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Monday, September 26, 2005

Bear Mountain +Missing Persons+

Rockland County, Bear Mountain +Missing Persons+ Search is going on in the Bear Mountain State Park by multiple agencies including Kiryas Yoel, Monroe and 'Q' Hatzolah and also aviation for missing 64-year-old medical doctor Dr. Majer Rosenfeld and his 8 year old grandson, also looking for the gold Honda vehicle with NY registration MD-59046.

U/D: 8:53
Search has been canceled, they have been found by aviation, after being lost since last night and spending the night in the forests.

They are said to be in excellent condition and in good spirits, and sought shelter overnight in a lean-to in one of the park's campgrounds. They declined medical examinations and have been released after questioning.


  • At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    does anyone know who this was

  • At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It says
    Dr. Majer Rosenfeld


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