This Credit Card Is Shomer-Shabbas Friendly

This new card, from major financial institutions, won't work on Shabbas. And even on non-holy days, it will never function at a store that stays open on Shabbas.
The card could be used during life-and-death emergencies on Sabbas (called pikuach nefesh).
What's the biggest upshot for the card? If an Orthodox Jews wallet is stolen on Friday afternoon, even the most secular of Jews can't fraudulently use the card for at least 25 hours.
At 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
is it also allowed to be carried on Shabat?
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is the work of former wrestling star Raphael Halpern.he is a rabbi in Israel,a legitimate talmud chochom who is trying to encourage shmiros shabbos.
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
kol hakavod to eretz yisroel
At 8:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:27 AM,
Dan Eisenberg said…
"And even on non-holy days, it will never function at a store that stays open on Shabbas."
So it won't work at the gas station owned by goyim on tuesday?
Also which Zman does it follow? Mogen Avruham? Will it work erev shabbos during the 18 minutes? Will it work in a treyf resteraunt or only kosher ones. Oy, but which hashgachas. I don't want to take away someones parnassah, but this seems like a lot of bitul zman. A person so brilliant to figure this out should use his talents to solve big problems like world hunger and sinnas chinam. Gevalt!
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
since the internet is treif, will it allow online purchases?
At 5:51 PM,
Dan Eisenberg said…
If a person has a heter to use internet for parnasah, avadeh not in the house, only the office, can he also buy something on-line? So he can call up the credit card and say he has a heter to use the internet.
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