Midwood, Brooklyn, NY - Pakistani Hate Crime Attack Victim Speaks Out
Midwood, Brooklyn, NY - Police are calling it a vicious hate crime. The victim is Pakistani and his alleged attackers are a group of Jewish teenagers as was reported first here on VOS IZ NEIAS.
The victim is at Bellevue Hospital where he is recovering, the doctors have informed him that he will require reconstructive facial surgery.
"They were saying you Muslim terrorist..get out of the country," Shahid Amber said.
Those are the words that 24-year-old Shahid Amber says preceded a violent attack by a mob of teenagers -- an attack prosecutors are now calling a hate crime. "One of them spit in my face and then when I wipe the spit off my face, I opened my eyes and saw brass knuckles," he said.
The incident happened in the Midwood section of Brooklyn right outside a Dunkin' Doughnuts near the corner of Avenue M and East 15th Street.
Shahid Amber, who is Pakistani, was standing outside eating ice cream when witnesses say he was surrounded by a group of Jewish teenagers who attacked him. The attack that broke Shahid Amber's nose and scarred his face. But the pain runs deeper than that for his family.
His mother says like millions of other immigrants they came to this country looking for a better life. But on this night as she clutches her son's blood stained coat, after this violent attack, the only thing she's hoping for now is justice for her son. "No more this country safe for Muslims ...no more," she said.
Those responsible will face hate crime charges. The Brooklyn DA's office tells us there have already been five arrests and say there may be more ahead.
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Brass knuckles? What kind of Jewish kids carry these?
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
who are these kids? what yeshivah do they go to?
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
...how naive can you be? anyone can have brass knuckles...
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Vos is brass knuckles?
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hard to believe that Jewish kids started up with him. How about the other way around?
At 10:51 AM,
Pragmatician said…
While for all I know this guy didn't do anything to provoke an attack, his idiotic mother should know that muslims are not safe in America as her wonderful co religionists constantly threaten America.
At 11:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
right away everyone says "yeshivah bochirim", by the goyim a even a non religios jew is a jew, it was probably non religios jews but to spice up the story they say "yeshiva boys"
and by the way
who cares? he's a muslim and got what he deserves, just one thing went wrong...
At 11:25 AM,
FrumWithQuestions said…
Something doesn't sound right about this story. I would love to hear one of the stories of one of the Jewish boys arrested. The media as we all know is bias and they are only telling one side of the story. First thing is why is this boy eating ice cream in a Dunkin Donuts. They sell ice cream there? Where are the witnesses to say that the Jewish boys started with them? We have not heard anything from any witnesses except from this boy. AS we know about the Muslim religion it is ok to lie to the infidels so they can be seen as the victims. Then the media and stupid Americans look at this accuser as the victim without seeking the truth. If indeed these Jewish boys did do something they should get their justice in the court system but I doubt that we are hearing the full story of what really happened. If anyone has any updates or anymore information please post them.
At 11:36 AM,
LkwdGuy said…
With commenters like anon 11:01 around, why should anyone not believe that they were not Jewish kids?
What is the point of moderating comments if something like that can be posted?
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dunkin Doughnuts does sell Ice Cream, that is part of the merger between Dunkin Doughnuts and Baskin Robbins. Not all Dunkin Doughnuts sell Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, but the one on Ave M and 15th does.
At 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
by the way the youths were frop our place a center for jewish teenagers at risk they beat the tar off the paki for no reason a shonda
At 11:46 AM,
FrumWithQuestions said…
Thanks for filling me in. Since i don't live in Brooklyn and when I am there I am not in Flatbush I am not so familiar with the kosher establishments except the ones that advertise in the Jewish publications and on the radio. The DD in the Five Towns does not sell Ice cream which is why i thought they don't sell it. I am still waiting to hear more info about what really happened.
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
My mikva yiden are uneasy about this developing story.
Be careful what you write. If the Pakistani is telling the truth, this will hit the national news. Then the S--- will hit the fan.
These biased comments are NOT going to help the situation...
At 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think we have to treat this situation very carefuly and watch our comments. Many yidden live alongside the Pakistanis. Up until now things have been peacful. Living in Kensington I would even say that the Pakistanis make good neighbors. If someone shoots of his mouth stupidly it could cause a lot of friction in those neighborhoods or maybe even ch"v worse.
I appears that this was a group of troubled jewish youth who got out of control. I don't question if they were provoked or not because it is irrelevant. Nothing justifies such hooliganism. You would expect this from other groups, but no group of jewish boys should ever act this way.
It will be up to whoever runs the organization they belong to to mitigate any long standing damage from this incident, even if it means issuing an apology.
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
11:43 You have shed more light on this than any other source regarding the kids.
At 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
we do not deserve to be treated better, when our jewish leaders seek to cover up every incedent and attack that happens against jews, like swastikas on buildings or the shooting of gidon bush or when boys going home from yeshiva get attacked and screamed at you .... jew then there it is A NON BAIS CRIME but when it is muslims against the jews and the district attorney with his croney COPS could get a few jews a bad record for life they will always claim the jews started it and it is a hate crime.. ask any jew in flatbush or boro park when was the last time a crime got labled as bais aginst jews.......
At 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
it doesnt phase me that it was jewish kids, screwed up kids are screwed up jewish or not, the problems are as follows:
A: we Jews always are taught that WE are the victims, thats silly wrong and immature, lets start taking responsibility for our actions and our screwed up kids. if they did something wrong then thats exactly it, it was wrong, and they should pay.
B: when something about lakewood comes out people scream and shout Chillul Hashem!! how about here? this ISNT a Chillul Hashem? this is wrong i dont care who they beat up , its wrong, WE are a peaceful nation, OUR religion doesnt say we should go beat up and hurt people that dont agree with us, unless this guy HIT them first it should of never come to them beating him up, these kids are losers and wimps, 4 kids on one guy, ya real tough guys, brooklyn scum. they deserve what ever punishment is coming to them< even jail.
