New London, CT - Plot To Steal Nuclear Submarine Uncovered by FBI
New London, CT - The FBI uncovered a plot to steal the nuclear submarine, Trepang – one of America's newest and sail it off from its base in New London, Connecticut, in to the Atlantic and sell it, and that also allegedly involved launching a missile attack on a major East Coast city as a diversion.
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
IMPOSSIBLE! How can one transport a nuclear sub. I assume it's more complicated than flying a plane and I don't know of any schools that teach it.
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
scary stuff
At 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
everything is possible
At 7:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
what does tis have to do with democrates and republicans. Don't vote for terrorists. The terrorists don't care who is in power. The just want to scare the world.
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
the navy trains hundreds of people to operate submarines.
they eventually get discharged.
they need to make parnassah.
here's there opportunity.
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
the democrats are on the terrorists side, don't you see?
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Because the democrats want to negotiate with terrorists.
And terrorists have an appetite of an alligator. The more you give the more they want.
Now bin-ladens grandson is screeching "NO! daddy I want a nuclear submarine"
At 3:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Could it be the Lakewood landlords or the Monsey butcher trying to esacape the wrath of the posters on this blog??
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actualy, It isnt very complicated to manuver a submarine, There are many many Ex-Marines, that are pissed off with the current govement, and are fully capable of comandeering a sub.
A class I, Class II, Tiger, or NOPNAC can be fully operated by 2 people as long as it stays above the 350 FT Pressure limit, which means that it will be picked up by US Coastal Sonars, and/or Patrol watercraft.
The only pheasable way to comandeer a sub would be to disable the Central NALCOMIS (Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System), NAVCAMS/NCTAMS (Naval Communications Area Master Station) and many more Command HQ's, and Systems that are currently Monitoring North & Central Atlantic.
As far as I know, (what do jewish boys know anyway?) There were only 2 Trepang subs used in history The first Trepang (SS-412), a Balao-class submarine, served during World War II. The second Trepang (SSN-674), a Sturgeon-class submarine, served during the Cold War. They have both been decomissioned and removed from the active registry.
So, although a sub can be stolen, there are no repangs out there anymore.
I think the FBI has been so unsuccessfull latly that they need some PR, so they uncovered somthing that dosent exisist and got most americans to pat them on their back, This isnt the FBI that hoover wanted. Nowdays its the FBI that bush cant control.
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