Fort Collins, CO - Christmas Tree Vs. Menorah Debate Heats Up
Fort Collins, CO - A holiday decorations dispute involving the Christmas tree and the menorah is heating up.
Several religious leaders sent an email to the city council urging them to reconsider a decision made in the summer that said the menorah could not be displayed at the city's public holiday display.
The ruling said the Christmas tree is OK for the city's public holiday display, but the menorah is not.
"I think everyone here is Christian essentially, so a Christmas tree, Santa's workshop and everything associated with it is considered generic, everybody does it," said Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelick. "But that's really not the case."
Gorelick is trying to include a Menorah in the city's formal holiday display, but the city council said no.
"Our holiday display policy had been a simple secular Christmas tree," said Fort Collins Mayor Doug Hutchinson. "According to our attorney, the tree is secular, the menorah is not," said a spokesman of the Downtown Development Authority.
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is the season of the year when all you new york jews find out how much golus is still out there.
all the vicious anti-jew hate comes out now, during the month of December.
At 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
If they dont allow a menorah, we should try a Shabbos air raid siren. That will teach them to start up with us. Golus, Shmulus. My religion demands that I put a Menorah next to an xmas tree, and by gosh, no city council is going to stop me! (There are of course halachic questions if the menorah needs to be placed beside the xmas tree for the lighting or if the menorah may be lit and the tree placed later..)
At 2:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting, 2:31, interesting.
Maybe if Rabbi Gorelick promises not to light the menorah, just to display it, the mayor would relent...
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for taking the commenting on Heschel off. It was really getting out of hand. If you ask me, you shouldn't have included the name n the first place.
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
why not include his name?
it's already on the evening news.
most "haimish" people in boro-park will see it tonight, in that quiet spot near the master bedroom that nobody talks about.
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
shamas, I'm impressed that you are not allowing comments on the "rapid rabbi" story. shows good discretion on your part.
a fellow yid
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would suggest lining up 8 X-mas trees side-by-side and lighting them up (fire) each night of Chanukah.
Of course the Rabbi with his white beard may just have to trade that black hat of his for a red one. Ho, ho, ho.
At 11:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I honestly don't understand you guys. it is not a mitzva or a halacha to have a menora as part of a holiday display. & YES WE ARE IN GOLUS AND ANTI SEMITISM IS ALIVE. IT WILL BE UNTIL MOSHIACH COMES. until then let's remember to keep a low profile and stop sticking ourselves into places we don't belong - like town hall holiday displays!!
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually Mark, a Christmas tree is not religious or spiritual in nature, therefore secular. It is more of a custom, than a religious practice or symbol. No mention in the bible, or Christian teaching. (It probably started off as some pagan ritual, like some Christian related customs.) But on the other hand, the menorah is religious. I would say the menorah is deeply rooted in the Jewish religion.
Now, if they were displaying a nativity scene or a cross (I won’t even think about a crucifix!), move over, because I’d be the first one here to say “That’s bull#$*&!”
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