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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Washington, DC - Lobbyist Abramoff To Do Time in Cumberland, Md.

Washington, DC - Lobbyist Jack Abramoff will report Nov. 15 to a federal prison in Cumberland, Md., to serve a 70-month sentence for fraud and conspiracy charges in connection with the purchase of Florida-based SunCruz Casinos.
U.S. District Judge Paul Huck granted a request by prosecutors and Abramoff’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, that Abramoff serve his time at the Cumberland facility because it is within driving distance of Washington. They said in a court filing that Abramoff was cooperating in the Justice Department’s Washington influence peddling investigation and would continue to assist prosecutors while in prison.

Abramoff and his partner, Adam Kidan, pleaded guilty in January to defrauding lenders of more than $60 million in the SunCruz gambling casino scandal in Florida.


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