Request From Mayor M. Bloomberg; Please Not To Call Him Late At Night At Home.

Mayor M. Bloomberg; said he'd appreciate it if you don't call him late at night. But in an emergency you could, because he works for the people, and that's part of the job.
The mayor, who has a listed home number, said he received a late-night phone call from a constituent on Monday. She was concerned about a housing issue.
The 63-year-old mayor said he didn't quite understand what the woman wanted, so he asked her to call his work number in the morning. She did and Bloomberg transferred the call to someone who could help her.
But if you can't get the 311 operator to budge? Maybe you should dial Bloomberg may be the mayor and a billionaire but he's just a phone call away - only if you call at the right hour.
U/D: July 14, 2005
The mayor's town house on the Upper East Side received "more calls than we can count" after news organizations reported that his phone number was in the book, said Mr. Bloomberg's communications director.
The woman who dialed the Bloomberg residence on Monday, Sheila Powsner, a Brooklyn schoolteacher, said that she was happy with his response.
But not everyone who has made the call seemed satisfied. Toby Cohen, who said she called the mayor's home more than once with her own housing complaint and tried to hand-deliver a letter to him there, believes Mr. Bloomberg tried to avoid her.
"A man answered the phone and insisted he was not the mayor," she said yesterday. "But I'm quite sure it was him because I recognized his voice."
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