C: lets see how fast OUR people start to cry for help, piyon shevuyim!! they wont let these kids sit because now its MITZVAH to get them out, THEY SHOULD SIT, theyre animals, and people like edgar gluck and all the other "holy of holies" kovod hungry people should sit back and let them pay for it, not make THEM victims, like we're taught.
I hope you all realize that we can also do wrong, and we need to teach our children the right way to act, and teach them that we will get punished if we break the rules, good day to all and let this be a lesson to all thugs .
God Bless
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:32 youre 100 percent right, unless we hear that they were provoked, there is absolutley no reason for such violence. it is 100 percent a chillul hashem what these boys did whether they are bochurim are boys that are off the derech they deserve to be punished for their actions.
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
The boys should well know - if you commit a crime you'd better be prepared to do the time.
I wonder if they gave any thought to the legal expenses their parents will incur.
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
how come noone has proposed the thought that the Jewish Boys acted in self defense. Of course no one will say that the Pakastani said or did something to provoke one or more of these boys, and the others came to the defense of the 1 or 2 the Pakai was picking on. Dosen't that sound like a likely scenereo. To me this is most likely what went down, without knowing the facts. Because the Jews stuck up for themselves instead of being the victim again, now it is a hate crime against Muslims. Has anyone been in contact with the boys? Does anyone know if self defense or defense of a friend is the real reason for the altrication.
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
we need to do teshuva, then all of this will stop ...don't you get it? Hashem is waiting for YOU, go to shul now and open a t'hillim.
At 12:57 PM,
FrumWithQuestions said…
12:32 you are jumping to conclusions. None of these 5 boys have said anything yet and a lawyer or anyone has not said anything on their behalf. We know that Muslims lie as it is stated in the Koran. Until we hear from them their side of the story you cannot jump down their throats and blame them. You never know what really happened. Wait for them to speak.
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
even if it was in self defense, you need 4 guy to beat the living crap out of one guy? cmon who you kidding, live up to it, we have thugs in out community too!! dont be naive
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am only commenting here, because I am very close to this case. Reading through all the blogs, it is clear to me that without more information, this incident is subject to major scrutiny. Let me try and clear up some the issues and address some of the written concerns.
Firstly, let me say that an incident did happen did happen where a Pakistan man and 5 frum yeshivs boys had a breawl in which the ending result was someone ending up in the hospital. I think we can all agree, that extent of the abuse taken was a bit over the edge. Whether in self defense or not, it should not have gone this far. The fact that it did, was the reason why the allegations of it being a bias crime pushed this case to where it is. Had it been just an exchange of words, or a small scuffle, there wouuld be no case. Therefore, it was poor judgement of these kids to let it get so out of hand.
That being said, let me tell you the other side of the story. This is the story that they are claiming and I will use the word supposedly, as until real EVIDENCE proves otherwise, both sides are considered "supposed".
The boys claim that they were indeed hit first by this youth and they themselves placed a 911 call. As you can see, once the documentation is retrieved by the investigators, this is not fact. Hopefully, it can be retrieved and proven. The boys claim that they hit him back in self defense. They say that there was absolutely no use of brass knuckles.
In the report, the Pakistan youth describes that verbal racial comments were made as well as quite vulgar language was used. The 5 boys deny this allegation, and say that the retaliation was solely self defense.
Of course, we can now understand the media bashing, as this stuff sells papers!!! Although I will say, had this happened in reverse, I am quite sure we would be running screaming BIAS, BIAS, BIAS.
As far as judging the kids as indivduals, let me say, I wish whoever is reading this never has to suffer what some of these kids went through in their short years in this world. I can not comment more due to their privacy, but let me say they are sweet boys who are in great internal pain. This does not give them a right to do what they did, but let's just be a bit compasionate to them.
They do deserve to see a consequence to their actions, but not as rough as a felony, on which they are facing (unless of course it is proven that they did commit a bias crime).
And for the "Edgar Glucks" of the world and the kovod hungry people, THANK YOU. You did a heck of a job making these kids as comfortable as possible, and by your input into this situation. I also want to thank the individuals who came forward and posted tens of thousands od dollars for bail money so YID (no matter what he did) does not sit in Rikers. We will need to figure out another way to teach them a lesson. To all the nay sayers out there (speciffically 12:32), Hashem should judge you as you judge others. Guys like you only like to gossip and lay blaim. Get out there, see what the real unfortunate world is all about and do something that can a difference in these kids life. And if you can't, give me your #... I'll call you for the bail and legal fees these struggling parents are now facing!!
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I myself was mugged just over a year ago by some guy that hit me over the head and wanted my money.
When he was arrested he claimed I was calling him names !
What ever it is we have to remember never jump to conclusions if you werent there you'll never know what happened.
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mikva Yid is right it's going to hit the fan soon.
Who ever is in charge with these boys should hurry up and tell their story or apologize and offer compensation.
Legal issues are secondary, abisel menchtlichkiet please!!!
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
in America, it is innocent until proven guilty. Most of the comments here, by what appears to be self-hating Jews who like to knock 'yeshiva boys', it is Guilty until proven innocent.
You don't know what happened. The Post here is just reprinting what is out on the news which only tells one side of the story. So stop judging!!
At 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am not JUDGING anyone, i simply said that if it happened the way it was said to have happened( which it COULD be that it didnt happen that way) then they should pay and WE should make it ok for them or bail them out or make them comfortable, I do know whats out there, trust me, from personal experience more than youll ever know, and one thing i do know is that you cant blame people your whole life for you being screwed up. like i said i know this first hand, there are plenty of people out there who were dealt a bad hand , and yet seem to be decent people, again, if it didnt go down that way , well i hope hope justiced is served in their favor , but if it DID happen the way we were told then i would have to say that justiced should be served as well, jewish or not, its not a religious matter, its a moral matter, and about God judging people....well if you were as pure as your making yourself seem, then you wouldnt say such a thing, it can have powerful effects, mind you you dont know me either, judge not lest yo ube judged.....
