Jewish slave labourers' grave found near US base

Jewish inmates from the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp have been found in a wartime makeshift mass grave in the US army base in southern Germany next to Stuttgart airport by workers, police said yesterday.
The skeletal remains of about 30 individuals were dug up during work and tests indicate the bodies are the right age to be Jews used as forced labourers in the area.
Jewish inmates from the nearby Echterdingen detention camp were used at the airbase thathas been used by the Gestapo when the site was a Luftwaffe air strip during World War II, between November 1944 and February 1945.
U/D: 09/23/05
Construction work the airport was halted Thursday after a Rabbi protests against removal of Jewish remains
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
which concentration camp is this from?
At 1:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma where are you takeing this story from, and also you dont have a link to it
At 2:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
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