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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Chortkover Cemetery being dug up by State Hospital of Ukraine

Chortkover Cemetery
Originally uploaded by Shloma Shamos.
A hospital in the Ukrainian city of Chortkov has dug up an the oldest Jewish cemetery existing in Chortkov dating back to the early 17th century, that lies adjacent to the hospital and in order to use it as a garden.

Chortkov is home to a Jewish community whose members continue to bear a moral responsibility for the maintenance of local Jewish graves, and Its located in the Ternopol Region, 76 km. south of Ternopol and 82 km. from Chernovtsy
This act of desecration took place despite the fact that the cemetery is a registered historical property with the central government.

Buried here there are victims of the Khmelnitski pogroms, generations of local Jews, community leaders and Rabbis Zaddikem.


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