Good Day 12:32
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 157,
are you quoting something yiddish or was that the late JC or one of his drunkards who said that?
At 2:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
thank you!
keep it up!
At 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
what were the kids doing in dunkin donuts why were they "hanging out" ?
At 4:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:20 youre a moron, what kind of stupid statement is that "why were they hanging out?" youre a moron
At 4:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 12:49
I wonder if they ever think at all.
At 4:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am an observant Jew whose family came from Morocco and Syria.
For 2000 years Jews lived in Muslim lands and enjoyed peace and prosperity alongside of our Muslim neighbors. Unlike European Jews, Jews from Arab lands did not suffer pogroms, or horrors such as the Inquisition in Spain or the Shoah.
In fact during the Shoah, it was Morocco and Turkey, two Muslim countries who gave refuge to hundreds of thousands of European Jews while the entire Christian world sat back and watched European Jewry burn to ashes.
Muslims worship the One and True G-d just as we do. Muslims slaughter kosher animals humanely and a great number of Muslims in the US and Europe buy kosher meat. Muslims do not worship idols, dress modestly, keep family laws and ritually wash at least five times a day.
I have also lived alongside of devout Muslims for much of my life and have been exposed to the Quran and the Hadith. I have not found the anti Jewish references mentioned above in numerous computerized searches of the Quran both in English and in Arabic with the help of Arabic speaking Jews.
I was deeply disturbed by the racist and anti Semitic (yes Arabs are Semites) content of the film Obsession that has been promoted throughout many Jewish communities in American this summer. I feared that such a film would provoke Jewish people to act like savages and do things that Jewish people JUST DO NOT DO!!!
I was hoping that our Rabbis and community leaders would stand up and protest against this film but it seems that its influence has fully inculcated our young people into the culture of hate and violence of which we accuse others.
Rabbi Papo ztl said "Woe unto those who live in Christiandom because they are wont to follow in their ways". If we Jews will become the racist and violent animals such as reported here, how are we different than the heathens in Europe who butchered us for centuries?
I am sorry to this young man and his family. I will be very disappointed if our community does not at least provide financial restitution in accordance with the Laws of our Torah for him and his family as well as a formal apology from the community because
Where are all the "moderate Jews" and their leaders to protest this violent and extremist Judeo fascism????? (have you heard THAT before?? Let's see if we are worthy of being judged better than we have judged others).
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
as a ex member of the isreali elite forces, i must say that the arabs are great at manipulating a situation.
we would go on raids in the middle of the night to arrest wanted terrorists. their mothers would cry real tears to us to have compassion.that they r good and loving sons! these bastards were personally responsible for killing jews!
i would have to ignore these crying women and think of the crying jewish mothers who lost their sons because of this sick bastard.
remember, the only good arab is a dead arab.
At 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Way to go 4:33!
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Five Jewish teens were arrested on hate crime charges Sunday for assaulting a Pakistani-American man, which they called a “terrorist,” police and Kings County prosecutors alleged this week.
Despite this horrific tale, local Muslim leaders are calling for patience and tolerance as word of the arrests snakes through the neighborhood.
At the same time, Jewish leaders are claiming that the entire story hasn’t been told.
Officials said that the assailants, who range in age from 15 to 17, jumped 24-year-old Amber Shahid as he tried to enjoy an ice cream cone outside of a Dunkin’ Donuts at 1524 Avenue M in Midwood at 8:15 p.m. on October 29.
Prosecutors allege that 17-year-old Yossi Friedman of the 1200 block of East 26th Street, 16-year-olds Shulomi Bitton of the 800 block of East 9th Street and Benjamin Wasserman of the 5100 block of 15th Avenue, along with two unnamed 15-year-olds plus a handful of un-apprehended others approached Shahid and began shouting at him, calling him a “terrorist motherf—ker.”
“You f—ked our country,” they allegedly screamed. “Why are you here?”
The suspects allegedly yelled, “Go back to your country” before lunging at the 24-year-old, striking him repeatedly in the face and about the body, officials said.
According to a criminal complaint filed with the Kings County District Attorney’s office, one of the assailants, who was armed with a pair of brass knuckles, broke the victim’s nose as he pelted him with punches.
The teens are also charged with holding the victim’s arms behind his back, leaving him defenseless against their continued assault.
Cops responding to the attack rounded up and arrested the five suspects without incident, charging them with gang assault in the first degree, assault in the second degree as a hate crime and menacing as a hate crime, meaning that the teens will be facing extra jail time if convicted.
Shahid was taken to New York Community Hospital, where his injuries were treated. The 24-year-old left the fight with a black eye, swollen face and bruises peppering his entire torso, according to prosecutors.
Officials at the Kings County District Attorney’s office said that Friedman, Bitton and Wasserman were all arraigned on $10,000 bail.
As of this writing, a grand jury was weighing the charges against them.
Members of the borough’s Muslim community were told that prosecutors also plan to charge the two 15-year-olds as adults, according to Asghar Choudhri, the president of the Pakistani American Federation of New York.
Choudhri said that borough Muslims have a “very good relationship” with Brooklyn’s Jewish community.
“We don’t know why [the attack] happened,” said Choudhri, who said that he did hear that the teens had behavior problems and were considered menaces “in their own community.”
“Everyone is very emotional right now, but we’re asking everyone to stay calm and let the D.A.’s office do their job,” Choudhri said. “We don’t think this is the Jewish community’s fault, it’s those kids.”
While the hate crime charges stand, Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents Borough Park and Midwood, said that he believes that the incident wasn’t fueled by bias.
“Based on what I heard, this shouldn’t be classified as a hate crime,” he said. “Some of the kids involved in this were the ones that called the police. When was the last time you had a bias incident when those who were there stuck around and waited for police to come?”
Hikind heard that Shahid started the fight, by pushing one of the teenagers out of the doorway.
“He [Shahid] said, ‘Get the f—k out of the doorway,’ when the teen wasn’t in the doorway,” said Hikind. “Then the teen said something like, ‘Why don’t you talk to me like a mensch.’”
