Bronx +Major Deagan Traffic Advisory+
Bronx +Major Deagan Traffic Advisory+ Northbound Major Deagan and Fordham Road at exit 9, a SUV overturned blocking some lanes but no pin, Highway PD and ESU are on the scene, requesting EMS. Traffic delays building through the area.
At 12:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
A young woman in williamsburg just past away I hear the name is Poltchak anyone knows anything about what happend and when/where is the Lvaua please post, or Shloma Shamos you should know, if you are not to busy with the Thura please let us know.
At 12:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes her name is Poltchack wife of Yossi Polatchack he is Gabba in Satmar on Rodney St. She was sick just 2 weeks, the Luvaua will be in front of Satmar Rodney at 1:00 am Hmokam Ynacham Ascham
At 12:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Leave Shlomo Shamos alone, he is busy with the Thura, I just past by on Broadway and I did see him there.
At 1:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
What's a Thura?
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
she was 42 years old, she left behind a husband(Reb Yossf) and 7 kids at home
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