Williamsburg +Pedestrian Struck+
Williamsburg +Pedestrian Struck+ Accident with pedestrian 6 Y/O male that was struck and is in serious condition at Middletown St and Harrison Ave, Hatzolah on the scene requesting Medics with a rush, aided has severe head injuries and bleeding from the mouth.
U/D: 20:14
Hatzolah ALS units takeing aided to Bellevue Hospital.
At 9:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
The singers Teichman family, an adult help 3 kids cross the street, and He didn't a good job, Police are investigating
At 6:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
In a September 9 editorial ("The City Vs. Hatzolah") we opined on the arrest of a senior Hatzolah official by a New York City police lieutenant — still unidentified or reprimanded — when the Hatzolah official insisted, pursuant to applicable rules, that Hatzolah emergency personnel be allowed to come to the aid of a stricken elderly woman whose neighbors had summoned them. It is now officially acknowledged by the city that the police lieutenant acted arbitrarily and was in error in barring Hatzolah. What struck us as well was The New York Times` one-sided — and as it turned out, totally erroneous — account of what had transpired. Moreover, The Times used this opportunity to focus on undocumented claims by a number of anonymous line police officers of frequent "Hasidic/Jewish" lawbreaking and official, politically inspired special treatment ordered by higher-ups. As we said on September 9, the suggestion of persistent lawbreaking and routine cover-ups was a total fabrication by The Times reporters. However, two subsequent tragedies dramatize that not only was The Times focus misplaced and inaccurate, but also the real problem of cover-ups lay in a culture of undue solicitude by police officers for the private, suspect acts of their police colleagues. Consider the following:
On the evening of September 22, retired New York judge Paul P.E. Bookson, a long time, larger than life fixture in the Jewish community, died from injuries he suffered earlier in the day from being hit by a motorcycle. The motorcycle was driven by an off-duty, rookie policewoman. The policewoman was not licensed to operate a motorcycle, having only a learner`s permit which required the supervision of a qualified, licensed motorcyclist in attendance — which was not the case. The policewoman was not identified by police. She was issued a summons by officers on the scene for driving with only a learner`s permit and a police department spokesman promptly announced that no departmental or other charges would be filed. She was not arrested on the spot, as are unregistered drivers or those driving with expired or suspended licenses. She was not required to take a standard breathalyzer test at the scene. There was no investigation as to the level of her competence in operating a motorcycle and whether the level of her expertise contributed to the accident, or whether it rendered her operation of the motorcycle actionable reckless conduct or indifference to the safety of others.
On Friday, September 23, 12-year-old Virginia Verdee, walking with her sister and a group of girls after attending a church service in The Bronx, was struck and killed by an SUV driven by an off-duty policeman, who some witnesses said was driving at an excessive rate of speed and erratically. The policeman was not administered a breathalyzer test at the scene but only some time later, at which time it was alleged that no alcohol was detected in his system. Again, the policeman was whisked away from the scene, without his identity being disclosed. Nor was the policeman charged. A spokesman for the Bronx District Attorney`s office said there are no immediate plans for an investigation. However, Virginia Verdee`s elder sister was arrested. Reportedly, she was directed by police to take no pictures of the accident scene, the SUV, the skidmarks or her sister`s splattered blood. When she persisted, she was subdued by pepper spray and arrested at the scene.
When an official of Hatzolah, NYC`s premier volunteer ambulance service and the envy of all those engaged in responding to medical emergencies, can be arrested for insisting on the enforcement of applicable rules, the arresting officer appears to have gone well beyond proper limits. When the sister of a victim of a tragic death can be arrested for taking pictures at the scene of the tragedy, we again see police officers becoming a law unto themselves. When an unlicensed motorcyclist, albeit a policewoman, kills a pedestrian, she has committed a very serious violation of law. These improprieties are compounded when police officers are cut inordinate slack and given preferential treatment by their colleagues. Where an investigation of a police officer`s conduct is warranted, or when police officers make mistakes by not following the rules, they should be dealt with in the same way any other citizen would be dealt with. They ought not to be whisked away from a tragic death scene, brethalyzer tests should be administered at the scene, and their identities ought to be made known. We disagree with the apparent policy of the Bloomberg Administration of circling the wagons around our men and women in blue.
The time has come for the city`s DA`s to get involved and get to the bottom of these apparent improprieties. And it is time to report their findings to the citizenry of our city, to whom they are obligated.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
yitzchok b'r mayar teichman
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
The child will be fine iy'h
At 6:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
a refuah shleima bimhayra
At 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
the child came home for shabbos and is b'h fine just a broken leg
all the best
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