Shaid sparked the fight by shoving the teen a second time, Hikind alleged.
“When the whole story comes out, the entire thing is going to be considered an unfortunate incident,” said Hikind, adding that he does not believe that the alleged attack will cause any rifts between the borough’s Jewish and Muslim communities.
“The relationship between our two communities is superb,” he said. “There is zero tension.”
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:33 You're 100% correct and I know of no tension between the frum and Pakistani/Bangadeshi community in Flatbush.
The Pakistani spokesperson,Asghar Choudhri, the president of the Pakistani American Federation of New York,quoted in a post, is a truly decent man and can attest to the lack of tension.
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe the previous poster published the names of the Jewish people who were involved. Have you no shame? What if the Jewish people are innocent and they were defending themselves? The story is one sided and everybody who posted saying that the Jewish kids are disgraceful are that themselves.
Yeshivah or no yeshivah, a Jew is a Jew and you don't condem them when you hear a one sided story.
Whoever is in charge of this blog should edit their names out right now.
At 8:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
i dont know who's idea it was but putting up the boys name was very uncalled for. its enough that they have to go through all this and then u have to make them more embarresed by letting more and more people to know. if someone was really curious about who they were then they could find out themselves. no need for more embarresment.
At 9:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess there is only tention from stupid biased commentors in this blog.
And I hope it doesn't end up in the papers.
At 9:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
8:39 Don't you see it is a copy from a news source? Wow you are naive. You expect jews beating up a muslim and it will stay out of the news????
And your arguments and orders so immature. You sound like a 6 year old.
At 9:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
8:49 Welcome to the Internet age. Fasten your seatbelts!
At 9:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
This story is not alarming to me, but let me tell you what is....
I grew up in Brooklyn, and I can honestly say that 25 years ago, there wasn't a Muslim to be found on Coney Island Ave, let alone a Mosque.
It is alarming to me, how a nation of Islam, that can't stand the jews, and who believe the State of Israel should be destroyed, find their way way half way around the world to settle down and start communities, literally on the same block as the Jews they so despise.
It is also alarming to me that as US Citizens, we are expected to assume these ARABS, who have migrated half way around the world, to live side by side with the Jews, are not terrorists, and have no alterior motives.
LETS NOT FORGET THE 1993 WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING, ORCHESTRATED by Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, a blind cleric who , was sentenced to life for masterminding the bombing, and was also found guilty of the murder of extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, was the head of the MOSQUE LOCATED on FOSTER AVE. & EAST THIRD STREET.
Today, the SHIEK sits in a jail for the rest of his life , but his followers still roam the streets of FLATBUSH, professing to be law abiding citizens, when in reality, they are part of the Al Queda Network, and have succesfuly infiltrated yet another Jewish Community.
Not that it matters, but I would be interested to know the background of this "Pakistani Boy". Does he have an affiliation to a Mosque, if so which one? Let's not just assume that he is an "Innocent Civilian."
And by the way, can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between an innocent Civilian and a terrorist?
At 9:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
wat the hell are their addresses written on the news for?
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
9:37 For your information Pakistanian are Moslems but they are not Arabs. Not all Moslems are Arabs, and not all Arabs are Moslems.
9:41 Once a person is arrested his name and address are public information. Whatever that news source that originated that article was, they at least omitted the actual addresses.
At 10:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
This story's puzzle pieces don't fit at all. Kids at Risk are confused about whether they themselves want to identify with the religion of their birth, being that life has thrown them too many curveballs, in their short years. So, does it make sense that they would want to attack others that they perceive as threats to the religion they themselves question?
Most of the Kids at Risk are looking to unload their religion, not fight for it.
Think about it.
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for clearing up the difference between Muslims & Arabs.
Now... can you determine which Muslims want to kill us and which ones don't?
Assuming 2 billion Muslims in the world and only 10% are radical, that would be 200 Million of them that want us dead.
At 10:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
5 Jewish Brooklyn Teens Charged In Hate Crime
John Slattery
(CBS) BROOKLYN The Brooklyn District Attorney's office has filed hate crime charges againsts five Brooklyn teens, three of whom were charged as adults. The charges stem from an apparent assault of a Pakistani man.
Arrested were Benjamin Wasserman and Shulomi Bitton, both 16, and Yossi Friedman, 17. Two others will be tried as juveniles.
The DA has identified the victim as Shahid Amber, 24, a lab technician of Midwood, who says he was beaten by a group of Jewish teens wearing yarmelkes. Amber says they injured his jaw and broke his nose. "When this kind of thing happens, this completely shakes me up," Amber says.
The incident happened Sunday night around 8 outside a Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts shop on Avenue M near East 15th Street.
Amber, who is from Pakistan, says he was outside the shop eating an ice cream, when a group of 10 to 15 teens and young adults started taunting him with racial slurs. "They were saying, you Muslim scumbag, you have f---ed up this country. You don't have the right to live here. Go back to your country," Amber told CBS 2 News.
Amber says three of the teens came over to him, knocked the ice cream out of his hand, and spit at him in the face. "I was cleaning my face, the spit from my face, and I see a punch coming to my face with brass knuckles on, and he hit me on the nose," he said. His nose gushed blood as others joined in punching and kicking.
Surprisingly, he says, when an ambulance and police arrived, his five attackers were still there.
Amber said he pointed out his five attackers to police and said, "I was telling the cops, these are the five people."
Those arrested were charged with assault, assault as a hate crime, menacing, aggrivated harassment and criminal possession of a weapon, for the brass knuckles.
The defendants who are charged as adults will face their next court hearing Friday. The two defendants who were charged as minors were released to their parents.
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
10:14 if it's 10%, earth wouldn't survive. It's more like 0.0001%
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Referring back to my original post...You have to ask yourself the question, why are all these Muslims coming here to New York, to live in the middle of, as our esteemed peace maker/ liason, Jesse Jackson, once called it, HYMIE TOWN?
