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Monday, April 25, 2005

Fatal Tragic Fire in Willimasburg

Williamsburg Brooklyn, On Monday 04/25/05 at 05:52 a.m. There was a fire at 104 Ross St and Wythe Ave, fire started on the second floor of a six-story brick building then spread to the third. The fire was caused by heat from a stovetop that was left on for three days due to the Passover holiday, with three kids death at area hospitals, a six year-old boy and two brothers - 13 and 16 years old from the same family, 7 other residents remain in area hospitals with non-life threatening injuries two of them women, ages 21 and 18, that were hurt when they jumped from the second floor window, also two firefighters were taken to Woodhull Hospital with minor injuries. Investigation is ongoing.


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