oppsite side of the world--but you an't seem to farshtey that phones work even across oceans--very well indeed--and altho we are not allowed to speak loshon hara (only the rotton rabbi) we do and you do too (a poet and do not know it) so get off your you know what and get a life--and own up to your idol worship-bec. it aint nothing less.
and by the way--who lives across the street?
did you know that once you have given charity it is "mentchlich" not to discuss, shmooze, show off etc. to the rest of the world. be thankful you are healthy--but not we have realized in your head. nu, no one is perfect. especially people who have been "culted" by the least honorable rabbi that ever lived on earth.
glue your mouth and fingers shut--that will be the biggest mitzvah ever
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
soon to be released to the public
information about the rabbi involvent in a very shady deal
information that will result in many city officials removing themselves from this vote ( these re the ones the rabbi thinks he has in his back pocket
and information about the rabbi protecting a proven molester of children and a wife beater who davens near the front of his shul
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
man --- u r one sad individual... i accept your invitation to shut my mouth and move on.... hope u can do the same .... acroos the street - across the world... well u r where u r and we will just leave it at that - forgive we do - forget we do not!
At 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Come on, enquiring minds want to know. Better yet, need to know.
At 3:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
No good deed goes unpunished.
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
you don't forget??? REALLY???!!!?? i hate to break it to you BUT NEITHER DOES G-D. You know, the ONE UP ABOVE (not the choleria who stands and postures in front of your ??shul?? i don't know if it right to call it that or rather a social club or worse) and when G-D don't forget watch out--HIS memory is mighty long--and HIS anger terrible. and all you cult followers will get yours and it will be worth watching.
"lo sisah es shaim Hashem l'shav--lying?? don't tell me you idiots don't know the truth. maybe not..especially when it is your god who lies and lies and lies. need i go on?
and what is it with the kidney? if you gave one to another unfortunate person--och and vey--i hope it is not rotting him up also.
At 1:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Someone is protesting too much
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think this site would be both more informative and more civil if people knew who was doing the commenting. Come on Nuchem, we all know it's you. And Shimshy you dont have to hide behind the computer screen. Are you afraid someone might come out and beat you up? Lets come out in the open and settle this like adults. We all agree that the best place for this yeshiva is in a building and are that is zoned for such. If that is not here in the residential neighborhood known as Forshay, why cant we all just figure out where it can be placed. I am sure the house could be sold for a profit knowing that there will be no Yeshiva there afterall. Than all the cursing and sinas chinum will stop and everyone will be able to get back to the real work at hand, being Mekadesh Shem Shamayim.
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
i heard and hope that its true that the feds maybe looking into this process and rottenberg
maybe he really will sit with his chassidim
and how come no one is investigating 46 forshays road illegal construction of an industrial kitchen to ffed his bochurim
last i heard having an industrial kitchen is a fire hazard
so where is the building dept
At 8:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Come on 6:02 PM he is using your money. And did'nt YOU call the police today? What took you so long? Listen, I am the first to admit, if he is doing something wrong you got to call, but if the glove does not fit you got to acquit. In the case of the Yeshiva on Forshay I think it fits just like a glove.
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
lawyers are coming
now i hear both sides are hiring lawyers
this will go on for a long time and im sure that if the governmet takes a haed look at the finances of weiss and rottenberg and bodner and other members of this so called kehilla
it will be very interesting \
hey mr weiss did you threagen anybody this week
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