At 10:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe your math adds upto 200,000 radical muslims, if that were only true, we wouldn't have such world problems.
I believe my figure of 200 million to be way more accurate. I would like to see a figure put out by our government though, interesting though that they never have.
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
a year or 2 in prison might heal these lost broken souls.secondly their parents wont have to look for them 3 or 4 am & their younger siblings wont see them so they wont learn to be cool like them
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Were brass knuckles recovered at the scene or not? In whose possession? With blood on it? I hope these guys a) get a good lawyer, b) get a good plea bargain.
At 11:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daniel Pipes states that some 100 to 150 million people worldwide embrace radical Islam, and that some 500 million other Muslims "concur with its rank anti-Americanism," sympathizing more with Osama bin Laden and the Taliban than with the United States ["Who Is the Enemy?" Commentary, January, 2002, available at http://www.danielpipes.org/article/103].
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mikva Yid i think u pick worng news u should not write fowl languge in this jewish website
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kids at risk at it again. Stop blaming the damn yeshivas and blame the ones who did this disgusting crime period. have pity for the victim. I am sick and tired of always listening to people blaming the victim.
Even if the Muslim teenager said something forst and even if it was derogitory towards jewish people we do not act like this.
I hjope the D.A locks these kids up and throws away the keys.
This is just terrible.
At 11:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
To "a year or 2 in prison might heal these lost broken souls.secondly their parents wont have to look for them 3 or 4 am & their younger siblings wont see them so they wont learn to be cool like them" 11:25 PM
Hey Mr. Perfect: You obviously have no kids, because if you did, you would have a heart for other's kids and their parents.
We all know what a year or even a week in prison does to anyone- are you perfect? Did you never ever , as a teen, do something that could have landed you in hot water?
It's not only messed up parents and messed up kids that end up with Kids at risk. You and yours could be next. There's only one place to go from the top- down.
At 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
kinda cute his name is SHAHID that means martyr!
At 12:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
What is wrong with all you Beheimis! I want to see you make these comments when your own kid is involved in such a story. You're going to say its never going to happen, but I guarantee you, that with your attitudes you're all going to have messed up kids or grandkids. You can laugh at me now but unfortunately "He who laughs last laughs best"
At 1:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
11:25 u are pathetic they have strong evidence and by them sitting in jail is not going to "heal there broken souls." These kids are good kids they wouldnt just start with random people on the street.
At 1:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
These kids did something very stupid, for which they may have to serve time in prison. It is a terrible shame.
At 2:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
All I want to know is why this is considered a bias crime, but when a bunch of lowlifes surround a Jewish kid in Crown Heights and do indeed yell racial slurs as they beat him up on Shabbos when he carries nothing that they can steal, it is considered a non-event and the punks are released to their (single) parents.
At 8:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
The story is in today's Daily News, quite a few days after first appearing here.
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Kids at risk at it again. Stop blaming the damn yeshivas and blame the ones who did this disgusting crime period. have pity for the victim. I am sick and tired of always listening to people blaming the victim.
Even if the Muslim teenager said something forst and even if it was derogitory towards jewish people we do not act like this.
I hjope the D.A locks these kids up and throws away the keys.
This is just terrible.
11:47 PM
100% CORRECT, this is terrible.
It is terrible that the internet has given self-hating Jews the ability to call for life in prison for five Jewish kids who have not been found guilty of anything.
Self hate is the mental equivalent of eating bad Chinese take out, it makes you feel like you will die if you don't puke out the poison soon enough. Fortunately, in the case of food poisoning, as soon as one gets it out of one's system the body begins to heal and a few days later one is back to normal.
In the case of self-hatred, and for some reason I cannot yet explain this is particularly true in the case of Jewish self-hatred, spewing forth the poison does nothing but make room for more self-hatred.
Perhaps you need to find the mental equivalent of an enema.
By the way, your computer equipment is in serious need of an upgrade. Most PC’s manufactured in the last fifteen years were delivered with a spellchecker pre-installed.
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know the facts of this story (other than what was reported on the news) but I do know one of the kids involved and yes I wouldn't put it past him (or the group of kids he'd likely be hanging out with). This kid is a troubled teen from a broken family and without going into details, frankly a night (or several nights) in the slammer may do him some good at this point (trust me there've been a lot of people trying to help over the years - to no avail). I can only speak for that one teen - I'm sure the rest of the kids have similar stories. The only thing that didn't make sense is that I heard reported on the news (WCBS) that the teens were wearing long black coats - which sounds like chassidim. Trust me this kid doesn't wear cahssidish clothing (not even frum). Unless they meant long black coats "gothic" style (a la the columbine killers . . .enough said)
At 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
the previous bloggers are no better than the antisemetic media when they jump to conclusions and blast our community and our precious children. If you research the story you will see that these boys are the ones that called the police and reported it after being attacked and responding in self defense. Dov Hikind smartly pointed out ““Some of the kids involved in this were the ones that called the police. When was the last time you had a bias incident when those who were there stuck around and waited for police to come?” You guys should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
the previous bloggers are no better than the antisemetic media when they jump to conclusions and blast our community and our precious children. If you research the story you will see that these boys are the ones that called the police and reported it after being attacked and responding in self defense. Dov Hikind smartly pointed out ““Some of the kids involved in this were the ones that called the police. When was the last time you had a bias incident when those who were there stuck around and waited for police to come?” You guys should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
you really think some heimishe yeshiva boys started up with a pakistani?
just another incidence of media bias, distortion. Shame on anyone in the frum community for even thinking that this is the case. Its like theve already been convicted.
Interesting that the "alleged victem" is on the tv all teary eyed..... I wonder what the alleged atackers will have to say....
Was the "victem" a dunkin donuts employee?
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
you make alot of sense, blame evrything on the kids "at risk". why not? just cause thats how they are doesnt mean you can blame them for evrything. you dont know these boys life stories. so why would u say that?
