Borough Park +RMP Accident+
Borough Park, Brooklyn +RMP Accident+ MVA involving an RMP at 59th St and 19th Ave requesting EMS FDNY for the MOS with neck and back injuries, also requesting Hatzolah.
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At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
any update?
any yidden involved?
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
it was 2 heimishe cars that colided, at least 3 yidden were taken in to hospital
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
what is rmp?
At 8:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
What is a heimishe car?
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Are the police officer heimisha?
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
can someone tell me what rmp means?
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
a nick name/acronom for a police vehicle
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
RMP mens Radio Mobile Patrol it is a PD termonoligy for a Police Car
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
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