Garden State Parkway +Fatal MVA+
Garden State Parkway +Fatal MVA+ On the Garden State Parkway, Hatzolah ALS was requested earlier today to the MVA.
VOS IZ NEIAS Breaking news and community news that might be to your curiosity as it happens, before you get it from your news source.
At 9:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
does anyone have any updates, heard it was a lady from lakewood. any details as to who this is???
At 9:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The lady's last name was Zeiger, living in Israel, originally from Philly. The levayah is in Lakewood tonight. Does anyone know the Shiva information?
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
what happened ?
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Any body alse in the car ? I see that she died What happen over their?
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
the body was taken too isreal
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
she went into cardiac arrest
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just to clarify, It was traumatic arrest, and there was major hock with some of our tzadikim, priamrily Yankie Mayer, who wasn't even there and got jealous that chesed shel emes, was cleaning up the blood, and yaknie called chesed shel emes and threatened that if they don't leave the scene and stop driving the niftar, he will have them arrested. This is 100% true and there is a tape of the recorded conversation floating around the internet. once again we see that people only want to help when it makes them look good and not for the mitzvah. When you here the tape you will all be shocked at the languauge this ASKIN was using. Hashem Yishmor. In the 3 weeks with all this tragedy, all people want is respect. We should all learn what NOT to do, and we should do Mitzvoas for all the right reasons.
At 2:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
The fight was not with chesed shell emes but with a lowlife creep from monsey who claimed to be representing CSE.
At 2:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
every chusheva ruv or organization in monsey knows that leeder is a mishcas shebemishchusym
At 7:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
As per the people in Chesed Shel Emes, this guy was volunteering for them at the time of the fight, and he is still a volunteer for them. Regardless, if you hear the tape, you dont hear him curse and yell, and you DO hear Jack mayers language. So based on this I think Jack in the Mishchis.
At 3:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Leader is an old bucher, a BT. He is very controversial. Hatzolah in Monsey have a long cheshbon with him; they claim he buff their calls.
The police in monsey had him take his lights down.
He goes to all the accidents and wherever there is action. The police hate him. he is like a won man, having his own organization. At the accident on the 17 he was happy to have his picture in the papers, cleaning up the blood.
However, he does work for chesed shel emes.
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
does anybody know where I can listen to the clip?
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
All of you have no understanding of what a mishchis lieder is. He just tries to get his way into everything noisy. If he was threatened than he well deserves it. I only hope he is put in his place once and for all.
At 12:12 AM,
Anonymous said… has the tape emailme and iwill send it to you at whit your email and i will send it to you
At 3:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
shame on chesed shel emes that a mishchas as ledder works for them
i guess that is the quality of chesed shel emes
would you want a family memeber of yours to be transported by ledder
At 7:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
chesed shel emes is one of the last organizations that has no kavod, and only does good. And they do get up in the middle of the night all the time. As per a few rabanim in Monsey, they have no problem with this guy, so if hyou claim that the rabanim dont not like him, please give a name of a rav so this can be verified. On the other hand, Rumor has it that Yanky Mayer is starting all this Mushchis talk, so people stop saying what a mushchis he is.
At 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe that people would even consider Lieder as a human forget about a mentch. He has a long standing history of showing his true disgusting colors when he gets involved in many situations. If CSE counts him as one of theirs its only a black spot on CSE. I only hope that no one out there finds out the hard way what kind of person he really is.
At 9:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
We can all agree that for a few years the only people with any bad words for CSE is Jack Meyer and his friends. So i will disregard any comments against CSE, because I have seen first hand the work they do, and most of their volunteers aren't even known by their neighbors. No fancy parking permits, badges etc. So all of you Jack Meyer fans out there, keep bashing the last good organization out there, and see how the only gain is that all get shut down, and then no one gets help.
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can anyone provide details on the organization CSE? Who started them, where are they run out ot, and what do they do?
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
CSE was started 15 years ago by Mendy Rosenberg. Originally it was started to provide Chesed Shel Emes, burial to jews that could not afford it. Most of the people they help either are not frum or have no money. Alot of what they do is convince families that don't want kosher burials, that they should do it kosher. Most of the families complain that it cost too much, and CSE covers all the costs. Besides for this, they also have Karka "plots" in many cemetaries so that Yiddin can get buried in a timely manner, even if there is no money. They work very well with the Medical Examiner's office and stop autopsies and get the bodies released quickly. (this is why Yankie Maeyer hates them, he wants all the credit). Chesed Shel Emes also started helping the removal of blood and bodies in public places for the sake of Kavod Hames, for example there was a accident on the Belt a while ago, and they were there cleaned up brought the niftar to a chapel and left. They try very hard to stay low key, and never ask for money from the people they help. There is never a charge for their service. Up until recently most people never heard of them because they are not looking to be public figures, however sadly, too many people want to be big shots and are causing a chilul hashem. This is truly one of the few remaining organizations that are not looking for Kavod, and we should all be jealous of them. Hopefully no one here should ever need their services. Amen
Please note I do not know who this Issac is that I hear Yanky screaming at on the tape, but I do know, that Yanky was screanming at CSE not him personally. It is my hope and wish that all of these askonim, even if they do not like each other, should learn to work with each other for the sake of klal and the tzibur. If this accomplishes that may we be zoche to bring the guela quickly with achdus. Amen
At 12:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Isaac Lieder.
At 1:12 PM,
this discussions are bring down the posts to an unintelligible standard, we will have to delete anything that isn't in the roam of conversation, just hate, stupidity and bashing one each other.
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
if you listen good you will hear "i dont care a bout mendy if he sent you "but thats not the way to be a ledder of n.j. i know mr lidder he does not boder nobody just people dont like him thats it thats way there is so many stores it is not a joke
At 10:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
who is mendy that is referred to?
At 8:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
anyone here ever heard of spell check?
At 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
What is spel chek?
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