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
no-one had a camera/video cell phone?the paki guy had no friends in dd?no other witnesses at 8 pm???
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe this ought to be a discussion elsewhere, but the question remains- Why do we have so many Kids at Risk?
My opinion is that it's our treatment of kids that don't fall into the average or above category that's the cause. We give them negative vibes about themselves. ONCE THAT'S DONE, ITS VERY DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO MODIFY.
Not to Chas V'shalom compare anyone in Chinuch or other Frum people to Germans- but we reject and ostracize kids that we view as not fitting a certain mold and thus cause irreparable scars. We often do that to adults to (I'm better than you....). Frum Yiden are way too unforgiving and demanding. We can aim to be a perfect fit in a mold ourselves, but we have to be civil, accepting and forgiving with others. It's our judgMENTALism that's causing big Tzoros.
(I'm better than you)
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
10:49 I computed your theory, the probability that it is reality is between 0.5% to 2%. In plain english “childs talk”.
10:58 That is the power of Terrorism. A small amount of people can cause a lot of trouble psychologically, but very little militarily. But in the populations mind (including yours) it is a very large threat.
That was bin Ladens calculation when he took on the lone superpower. But he made 2 grave errors, he underestimated Bush (his resolve and cunning) and the change of political mood when America is attacked directly (like the Japanese made at Pearl Harbor).
11:28 “embrace radical Islam” means they will vote talk and give “some” money. But they wouldn’t risk for it. So the 99.9999% of these 150 million won’t risk getting caught violating the law let alone kill & risk getting killed.
Status: Assuming 10:42’s testimony is not fabricated, the probability is 63.5% that these kids if tried will be found GUILTY in a court of law. These kids are not Jewish for practical purposes. The probability that these kids will do tshuva in their lifetime is 12.67%. With jail time the probability is 57%.
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
"The boys father described a brutal assault by boys in long black jackets, black pants and black hats."
Bitton's mother said last night that her son Shulomi was innocent.
My son was just standing over there and he did not touch anybody. He's a sensitive boy. He wouldn't even kill a fly. I believe my son 100%.
Shahid is a gas station attendant.
Who sounds more credible?
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like Shahid (AND DONT FORGET WHAT THAT MEANS!) may been inhaling too much fumes!
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
does anyone know what happened in court today?
At 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is important for everyone to know that the pakistani "victem" indeed instigated this entire mess. The Pak attacked first by THROWING THE FIRST PUNCH. Only after getting assaulted physicaly did the teen return a blow: acting out of SELF DEFENSE, not out of hatred to the pakistani's race or religion. The truth is yet to be told.
At 9:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Phew, that's a lot of comments! I'm exhausted!
Ok, Ok, I get it:
Jew = innocent victim
everybody else = guilty
At 1:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Some of you people are really stupid( please take that as offense as possible). How could you glorify these retards, what they did was horrible and they should be punished. This is the time to take a proper stance against violence based on anothers religion.
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
To all those critical & self hating jewish pigs:
You think for a second youre better off than these kids, what, just because u look more jewish means your better off in G-ds eyes, u think cause society has labeled them "teens at risk" means why not treat them like dirt? Maybe we should start labeling you "parents at risk" i think thats a more appropiate term here!!! In fact these kids are like that cause you're the ones that signed them off of yiddishkeit, by criticizing, by your selfishness by your unaccepting towards someone whos not up to par with your standards.
Just imagine it was your own child, or better yet lets not imagine, i pity your kids if this is the way you treat others who arent so perfect.
Were you at the scene last sun night? Did u see what happened? Did u speak to the kids involved? I didnt think so!!
So shut the hell up before you go around judging, criticizing, labeling, & pointing fingers!!!
At 5:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
2:56- where is that quote from, about the boys having hats?
At 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
the quote is from the daily news. u can c it online.
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:33 you are full of Baloney!
How short is your memory. My family,too, comes from an Arabic country.
Can you say DHIMMI? That is what a Jew is in an Arabic country. Second class citizen.
Where my parents were from that meant walk in the gutter when passing an Arab, always make sure to greet an Arab, not being able to be a witness in any courtroom...
We were constantly at their mercy.
At 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh and by the way, 4:33, didn't you know that according to the quran Jews are descended from Monkeys and pigs.
But still it makes me feel soooo good to know that they eat kosher meat that is slaughtered.
At 7:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
the Pakistani individual was not alone, he had a gang with him. They started the fight and lost. Unfortunately, it seems that the Jews (all of us) are losing the publicity fight. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We need to reach out to teens at risk and make them feel comfortable in the community. They may be 'lost' kids, but they are very sensitive and mentchlicht and have good hearts.
At 8:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is a place for troubled youth run just down the block from there and these kids were from there.... If these type of kids are brought to an area they should be supervised
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shahid - (Arabic) A holy martyr. literally, "one who bears witness. Used to refer to suicide bombers as well as saints.
I guess his mother has big plans for her son.
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
I put this story on my blog site as I myself almost faced a White on White queerbashing on Oct 27 in West L.A., CA at a bus stop. Hate crimes are going intra minority now as well thanks to the current hate media of the Republican Party whipping divide and conquer between groups for elections. The mainstream USA media has practically censored the SHAHID AMBER NYC case as it can taint the NOV 7 elections and criticism of Israel and hate crime laws ineffectiveness in Jewish communities. Hate in Jewish areas is a censored topic.
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
8:45- what does that mean? These are yiddishe kinda, whether you agree with their lifestyle or not. It is the communities responsibilty to take care of their children. Fortuntaely and unforfortunately, Brooklyn is too large to be a kehilla. Therefore, some individuals with huge hearts opened a place for these kids to hang out at night. These 5 kids were out in the streets. They should be controlled by their parents, their yeshivas, their friends.... why select a specific place? Perhaps you want to volunteer your time and "supervise" these kids?
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
attn. 3:35,
how do you know that the pak started up first for a fact?
-does anyone know what happened by the hearing on friday?
