War protester Cindy Sheehan's Visiting New York
War protester Sheehan's imminent visit to New York City has provoked a bitterly divided reaction from city leaders.
Brooklyn Borough President, Marty Markowitz, has offered to "personally welcome" Ms. Sheehan to Brooklyn Borough Hall.
But City Council Member Simcha Felder, hopes to send a different message to a woman they view as a fanatic and doesn't speak for other families who lost their children in the war in Iraq.
"As far as I'm concerned, she can go back to where she came from," Mr. Felder said. "If she came to my neighborhood, I would drive her out. I would do everything I could to make her life miserable, legally."
Brooklyn Borough President, Marty Markowitz, has offered to "personally welcome" Ms. Sheehan to Brooklyn Borough Hall.
But City Council Member Simcha Felder, hopes to send a different message to a woman they view as a fanatic and doesn't speak for other families who lost their children in the war in Iraq.
"As far as I'm concerned, she can go back to where she came from," Mr. Felder said. "If she came to my neighborhood, I would drive her out. I would do everything I could to make her life miserable, legally."
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
So now Felder wnats some publicity as well? Welcome to the bandwagon.
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
well he can think what he wants he dosen't speek for all becose he is jewish.... i think as a jew the war is not wright
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
"i think as a jew the war is not wright"
What does it have with you being Jewish,? isn't our security is first?
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
What does it have with you being Jewish,? isn't our security is first?
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
idiot felder. What does he think he will bring on when he talks like that????
intresting so many goyim hate us. actually NOT so interesting after reading what felder said... :-/
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
lets just look at this objectivly. the whole story our gov ( bush ) is bullcrapping us with is that we are going to bring democracy to the middle east, lets get real, this will never happen. the real reason we are there is to secure the region to keep the flow of oil coming. if the wrong people take control of the middle east ( muslim fanatics) we ( the U.S.)will be put in a choke hold and crumble. they will become the most powerfull people on the planet and we will become a third world nation riding donkeys to work. harry truman said it right after world war 2 that we have to keep the middle east secure at all costs. so wether we want to be there or not and have young men die over there or not is not our choice its a matter of survival for our country, the bringing democracy to these people is just a nice way to mask the situation to the rest of the world, who wants to see us crumble anyway. and for the people in this country who think we can live without oil, your very wrong. one day in the future we will figure a way to use other sources and types of fuel, but until then this is all we got. its a sad story but this is the truth. and im sure cindy sheehan doesnt even want to ride a donkey to work.
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
well, felder schmuck is the one who voted for an 18% real estate tax with Bloomberg so he can dish out money for his favorite non profit organazation.
since then he is the Mayor's best friend, he took money out of your and my pocket that Ganif.
so now the people are angry at Bloomberg for raising the real estate tax and thats reason enough not to vote for Bloomberg, why don't all of us call his office and let him have it.
the power and glorey has gotten to his head, could be the compressed air in Bloomberg's jet caused him brain damage for him to speak like this.
he now talks just like his mentor Dov Hiking, the JDLnick.
let this women come and talk all she wants, maybe Felder can find some money from the real estate tax to pay for her trip.
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simcha Felder is an elected official, and the argument happened in the City Council, so he has all right to speak
Sheehan should go back to where she came from, nobody asked her
If she's so upset why did she let her son join the army
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Her son was a person for himself. er dorf NISHT fraygin reshis fin zon moma tzee gein in the army.
Yes she can come here to NY, Felder should NOT talk like that.
At 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Felder has the right to what he likes. This is a democratic country.
At 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Felder has the right to what he likes. This is a democratic country.
At 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
so why do the jews complain that there is anti-semitism?
as you say, This is a democratic country.
At 10:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:51 AM, Anonymous said…
"i think as a jew the war is not wright"
what is "WRIGHT"?
At 12:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't get whats going on here.
Felder was elected to the City Council by us and he helped out more people then we all know .
Go around and ask people in Boro Park how Felder's office helped them on a personal level, I personaly got helped through his office and B"H no one knows accept me and his office.
I think it is unfair to bash him like this when he does so much for the Klal.
At 12:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like alot of Noach Dear fans on this board
At 4:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
first felder does not talk for all of boro park. 2nd i went to his office to get help when my house got broken into & a store in (boro park flat.) was selling my silver he told me he cant help me (and i hed a police report) i went to the store my self and the owner from the store called police on me but b"h
he got arested thats when hes office called me how i can to that,to put a jew in trouble...
mr felder becouse of you we never got any thing back.
At 9:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
to anonymous at 1:15 PM, if Bush would take all those billions he is spending on the war & put it to research new energy sources, wouldn't that gain us energy independence without sacrificing young lives?
At 1:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
איך מיין אויך אז סאיז בעסער פאר א אידישע קאונסילמאן זיך צו האלטן ווי שטילער, נאך אלעם האט זי א שטארקער דעת הקהל, און נישט אונז דארפן זיין דער וואס שלאגט זיך מיט זיי
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said... 4:57am Something doesn't make sense about your story with the silver store.
What did you expect from the Councilman to do that you had a breakin in your house?
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
to get the silver back (my silver) that a store was selling
At 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the "silver" blogger, you obviously have your own personal vendetta against the councilman, so your comments are not exactly objective in this case. Felder can make a comment like that especially if it's already brought up in City Hall, with some inane councilmembers who care more about empty resolutions rather than actually helping out their communities. (James and deblasio come to mind)
At 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't understand how bringing in the comment about the goyim hating us for what was said has any relevance here. Either way, do your research on this Sheehan woman. She is not just a simple mother who lost her son, she has become a tool in the propoganda war of the left who are using her as a symbol to vent their left-wing dribble and anti-semitic, anti-Israel hate fests. (Such exemplary organizations who just love Jews like ANSWER and Code Pink.) This woman is deranged--she is already criticizing Hillary and wants troops pulled out of “occupied New Orleans.” Give me a break and stop bringing in real estate taxes to this debate.
At 9:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 9:10 am. no it would not be enough money, it would probable just get us started in serious reshearch and development, not to mention changing the way an intire country uses energy, retooling, changing our oil consuming transportation systems , heating, air travel etc etc it all starts with arab crude oil. and the rest of the world isnt so quick to change, so the finacial burden on this country would be tremendous. thats the reason bush is going about it this way , its the cheaper way out, to send our young guys over there.
At 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cindy Sheehan's is an Anti Semite and mingles with Palistinians that would love to see us all dead no matter if you are jewish or not.
Councilman Felder keep it up YES you represent the Jewish Community and you should continue sticking up for us when it comes to these hate mongers.
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
All you complaining about the Real Estate Tax hike blame the Mayor not the Councilman. The Mayor said this at the breakfast felder hosted about 2 years ago
"Blame me for the tax hike"
At 11:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
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