At 11:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
The media is only writting the Pakistani kids side of the story. The reason no one of the 5 are talking and giving their side of the story, because they were told by their Lawyer to keep their mouths closed and not talk to anyone.
Fact: one of the 5 called 911.
Fact: The Pakastani kid works at the shop not just eating an ice cream outside.
Fact: The Pakastani was trying to close the store and they weren't ready to leave and he pushed one of the kids out the door.
More facts will come IY"H and the whole story will turn around not to be a hate crime but a regular fight between teenagers.
At 12:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Regardless of the facts that pertain to this specific situation, the following holds true:
For every Hatzolah person that gets credit for saving lives, and VERY deservedly so, there are ten times as many people of other races and religions, whether paid or not, such as doctors, nurses, and the like, who go way beyond their call of duty with their love, caring and kindness at all metropolitan hospitals where we have all had our nearest and dearest treated. Let's not bite the hand that feeds us, literally. Those good souls that we meet daily, are only a sampling of hardworking, ethical people that are NOT Jewish. We should all behave with MENTCHLICHKEIT towards all people of other colors, races and religions unless they specifically have done us wrong.
There are good and bad in every group of people, including ours!
Otherwise- there's a word for behavior to the contrary- it's called RACISM.
At 2:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
NEW YORK — The alleged hate-crime beating of a Pakistani man by Jewish teenagers has rattled New York’s Muslim community and spurred calls for a U.S. government investigation by an advocacy group.
“It’s an indication of the kind of thing that we’re seeing as a growing phenomenon, tied to a sharp rise in the anti-Muslim sentiment in our society,” Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, said of the case.
Prosecutors have charged five teens with hate crimes in what they describe as a brutal beating of the 24-year-old Muslim man, Shahid Amber, last weekend.
Amber said he was eating ice cream outside a Dunkin’ Donuts near his home Sunday night when a group of 10 to 15 youths wearing yarmulkes began taunting him, calling him a “terrorist” and other disparaging and profane words. He said he tried to ignore them but they came over and one knocked his ice cream out of his hand.
“One of them, he spit in my face,” Amber said in a phone interview Friday.
“As I was cleaning my face, I noticed a punch coming at my face with brass knuckles on it.”
Criminal complaints said the teens then began to hit and kick Amber and yelled: “Go back to your country and never mess with Jews.”
The five defendants — Yitzi Horowitz, 15, David Brach, 15, Yossi Friedman, 17, Shulomi Bitton, 16, and Benjamin Wasserman, 16, all from New York’s Brooklyn borough — have been charged as adults with several crimes, including menacing and assault as a hate crime. They could face up to 25 years in prison on the top charge of assault in the first degree, the Brooklyn district attorney’s office said.
Efforts to find their lawyers or reach their families Friday and Saturday were not successful.
At 2:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
12:35 AM you dont know what ur talking about. so much for ur inside information. the store is 24 hours, so how could the guy try to close the store????
At 2:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
NYNJbuff 3:38 I hope you are correct.
Mark Levin you can trash Libs, but please stop trashing muslims, it won't help the situation if the Justice Department gets involved.
This kid (if his story is true) doesn't deserve to get beaten up because a muslim terrorist killed Americans or Jews. If he is lying your words will support his lies.
You can demand muslims to denounce terrorism, but not use it as a rationale to condone beating them if they don't.
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
muslims will never denounce terrorism. its part of their culture and society. they are tought it from child birth.
there is only one answer. the torah answer. what did hakodesh baruchhu tell klal yisrael to do to the inhabitants of eretz yisroel while they were entering the land???? i know all of you good chochomim know the answer.
so according to rav mk zecher tzaddik lavracha, we must remove them from our midst, or according to hakadosh barachu, they will be a thorn in our side.
and they have been.
do something before its to late.
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
1)what a chilul hashem!!!
2)its bad enogh that we have to be afraid that thay will blow us up now we also have to be afraid they will beat us up
At 5:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mark, you are funny, at least write it meremeeze and not b'loz.
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lets assume all Yiden are Achzorim bnei Achzorim like you.
Hitlers Germany had 80 million people, trying to kill 12 million (European) jews, nobody in the world "cared", and he had 6 years of free rein. Result: he achieved 50%
You are proposing 20 million Jews, trying to kill 1 billion muslims, everybody in the world cares, What kind of results do you think you will get. Do your math. It won't be pretty. It won’t be 6 years and it won’t be 50%….
In plain english, your proposal is suicide. If life is so bad, don’t take everybody along with you, just jump off the bridge. In 7.25 seconds your problems will be solved.
But before you jump do tshuva for writing it in the name of the Torah.
At 8:29 PM,
David_on_the_Lake said…
Those days are long over..when we thought we knew who we are. Frum people are capable of any crime that non from people are and we're seeing more and more of that. The rosy days that exist in Rabbi Frands minds is over. No one looks at us anymore as honest and aidel...
As this comment thread has shown me, we can just as hateful as the the worst neo-nazis.
Sad but true
At 8:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
To David on the Lake-"Frum people are capable of any crime that non from people are and we're seeing more and more of that."
What an abominable statement. How can you compare Jews to any other religionists? When in history have Jews ever perpetrated mass murder on any other group, despite what had been perpetrated on us? Yes, we have had sinners, but there are degrees of sin. Jews have strengths and weaknesses, but on a whole, are non-violent by nature. Some feel that might have been their problem, that they might have benefited from being more assertive.
Your ancestors (if you are Jewish) are shedding tears over your statement.
But David, speak to a competent Rabbi or therapist. Do it for your ancestors. There's hope even for you.
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
To "As this comment thread has shown me, we can just as hateful as the the worst neo-nazis".
Sure, like Jackie Mason jokes -when was the last time you were fearful of meeting a Jewish accountant in a dark and deserted alley? Ha!
At 7:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Attention VOS IZ NEIAS editors:
I noticed this Post was removed from your blog yesterday. Why? Is it a glitch?
I also noticed that mikva yid 5:09 is responding to Mark Levin 5:18 (who is responding to mikva yid 12:16), but for some reason there is a glitch, and mikva yid is listed first...
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear 7:27,
Yes, I know what a dhimmi is. We were "protected" and paid extra taxes in exchange for not serving in the military. We had to stay in when it rained so as not to pollute a Muslim with our impurity. We could not share the street with a Muslim and in some countries also had to wear special garments to identify ourselves as second class citizens.In Morocco there was a law in some cities that Jews could not wear shoes.
Whem Turkey removed the dhimmi status and started drafting Jews, most left because it was preferable to be a dhimmi than to be an equal and send your son off to the military!!!put your children in Gentile schools or subject yourself to Gentile courts. Turkish Jews preferred dhimmi status to freedom.
Life in a Muslim country was not paradise and Jews have suffered discrimination and persecution everywhere we have lived. I am old enough to remember not being able to get a hotel room in many cities in the US, not being able to sit in a tearoom, join a country club or yacht club. Today, I face a great deal of discrimination in my business and recently was denied lower cost health insurance because I would not sign a declaration of faith, belief in JC (it was 1200 per year per family cheaper than our current policies).
However, unlike Europe, Jews in Muslim countries never suffered any gov't sponsored pogroms, genocides or official gov't sponsored expulsions (these did occur, but the Koran forbids conversion by the sword and instructs believers to "respect the people of the book".
Regarding the "reference in the Koran that Jews are monkeys and pigs", I do not read Arabic, so I have used software to search several English language translations and I cannot find the surah you are referring to. Please do let me know exactly where in the Koran it says that Jews are monkeys and pigs.
There are many many references to Jews in the Koran however and legend has it that the Koran was written by a Jew because Mohammed could not write. Sharia law is based upon the learning that he was able to glean from attending a yeshiva in Baghdad which was the center of Jewish scholarship at that time.
Our experiences as Jews in Muslim countries were much better than our European co-religionists.
The gov't paid for our Rabbis to serve as our communal leaders and gave them absolute authority, paid for our Jewish court system and Jewish schools with our "dhimmi" taxes.
No, we did not have a paradise, but living in a country where it is a death penalty offense for a Muslim to intermarry with a Jew also preserved our culture and prevented assimilation.
Here in America, even among Orthodox Jews there is still a 15% intermarriage rate (a marriage
kashered" with a sheker conversion is still an intermarriage).
Overall, it is possible that freedom is not such a great thing for our children. Especially if they feel free to assimilate to the extent that they are like Nazi or KKK thugs.
Now THAT!! is assimilation.
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
never believe a newspaper the pakistani man started up with the boys how about believing them
At 7:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
The word shahid llterally means witness. A Muslim mother prays that her son will grow up to be a testimony of belief in the One and True G-d. The statement that a Muslim makes as a testimony of his belief in the One and True G-d is called Shahada, and the person who is making that testimony is called a shahid.
Lets talk about jihad also. This is a word that is often misunderstood by many Americans. Jihad in Islam is a holy struggle. There are five forms of jihad in Islam.
There is Jihad of the heart/soul which is an inner struggle of faith within that is the struggle to choose to do good over what is wrong.
Jihad of the tongue is a struggle to do good in one's writing and speech, and to use ones words to bear testimony of the Greatness of G-d.
Jihad by knowledge is the struggle to do good in the world through the scholarly study of Islam,(the great academies of Islam are in Saudi Arabia and Egypt) legal reasoning,(just courts) and through sciences (such as medical sciences).
Jihad by the hand refers to the struggle of good over evil waged by actions or with one's wealth(ie charity- zakka) or going on the Hajj pilgrimage, taking care of elderly parents, providing funding for schools and hospitals or other worthy causes .
Jihad by the sword refers to armed fighting in the defense of G-d, or holy war. It is a holy obligation for Muslims to defend their homelands and to defend and protect other Muslims worldwide from invasion and oppression.
Muslims like Jews also believe that they have the obligation to help other Muslims worldwide by giving charity and also physical aid when needed. Because of this concept in Islam (which is the same as in Judaism), there are some Muslims who consider it their holy obligation to wage war against the West because they perceive that the Xtian West threatens Islam by sending thousands of Xtian missionaries to the Mideast through Israel.
Currently, I am told there are more than 200 missionary training programs in Israel and that Israel is the center of all Middle Eastern Xtian missions. This summer alone 15,000 US Xtian missionaries were launched from Israel to all points in the Middle East. Christian "Zionists" donated 60 million dollars to Israel this summer alone(so this might answer the question as to why Israel allows this).
Like Judaism, it is a death penalty offense for a Muslim to convert to Xtianity (our courts do not enforce the death penalty). So some Muslims see the US and their wholesale export of Xtianity (and the way of life that goes with it) to the Middle East as a spiritually life threatening "act of war" against Islam. Israel represents the US "arm" in the Middle East to those who feel this way because of Israel's open door policy to Dispensationalist Christian
'Zionists" who see Jews returning the the Holyland as the first step in starting the War of Armageddan, the Xtian crusade agains Islam for the Holyland. For those Jews who wonder what happens next according to Christian "Zionists", after we take the Temple Mount and rebuild the Third Temple with their money and support, they plan to kill all Jews who will not convert as this is a necessary prelude to the return of their messiah.
Among the 1.5 BILLION Muslims worldwide, however this belief is certainly in the extreme minority.
Just to illustrate, how extreme a minority of Muslims have waged war against the West, please consider that the US Army has 675,000 soldiers. If militant violent Islam had an army the size of US armed forces worldwide, it would still comprise .04% of Muslims the world over. Since we have all seen the destructive might and power of the US Army, I think that to even say that there are that many Islamic soldiers in the world might be extreme.
Surely the overwhelming majority of Muslims are people who simply want to live their lives in peace and practice their faith without interference from missionaries who would cut them off from their eternal spriritual life.
Isn't that what WE want also?
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
In crown heights every day jews are being assalted I was assalted 3 times in the past year.
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